Mo Dao Jue Chen and Xiao Jian fought each other bluntly, vomited blood and flew back, but the killing intent in their eyes did not diminish at all, and with great luck, the dragon-shaped energy of one purple and one green penetrated the sky, and Qiankun did it. Agitated, the world is soaring.

The two people's skills were destroyed to the peak, their whole body qi and blood transpired, and each detonated their own extremes.


Lin Feng has long been aware of the actions of Xiaojiandu and others. He has been watching the play just now, but seeing the two of them detonate to extremes, with this move, I am afraid that this Qianzhuwu will be destroyed by the two of them.

However, when the two opened the eyes of the sword dragon, they could not control themselves at all. At this time, they were completely controlled by the animal nature of the blood of the sword dragon, leaving only the instinct to kill and kill. How could they listen to Lin Feng? Imposing manner, regarded it as a great enemy, and invariably attacked Lin Feng with extreme moves. .

87 Drunk Huanglong【For Collection】

Panlong ancient veins.

Drunk Huanglong has high combed white hair with a three-layer dragon-shaped crown, two strands of golden and white hair hanging down on his forehead, and engraved eyebrow marks like a dragon's flame between his eyebrows. He is valiant and dry. Cloud, showing the style of the emperor.

His real body is the five-clawed golden dragon in the poetic Tiancheng of the upper heaven, and he is known as the emperor of the five dragons in the sky - Emperor Yin!

Tianzun Huangyin has a straightforward personality, a benevolent behavior style, and follows the way of a king. He is the most respected brother among the five dragons. He also attaches great importance to brotherhood in his heart. No matter what happens, he will protect all brothers.

However, his second brother, Chi Yan Chilin, was regarded as an alien by Yutian Dragon Emperor because he was born with six claws.

Later, in order to hunt down Xietian Yuwu, Yutian Dragon Emperor sent Yutian Wulong to go to the miserable realm, but the aircraft of Drunk Huanglong and others were manipulated by Chi Yan Chilin, because Chi Yan Chilin did not want to return to the heaven. When Yutian Wulong came to the misery, Xietian Yuwu had already been beheaded by Wu Jun Luohu, and because the aircraft (meteorite) was damaged, they could not return to the heaven, and had to be reincarnated in misery.

Tianzun Huangyin was reincarnated as Drunk Drinking Huanglong 093. Later, he was bewitched by Dao Wuhou and beheaded Wujun Luohou, but Dao Wuhou attacked the drunk Huanglong for his monopoly credit, causing him to be seriously injured and living in seclusion in Pan. Dragon Ancient Vessel Healing.

However, Drunk Huanglong has been looking for his lost brother. However, there are so many people that it is not easy to find someone. The only clue is only on those top swordsmen. Because of the blood of the sword dragon, they are born with swords. Handy.

Recently, Drunk Huanglong's injury has fully recovered, and he is going to go out to find some of his cute little brothers in a few days.



The two dragons roared together, and the momentum was shocking.

"This is... the resonance of the sword and the dragon, it is the purple awn star mark and the blue-eyed Yinrong, hahaha, the emperor pays off, my little brother, I finally found you, hahaha..."

Drunk Huanglong laughed loudly, and then quickly walked in the direction of Longyin, all the way galloping, and he finally found the trace of his brother, he would not miss this opportunity.

the other side.

The World Sealing Knife Headquarters.

Shenzhou deploys martial arts, the world seals the sword, the moonlight lion, and the world is proud of the sky!

Fengdao in the world is the largest organization of swordsmen in all parts of the Sanwu Lin (bdde), according to ancient legends: "The sword has no queen. The Swordsmen organization established by the hero."

At this time, a sword sedan came from the air, and a burly figure stood on the top of the sedan. This man was majestic, his eyes were like tigers and leopards, his luck was even better than Taishan, his beards were white, and a leopard-headed knife hung on his waist. His eyebrows were full of domineering. , the momentum is extraordinary.

This person is the current chairman of the world's Fengdao, the world-defeating Cangyu - Dao Wuji!

