The moves are opposite, Shenglian Hua Daqian broke apart, the missing boat was injured and flew down, and Yuan Xiehuang made another shot.


Quezhou Yifandu threw up blood and fell to the ground, and stepped on the hard rock out of a big hole, Yuanxie Huang flew in mid-air, holding "Chuangshi" and proudly said: "You can't do anything, just use this trick to decide the outcome. Bar!"

Pang Ran's magic power was released, and I saw the clouds surging in the sky, and a huge evil eye appeared, spanning several miles, very terrifying!

"Darkness and darkness. Heaven and earth are sinking!"

The huge evil eye emits a purple beam, and it is difficult for those who are illuminated by the light to move. Even the Liuzhuyi below feels a strong restraint force, and it takes three layers of God Emperor Qi to break free.

And Quezhou Yifandu also used the Buddhist magic to protect the body, and pinched the law: "Crossing the Five Desires, Settling the Four Righteousness, Returning to the Three Enlightenments, and the Twelve Evils of Satan are all empty!"

The sword is lifted, the holy lotus blooms, and thousands of golden lotuses protect the whole body of the boat and resist the evil light.


According to the vote, 15 to 13, so in a few days, Thunderbolt will come to an end, and then start writing the super seminary chapter, this vote is very embarrassing, but since it has been said, it can't be back!

In addition, the status is not good recently, and the update is a little slow. Thank you for your support. Now I want to open a new book, but I am afraid that it will slow down the progress and cause some contradictions, so set a vote and let everyone decide! .

85 Crazy Blade Howling Rigo【For Collection】


The extreme moves were opposite, the golden lotus flew away, and the strongest body-protecting magic of the underground door, "Satan Twelve Evils Are Empty", broke down, and the "Manjusri Sword" in his hand also collapsed completely after this blow.

"God's will, is this really God's will?" Liu Zhuyi frowned as he watched the "Heavenly Sword" coming into the world. Compared with Emperor Yuanxie, he was more optimistic about Quzhou Yifandu, but now it seems that Quzhou's chances of winning Already - very slim!

"It's miserable, Lao Qin's pants are going to lose this time!" Qin Jiuxian, who was climbing on Di Peng's back, couldn't help crying out in grief as he watched Quzhou Yifandu fall completely below.

However, Quezhou Yifandu used the holy energy to motivate the "Heavenly Sword" at this time. The "Heavenly Sword" was originally transformed by the wild god, and naturally possessed intelligence. He responded immediately and flew towards Quezhou Yifandu. Yifandu flew up, grabbed the Heavenly Sword and swooped down, pressing out a heavy air pressure, and the sky roared and the earth shook.

"The candle dragon burns the sky!"

The Yuanxie Emperor's fortune-telling Ji Yuan, instantly blazing the sky, flew up, and fought for this shocking blow.


The swords intersected, and the qi was overwhelming the heaven and the earth, and the clouds and waves emptied in an instant, and the ground cracked three feet apart. I saw the holy air and magic energy. "Creation" was controlled by the power of the "Sword of Heaven", and the magic energy dissipated.

After the extreme, Emperor Yuanxie splashed blood and fell to the ground, missing the boat and crossing the "Heavenly Sword" leaning on the ground.

The wind was calm, and one Buddha and one demon stood opposite each other.

"The outcome is already divided, please leave the field!" Liu Zhuyi appeared and said to Emperor Yuanxie.

Emperor Yuanxie didn't say anything, took his sword and left. This result was negotiated in advance, but his face was a little gloomy, making people unable to see what he was thinking.

Yuanxie Huang left, Liuzhuyi stepped forward to support Quzhou Yifandu: "Are you alright!"

"No problem." Quezhou Yifandu waved.

This kind of injury is not serious for him, as long as he is willing, he can recover in an instant.

"Well, that's the best way to go to Luyuan Yicheng to recuperate first. When your injury improves, I will teach you the "Three Uniques of the Heavenly Sword" and kill the god of death together!" The power of the "Heavenly Sword" has greatly improved the grasp of killing the god of death.

Su Huanzhen also stepped forward and clasped his fists in a salute, "Senior Liuzhuyi, Mr. Quzhou, I'll leave everything to you!"

"Naturally, it's really true. You still need to take charge of the overall situation in martial arts, so I will trouble you to deal with it during this time!" Liu Zhuyi nodded.

Su also really did not delay: "The inferior must do their best."

Quezhou Yifandu Xiang Suhuanzhen said: "Waiting for us to leave again will be the end of death."

Su Huanzhen was obviously in a good mood, and smiled, "The inferior believes in the determination of Mr.

"Wearing the six-baht clothes, Yuyu hides the truth.

In the cloud, Fengshen Road, Ziwei descends into the apocalypse. "

In Landshi, Liu Zhuyi and Quezhou sailed across Huaguang and left.

Qin Jiuxian flew down on Di Peng and landed on a messy battlefield: "Su is really true, what are we doing now?"

Su Huanzhen looked at the legend of Qianye not far away, and then said: "First go back to the Liuli Wonderland to see the injuries of Senior Phoenix Ming and Ye Xiaochai."

"Yeah! Di Peng, let's go." Qin Jiuxian carried hundreds of catties of gold and silver and a large pile of silver bills, and left with a happy smile. If Quzhou Yifandu won, then he made a profit, and he was naturally happy.

Su Huizhen, Qin Jiuxian and Di Peng left, Qianye Legend also said to Wangu Changkong next to him: "Let's go too!"


In a deserted forest.

Xiao Rigo sat alone on a broken piece of wood, and said in a daze: "It's not good!"


"Not good!"



A martial artist with a knife said to his companion next to him: "Turtle boy, look, that lunatic went crazy there again"

Another person with a long sword nodded and said, "He was here last time we passed by, and I didn't expect to be here a few days later.!"

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