Just as Mo Dao Juechen and Yu Bufan were about to enter Qianzhuwu, a clear poem came from behind.

"Peng Tuan is [-] yuan, and his waist is ten thousand. Yangzhou cranes are used to riding on their backs. Things are related, the scenery is stagnant, and the gold is not rich. Heroes. A world of love. White is also an eye. Green is also an eye."

Mo Dao Juechen and Yu Bufan looked back, and saw a handsome young man with fluttering blond hair coming. This man was wearing a graceful black feather cloak.

The blond boy held a fan and clasped his fist, and said: "In the next day, the sword is blunt and the sword is blunt. How dare you be two, this is Qianzhuwu?".

86 Heavenly Sword Laughing Sword Blunt 【For Collection】


The bamboo forest is full of names of people who have been rescued by Tian Bugu, swaying with the wind, sometimes the breeze blows in the forest, sometimes the drizzle falls, sometimes the snow is flying, and the weather is changeable.

Outside the bamboo forest, Mo Dao Juechen and Yu Bufan encounter an unexpected person.

"Peng Tuan is [-] yuan, and his waist is ten thousand. Yangzhou cranes are used to riding on their backs. Things are related, the scenery is stagnant, and the gold is not rich. Heroes. A world of love. White is also an eye. Green is also an eye."

Mo Dao Juechen and Yu Bufan looked back, and saw a handsome young man with fluttering blond hair coming. This man was wearing a graceful black feather cloak.

The blond boy held a fan and clasped his fist: "I'm laughing at the blunt sword, dare to ask the two of you, is this Qianzhuwu?"

Mo Dao Juechen inexplicably felt that he and this young man named Xiaojian blunt had a special connection in the dark, but this feeling was very weak.

Xiaojian Duan has the same feeling for Mo Dao Juechen, which is due to the echo of the blood of the sword dragon, but they have not awakened the memory and the blood of the sword dragon, so they did not pay attention to it.

Yu Bufan saw that his sword was dull and gentle, and he was humble and polite. He couldn't help but feel good about it, and clasped his fists in a salute: "This is Qianzhuwu, under Yu Bufan, this is my friend Mo Dao Juechen, dare to ask my friend what's going on here? "

Mo Dao Juechen nodded as a response. With an indifferent personality, he didn't like long speeches, and his speech was very short. Now, he has become more indifferent and less words because of the blood feud of the desert family.

Laughing Jiandu didn't care, and said with a gentle smile, "I'm here to visit my righteous sister, what are you two doing?"

In his words, he was polite, but also a little tentative, because in Xiao Jian Du's opinion, the two people in front of him, especially Mo Dao Juechen, were cold and murderous, and they were probably looking for trouble.

"My sister?"

Mo Dao Juechen and Yu Bufan looked at each other. Could the person in front of them be Tian Bu Gu's righteous brother?

According to the investigation of the two, Tianbugu is likely to be the orphan of Xuejingliu. If he seeks revenge from the desert clan, it is very possible. Mo Dao Juechen looked at the "Tian Dao" at the blunt waist of Xiaojian with a cold expression, and suddenly he took out his sword. attack.

"Crazy Sand Rolling Storm' 々!"

The "Desert Sword" was unsheathed, and Mo Dao Juechen held the sword in his backhand, and cooperated with the counter-knife maneuver, accompanied by the wind and sand in the sky, showing a furious sabre sound.


The blunt laughing sword was already on guard, and the "Heavenly Saber" was instantly activated. The "Heavenly Saber" was an elegant long sword. Showing the nobleness of the Heavenly Sword like a son.

"Ming River together!"

It is also the Yutian Wulong, the Tiandao laughing and the sword are blunt and not weak. Thousands of times, the sound of weapons crashing in the air can be heard endlessly.

Although the two are reincarnated, they have the blood of the sword dragon, and they are both born swordsmen. In the swordsmanship, they have talents that are unmatched by ordinary people. The two are definitely top swordsmen among the younger generation. Incomparable.

Yu Bufan, who was on the side, couldn't help but be startled. The knife skills of the two were dazzling. The speed of the knife was so fast that it was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

"Clang! Clang! Clang~"

The battle between the two became more and more fierce. Accompanied by a piercing sound of gold and iron fighting, many stars burst out. I saw the light of the sword flickering in the wind and sand, and the momentum of the two became more and more high. The sword energy of the two was raging, and it was a mess.

The battle between the two became more and more fierce. Accompanied by a piercing sound of gold and iron fighting, many stars burst out. I saw the light of the sword flickering in the wind and sand, and the momentum of the two became more and more high. The sword energy of the two was raging, and it was a mess.

Yu Bufan also retreated to a distance to avoid being accidentally injured by the two.

Tiandao Xiaojian Duchen and Mo Dao Juechen fought more and more, and felt more and more killing intent. It was originally a test of martial arts, but it evolved into a life-and-death struggle, and the sword became more and more fierce.

"Desert Wind Slash!"

Mo Dao Juechen stepped out the next step. Immediately, Pang Ran's might slammed into all directions, and the sand danced wildly in the air.

"Celestial decision!"

The Tiandao's laughing sword is blunt and also very tricky, the incomparable sword qi bursts into the air, the outstanding figure, the detachment of the sword, slashes outright.


The extreme moves were opposite, the strong sword qi smashed the four fields, and the surrounding scenery was completely destroyed. In the huge explosion, the earth was split into deep cracks.



In the smoke and dust, the sound of dragon roar suddenly sounded, and Mo Dao Jue Chen and Xiao Jian Duan burst out with dragon-shaped energy at the same time.

"It's not good, if it goes on like this, the two of them will be in danger." Yu Bufan was shocked when he saw this, and wanted to separate the two, but the two who opened the eyes of the sword dragon had already advanced to the level of the top innate. , Yu Bufan is difficult to intervene.

The blood of the two sword dragons was awakened, and the indifferent sword dragon eyes exuded a ruthless and murderous light. The difference is that the eyes of Mo Dao Juechen are purple light, while the blunt sword of Tiandao is blue light. The power surpasses its own limit in an instant, and the power released is unreserved. The two swords meet, shaking the world.

". 々 Absolute Sword Raging Storm!"

"Cut Heaven's Wrath"

The "Desert Blade" slashed horizontally, the "Heavenly Blade" swept away, the sword and dragon tossed, stirring up the mountains and rivers. At the moment when the two peaks met, the two of them were injured at the same time, but the attack became more and more violent, as if the person in front of them was the enemy of life and death.

"Why did the two of them suddenly lose their minds? Why did their eyes glow again?" Yu Bufan was both anxious and puzzled. Although he wanted to help Mo Dao Juechen, he knew that if he stepped forward now, he would only He was afraid that he would die the fastest, but Yu Bufan was still secretly condensing his true essence. If Mo Dao Juechen was in danger, even if he had to fight for his life, he would still take action.

 (Good promise) "Imperial Sword and Heaven!"

"A Journey to Heaven!"

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