Dao Wuji got off the sedan chair, and the magnificent gate of the world sealed Dao slowly moved, but what appeared helplessly in front of him was actually a tragedy of eternal separation between heaven and man!

At this time, most of the people who sealed the knife in the world received the news and gathered here. Dao Wuji walked into the lobby, and the people around gave way to a passage. Dao Wuji looked at the knife in the coffin whose throat was broken by a blade. Trembling slightly, then stroking Dao Wuwu's cold cheek, he said sadly: "No me!"

The tragedy in front of him and his icy body made Dao Wuji gradually unable to suppress his inner grief. The tiger poison does not eat his children. Although Dao Wuji also thought about swallowing his parents and children to improve his skills, he just thought about it and did not take action, especially Dao Wuji. Without me, he is his most cherished and beloved son. Now the white-haired man is sending the black-haired man, and it would be a lie to say that he is not distressed!

"Why? Why do you have the heart to treat me so much? For my father, I haven't seen you get married, and I haven't seen your swordsmanship. You promised me to see you stand out. Why? Today I only see you leave me. My son, why do you have the heart to torture the old man like this?" The voices were all from the bottom of the heart, so that the people around the world who sealed the sword couldn't bear it!

Yu Dao Jue, the vice chairman of the world's seal sword, stepped forward and said, "President, please condolences!"

Right Protector Yanlong also said: "Yes, Chairman, please take care of your health, you still have a wife and three young masters..."

Originally, Dao Wuji also had an eldest son, Dao Wuji, but Dao Wuji was unrestrained and self-willed.

Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao had arrived, at this time Dao Wuji's third son Dao was unintentionally late. Seeing that the world's sealing swords were full of black-clothed sword guards, he squeezed and said, "Please borrow it!"

When Jade Dao Jue saw Dao Wuxin, he gave him a wink: "Three Young Masters, why are you only here now?"

Dao Wuxin hadn't figured out the situation yet, so he casually said, "I was delayed for a while, what happened?"

While speaking, Dao Wuxin noticed Bai Ling hanging around him and Dao Wuji beside the coffin. He stepped forward and asked, "Father, who died?"


Dao Wuji snorted angrily and smashed Dao Wuxin out with a backhand. Now he is in a very bad mood. After seeing Dao Wuxin, his mood became even more unhappy, because Dao Wuxin was not his biological son at all. I know, just didn't say it!

Dao Wuxin didn't know about it at all. He was born in the world to seal Dao, but Dao Wuxin has no talent for practicing Dao at all. He likes elegant cultural relics, so he is usually not liked by Dao Wuji. Fruit to eat.

Yu Dao Jue didn't know the inside story, he just thought it was Dao Wuji's grief and anger, and persuaded him: "Chairman, please calm down, the three young masters are not intentional."

And Dao Wuxin, who was fanned by Dao Wuji, was caught by the dark martial sword Yanlong on the side, but Dao Wuxin had no martial arts, and he was unconscious with a palm of Dao Wuji.

Seeing this, Jade Swordsman said to Ye Fengxing, one of the six swordsmen in red, "Ye Fengxing, send the three young masters back to the wing and take care of them."


Ye Fengxing responded, and immediately took the bitter knife Wuxin from the dark martial sword Yanlong, and then quickly left.

"Two appraisers, do you have an inspection report?" Dao Wuji is a heroic character after all, he quickly calmed down, and asked the swordsman and the swordsman next to him.

Abandoned Swordsman is a sword appraiser from Dongpinting Hanguang Yishe. He has a middle-aged Wensheng appearance and is commensurate with Fengxiu's master, master and servant.

The two swordsmen are under the jurisdiction of Fengdao, but they are not involved in the war. They only help Fengxiu Jiandao to solve the case. After hearing Dao Wuji's question, the abandoned swordsman replied: "The knife marks on the young master's body are strange and strange, and it takes three time of day."

"Master Fengxiu hasn't left the customs yet?" Dao Wuji asked again.

The swordsman on the side bowed and said: "The master has not yet left the customs, please rest assured, Chairman, Dongpinting will try its best to examine the bodies of the second young master and the black sword guards, and find the murderer!".

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