"Wow wow wow, it was so intense at first. Fortunately, we stood far away. If we swept to the tail of the typhoon, it would be miserable. It seems that the insurance measures are not enough, so we need to step back."

The last battle was not played in the Gate of Heavenly Sword, so everyone around could watch it, but looking at Shibi Shanyan, which was devastated by sword energy, everyone present felt unsafe.

"Holy Soul" and "Demon Soul" are now both super-innate peaks. Change.

"Thunderbolt" is a high martial plane, so the rules and materials of this plane are relatively solid, so the destructive power is much smaller, but even so, the radius of thousands of miles is within the scope of the destructive power of the warring parties, but only The initial countermeasures destroyed the surrounding stone walls.

Seeing this, Liu Zhuyi would injure innocent people. While resisting the scattered sword energy, he said to the surrounding people watching the battle: "This place is not safe, everyone should retreat quickly."

The people around are not fools, and they are naturally happy to watch the fun, but it is not worth it to take their lives! Except for some masters who are confident in their own strength, ordinary Yao Dao Jiao quickly leaves this place of right and wrong.

At this moment, on the cliff several miles away, a group of black figures with long knives hanging from their waists kept shuttle in the forest, and they were close to the edge of the cliff in an instant.

One of them said to the men in black around him: "Young master is coming, everyone is waiting."


Neat and uniform, the black robes are placed on the body, and the horizontal swords are standing. From the perspective of clothing, it is the black-robed sword guard in the world.

After a while, a majestic sword sedan came from a distance.


The black-clothed sword guards shouted: "Shenzhou discusses martial arts, and the world seals the sword."

Sitting in the sword sedan chair, Dao Wuwu proudly said: "How can I be missing from the "Heavenly Sword" event?"

As he spoke, he watched the showdown below with gusto.

And in the battlefield below.

After a round of fierce confrontation, Quezhou, Yifandu, and a sword fight.

"Wenshu, start the sword!"

The Manjusri sword rises, the holy light is full of light, and the lack of boat draws the sword and steps into the air. Between the spins, the man and the sword are unified, adding a few points to the power.

"The Five Delights of Maha. People return to old age!"

The sword is like a rainbow, traversing the sky, drawing a bright sword light

"Jiuxiao's magic moves and falls into the red dust!"

Emperor Yuanxie pulled out "Creation", the demonic energy was soaring to the sky, and he slammed into each other. The indomitable magic power and the immeasurable Buddhist cultivation base. With one blow, it shook the sky, shattered the earth, and even shocked the minds of those watching the battle. !

"Boom~ clack clack~"

With a loud explosion, countless interlaced cracks spread out from the feet of the two, the mountain began to collapse, the two jumped up, and they continued to fight in the sky.

As for the demonic corners that had just run away not far, many people were directly swallowed up by the broken mountain crevices, and some were hit by flying rocks and died tragically on the spot!

"Yao Shou, Di Peng will take the big boy to fly." Qin Jiuxian climbed onto Di Peng's back and shouted.

"Presumptuous, unreasonable, bold!" Although Di Peng's mouth was stubborn, he still flew up with Qin Jiuxian on his back, and just complained: "Qin Jiuxian, why are you so heavier?"

"Illusion, let me fly!"

Qin Jiuxian carried a large bag of gold and silver behind his back. These were all the gambling funds he had collected before. Adding up to the silver notes, it was hundreds of thousands of taels.

However, Di Peng is also a divine beast anyway, so it is no problem to carry a few thousand pounds.

And those congenital masters can still protect themselves in this situation, use movement techniques to dodge, or send out sword qi and sword light to resist.

But those Yaodao horns who have no strength are out of luck. They were just watching the fun, but they fell bloody and were attacked by the aftermath of the battle, killing and injuring hundreds of people in just a short time.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer, that's what they say!

And the warring Yuanxie Huang and Quezhou Yifandu did not pay attention to these people, they still fought on their own.

Dao Wu I, who was watching the battle in the mountains in the distance, was stunned, only to feel that this trip was not in vain.

Dao Wuwu is the second young master of the world's sealed swords, that is, the second son of Dao Wuji. He has a distinguished status and exquisite swordsmanship. He is highly valued by his father Dao Wuji. Such a top battle has never been seen before.

A black-clothed sword guard felt the shaking ground and the sword qi flying all over the sky, and said to the sword Wuwu: "Young Master, this place is not safe, let's leave!"

"How can I miss such a wonderful duel? Don't worry, this place is very far from the battlefield, it's very safe..." Before Dao Wuwu finished his words, a flying sword qi hit the cliff where they were, and The small half of the mountain was shattered, and several black-clothed sword guards were unstable and rolled down the cliff.


Dao Wuwu swallowed his saliva, wiped the cold sweat on his head, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Let's go back to the world and seal the knife, the outside world is too dangerous!"


The surrounding black-clothed sword guards were amnesty, and they ran away without a trace while carrying the sword sedan.

The battle on the battlefield has also become intensified. Although Quzhou Yifandu and Yuanxiehuang are almost the same in strength, the difference in weapons is reflected.

After a confrontation, although the "Menjusri Sword" in the hands of Quezhou Yifandu is also an intermediate-level fairy weapon removed from the incarnation of the "Infinity Stones", it is inferior to the high-level magic weapon "Creation" in the hands of Yuanxie Huang. many.


The swords met, and the "Menjusri Sword" in Quezhou's hand was finally overwhelmed. A cracking sound was heard, and it was directly cut off by "Creation". With a sound, he stared hard at the stone wall, making a humming tremor.

"Saint Lotus transforms into a thousand!"

Quezhou turned from attacking to defending, the golden lotus guarded the body, and the holy light was charismatic.

"The smoke is buried and the clouds are extinguished!"

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