"Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles. If you can't find out the origins of Luo Hu and Emperor Yuanxie, you won't be able to understand their weaknesses. If you face it head-on, you've seen the situation today. "The legend of Chiba said helplessly.

"I was thinking..." Su Huanzhen hesitated for a moment: "Emperor Yuanxie and Luo Hu have not seen any actions that threaten the martial arts."

Chiba Legend heard the words, and unconsciously took a step closer to Su Huanzhen: "If they make a move, the first casualties will be the Sun-Blind Clan and the World Sealed Sword. If everyone has this idea, they will only lose the first. Opportunity, preparedness, is the right way.”

I have to say that Su is really an old traitor. With one trick to sell stupidity, Chiba Legend was unknowingly caught in the trick, and he took the initiative to correct Su's wrong thinking, and he also got himself into it.

Su Huan really saw that the legend of Chiba was caught, and immediately hit the railroad while it was hot: "Then let's decide the direction first! The inferior investigates the matter of the Buddha's double body, and the remaining two things are left to you!"

"Wu two, you one, then I'm not at a disadvantage?" Chiba Legend suddenly felt that the old man was full of malice.

Su Huan really brazenly said: "Those who are capable work hard!"

"So Su is really working hard. I'm young and I don't know much. It's better to know the road and be an old horse. I'm afraid I'll miss a big event." Chiba Legend began to be cute again, using his age to talk about things. After all, everything is not simple. Thinking of Luo Hu and Emperor Yuanxie, he felt that Alexander, I was still a child, but I was under pressure that I shouldn't bear at this age. How can you bear it?

0 flowers

But Su Huanzhen turned a blind eye, patted Qianye Legend on the shoulder, and looked like I was optimistic about you: "Young man, just take this opportunity to hone your skills, Qianye Legend, Su has high hopes for you! "

"Su Huanzhen..." Chiba Legend dragged a long tone and looked at Su Huanzhen's eyes.

"I'm listening." Su was really smiling, with a light expression on his face.

Seeing Su Huanzhen's face as usual, Chiba Legend looked at him for a moment, and finally lost the battle, complaining: "After this incident, you must borrow the secrets of this "Thick Face Magic" to me!"

It's too shameless to give such a large workload to minors, the baby's heart is bitter!

Su didn't really care about Chiba Legend's complaints, and said calmly: "Actually, it's just five words, it's natural to get used to it."

"Chiba has been taught!" In the face of such a shameless person, what else can Legend of Chiba do.

Su Huanzhen chatted with Chiba Legend for a while, and then said: "Now the inferior has to deal with the double body of Buddhism, so I will leave first, please!"



Watching Su Huanzhen and the silent Ye Xiaochai leave, Chiba Legend also turned around and took Wangu Changkong and others back to Riluoshan to start his surrender plan.

That's right, it was surrender. Having seen the battle strength of Luo Hu and Emperor Yuanxie, Qianye Legend knew that there was no chance of winning in a reckless fight, so it was better to use this to break into the interior of Tiandu. This way, it would be easier to understand the truth of the other side.

After being separated from Chiba Legend, Su Huanzhen and Ye Xiaochai went to Luyuan Yicheng and learned that the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms was seriously injured and it was inconvenient to see guests, so they had a chat with the emperor who was in Luyuan Yicheng. .

Looking at Di Tathagata's magnificent and fierce muscles, Su Huanzhen immediately thought of a page of books and the Buddha's sword. It seems that another violent monk was born!

The name of Buddha Head. Emperor Tathagata has never been heard before. He learned that Luyuan Yicheng and Yungu Leifeng were in charge of the Buddha's double body, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. information.

After visiting Luyuan Yicheng, Su Huanzhen returned to Liuli Wonderland.

When Qu Shitu saw Su Huanzhen and Ye Xiaochai returning, he smiled genially: "Su Huanzhen, Ye Xiaochai, you are finally back! Why did it take so long to seal the sword in the world this time, and what happened?"

"I have seen the legendary Luohu!" Su Huanzhen said.

"Ah!" Ye Xiaochai also said to Qu Shitu.

"Oh!" Qu Shitu nodded and asked curiously, "Is Luohu very powerful?"

Su Huanzhen shook his head slightly: "I don't want to measure his power."

When Qu Shitu heard the words, his face became straight, and he restrained his smile: "What do you mean?"

Su Huanzhen sighed: "I'm afraid I will lose my fighting spirit!"

"Oh, Luo Hu is really so powerful." Seeing Su's real appearance, Qu Shitu was a little eager to try. He, the star of annihilation, has not been shining for a long time: "Why don't you let me go to heaven to do internal counseling."

"If you go, I'm afraid that you will be shot if you don't enter the gate. This matter will be handled by Chiba," Su Jinzhen said helplessly. Since Emperor Yuanxie knew his old background, he must have taken precautions against Qu Shitu. I really don't think what Emperor Yuanxie said at that time was a joke!

112 You Guess [Subscribe]


The "Dragon Scales" spun and danced, inserted into the stone wall, and the blade made a "humming" sound.

Drunk Huanglong fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, and the golden eyes of the sword dragon were dull: "Cough cough~ I can't think that I still underestimate you, Chi Lin, your progress is really fast, hahaha... uh!"

The laughter stopped abruptly, and Emperor Yuanxie knocked the drunk Huanglong unconscious with a knife: "It's said that it's not your brother, where are you hahaha, completely ignoring this emperor's feelings!"

Saying that, Emperor Yuanxie grabbed the leg of the drunk Huanglong and dragged him to Luohu: "I'll leave this big dragon to you!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will make soup with this big dragon?" Luo Hu looked at the drunk Huanglong lying beside his feet, and felt inexplicably emotional in his heart. Under the persuasion of Emperor Yuanxie, the resentment at the beginning has been reduced a lot.

Emperor Yuanxie said indifferently: "As you please."


Luo Huao Jiao sneered, and then brought the drunk Huanglong back to Tiandu.

Emperor Yuanxie looked at the Buddha's double body: "Evil spirits that destroy the realm, what are you doing here?"

The female Rong Jiao smiled charmingly: "I love the female Rong, I have seen the evil emperor."

Tianchi Jiye was somewhat dissatisfied with the contemptuous attitude of Emperor Yuanxie, "Three Two Three" loudly said: "I came here to discuss cooperation with Tiandu."

"What kind of cooperation?" Emperor Yuanxie put away the "Myth of Doomsday" and said indifferently.

Female Rong Mei said with silky eyes: "The four realms are one, the six realms are boundless, a world where gods, demons, demons, and Buddhas coexist, a world that follows the law of the weak and the strong, and is ruled by the real strong."

The Emperor Yuanxie said in his heart as expected, but his face remained calm: "Cooperation requires common interests. This is the world you desire. What good is it for this emperor?"

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