When Lin Feng and Su came to Narrow Road Tianguan with Fenghuang Ming, the exit of Narrow Road Tianguan had collapsed and collapsed. There was no way to the sky and no way to enter the ground. Su was really anxious.

Lin Feng really said to Su Huan: "The space here is chaotic, I can't use my space ability, I can only forcefully break through it! Su Huan really, I will follow up later."

"Su understands."

Su really nodded, and now, it's up to Lin Feng to see what he can do.

"Death Crossing!"

Lin Feng took out the double scythes of the god of death, and the god of death came out in a decisive manner, the pure power of darkness erupted, and the sword qi of the cross cut through the earth, opening a passage.

".〃Follow!" Lin Feng shot out.

"Lin Feng actually possesses such a pure power of darkness, what exactly is he?" Su was still genuinely puzzled, but this was not the time to think deeply.

Lin Feng and others just escaped from the extinction realm, and the passage below quickly collapsed. At this time, the ground was still shaking, like a [-]-magnitude earthquake, and it was difficult for ordinary people to stand.


Stop Ge Liu sword array.

Quezhou Yifandu fights the Taixuezhu.

"Stop Geliu. Die!"

Quezhou raised his sword and pointed to the sky, gathered the majestic sword qi, slashed down with one sword, and hundreds of sword qi swayed out, attacking the Taixue master directly.

Taixue presided over the sword and stood, with his own domineering domineering, his hands slightly raised, and the terrifying dark power filled the sword array, forming a terrifying death space.

Between the flashes of black thunder, space cracks like black holes formed around the Taixue Master. The sword qi emitted by Quzhou Yifandu entered from the space cracks and was refracted out.

Space cracks one after another, constantly refracted, weaving a web of death swords.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were torn apart, the sword light broke through the air, and the murderous intention was infinite, and Quzhou Yifandu was attacked by his own moves.

"Crossing the Five Delights, Fixing the Four Righteousness, Returning to the Three Enlightenments, and the Twelve Evils of Satan are all empty!"

The sword energy is dense like rain, and there is no way to avoid it. When the boat sees it, he moves the sword and rises. Immediately, the holy lotus blooms, and thousands of golden lotuses protect the whole body of the boat.

(Wang Hao) "I didn't expect the Taixue Master's spatial ability to play so smoothly, but I can learn it." Quezhou thought about it and was about to make another move, but at this moment, there was a strong vibration on the ground, even if it stopped The Geliu sword formation was also affected.

"Such a strong vibration, what happened?" The Master Taixue also felt puzzled for a while, and the extreme moves he was preparing also stopped.


The Heaven-destroying divine power from the Extermination Realm has prompted the two realms to combine at the most critical juncture.

Luyuan Yicheng, Pharmacist's Terrace.

The Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms sighed and said, "God's will!"

With a helpless sigh, the deer garden suddenly covered the eyes, countless rays of light rushed to the sky, auspiciousness suddenly appeared, the sky fell golden rain, the ten thousand Buddhas gathered in the narrow road, the Buddha emperor stepped out of the deer garden, the compassionate Buddha Dharma, the magical power of saving the world, a Stressful situation changes.

"Nine Seals Mandala!"

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong protects the land of misery and suppresses the "Demon World Buddha". Under the suppression of the "Nine Seals Mandala" formation, the period of misery and extinction has stabilized, but how long can this situation last? No one Know!


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The Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms led the monks of the Luyuan to display the "Nine Seals Mandala" great formation, suppressing the rise of the realm of extinction. At the gate of the narrow road, the Buddha's light was shining, the Sanskrit script was descending, and the shape of a mandala was inscribed on the ground. huge array.

For a time, the monks in Luyuan and the Buddha's business were in a stalemate, and the "Monster Buddha" could not break through. The changes in the destruction of the realm were suppressed for a time, and the miserable land also calmed down.

Lin Feng and Su Huan really rushed to the narrow road, and after arriving in the miserable realm, Lin Feng immediately used his space ability to directly open a door to the glass fairyland.

After handing Fenghuang Ming and Yuren Feibee to Feiyu Grievance Ji for treatment, Su Huanzhen said to Lin Feng, "Thank you, Mr. Lin Feng, for your righteous help, but Mr. Quezhou is now fighting the god of death, so please make another move, Mr.

"Lack of a boat? I understand!" Lin Feng nodded. Quezhou Yifandu was an illusion of the "Holy Soul". Even if Su didn't say anything, Lin Feng would not let it go. The Taixuezhu battle is definitely a thankless thing.


Stop Geliu Sword Array.

The mighty sword qi formed a huge circular enchantment, and countless sword qi whistled like a substance, and in the high sky, black thunder roared, constantly smashing on the sword formation, causing the Zhige Liu sword formation to violently turmoil. , it seems like a collapse!

In the sword formation, after a series of battles, Quezhou Yifandu and Taixuezhu were each injured.

"I didn't expect you to be able to do this to such an extent. It seems that I still underestimated you. Unfortunately, the god of death is not something you can defeat. This game should be over! The god of death is forbidden. The five gods thunder.

I saw the great master of the Taixue, with his hands raised, all the power of chaos in the universe gathered in his hands, his imposing manner surpassed the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, and the black thunder roared, forming five 747 black vortexes in front of him, and then suddenly exploded, frantic. Lei Rutao swept out. , destroying all things in the world.

"Stop Geliu · Heaven's Oath!"

The lack of a boat and a sail to rush Jiyuan again, the "Wenshu Sword" stationed, and the sword energy rushed into the sky in an instant, transforming thousands of sword shadows and flying down, mighty and continuous.


Lightning flashes, and sword energy is surging.

At the moment when the extreme moves collided, the Taixue Master used his space ability to appear behind Quezhou Yifandu, and the "Myth of Doomsday" in his hand beheaded, but unexpectedly Quzhou felt it earlier, and stabbed the Taixue Lord's mouth with a sideways sword.


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