Tianchi Jiye arrogantly said: "Does the evil emperor only intend to guard a small Tiandu? As long as we cooperate, create the world together, and divide the world equally, wouldn't it be happy?"

Emperor Yuanxie waved his hands behind his back, and said disdainfully: "You guys don't know anything about suffering, so you dare to say that you can divide the world equally. Should this emperor say that you are naive...or stupid?"

"Huh! What does the evil emperor mean by this?" asked Rong, the woman who loves disaster, with an indescribable charm and seductive power in her tone. If her mind is not firm, she will bow down under her pomegranate skirt.

Tianchi Jiye, on the other hand, had a dead face, as if he would go crazy at any time.

Emperor Yuanxie said coldly: "The realm of suffering is different from the realm of extinction, and the forces are intricate and complicated. Among them, the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism are the most powerful. Among the three religions, there are as many as clouds. If we talk about Buddhism alone, there are: the realm of Bodhi, the realm of meditation, and the beards. Mi Tathagata Tibetan, Luyuan Yicheng, Yungu Leifeng, Yansheng Mingluan, Tianfo's Hometown, Yiji Yunchuan, Tide of Saints, Xihuang Buddha Boundary and so on.

Every Buddhist force will not be too far from Luyuan Yicheng, or even worse! Confucianism and Taoism are almost the same as Buddhism, and this is not to mention other forces. It's ridiculous to compete for the world. "

When the Buddha's body heard the words, they were all shocked. They did not doubt whether Yuanxie Huang was lying. After all, as long as he was willing to investigate these matters, how could they find some clues, Yuanxie Huang had absolutely no need to lie.

To tell the truth, the confidence of the Buddha's body has been shaken. It is difficult for them to deal with the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms of Luyuan Yicheng and the Emperor Tathagata of Yungu Leifeng. If the whole Buddhist school goes mad, the demon world Buddha will be beaten in minutes. into slag.

Are we really the frogs in the bottom of the well, whimsical? I just feel that the misery is too dangerous, why don't we return to the extinction!

The woman who loves disaster looks at Emperor Yuanxie, and then thinks about it, seeing that Emperor Yuanxie also seems to be willing to be subordinate to others, and she understands the forces of suffering so well, it is obviously a conspiracy.

The big plan of the four realms has almost become the obsession of the double body of Buddhist karma, how can it be easily given up.

The love-calamity girl Rong walked in front of Emperor Yuanxie, leaning softly against Emperor Yuanxie's chest, drawing circles with her fingers: "Listening to Emperor Xie's words, it is obvious that she understands the situation very well, can you disclose it to the slave family? One or two?"

Speaking of which, he used the double peaks to rub against Emperor Yuanxie's arm, which is evil and charming. It's really a disaster!

Tianchi Jiye's complexion was even more ugly, and when he turned his head out of sight, his eyes were clear, and Emperor Yuanxie's body instantly became blurred, appearing not far from the love and disaster girl Rong: "Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. This emperor never fights uncertain battles. Just relying on you, it is not enough to cooperate with this emperor, if you submit to this emperor, this emperor does not mind leaving a place for you."

When the calamity-loving female Rong heard the words, her face turned cold, and she turned her face instantly: "Hahaha, it is not a shame to surrender to the strong, but is the evil emperor so confident?"

"You can give it a try." Emperor Yuanxie said proudly.


Buddha Ye looked at each other and didn't make a move. They came to find help. Hearing that the forces of suffering are so large, they are even more reluctant to make enemies rashly. Moreover, they are not sure that they will be able to take down the Emperor Yuanxie. The situation will be more difficult.

Tiandu is currently in conflict with the martial arts righteous path. Even if they don't unite, they can contain some of the forces.


The Buddha's double body turned into light and left, and went back to slowly digest the information revealed by Yuanxie Huang, I believe that there will be no action in a short time.

After the Buddha's double body left, Yuanxie Huang also returned to Tiandu to check the situation. This time the battle situation was more intense. For serious injuries, the injured person will be arranged for treatment.

As for the confused dragon of Drunken Huanglong, Luo Hu had sealed his true essence and locked him in the dungeon of Tiandu, waiting for his release!


 A cold light.

"The shyness is half-faced by the bamboo, casually looking at the wild pond with light makeup.

Wandering in the red dust has little taste, and a branch is still close to the fragrance of an old friend. "

"Yeah!" Dao Wuji who came here stopped when he heard the sound, broke a plum blossom on the tree, and then moved on, only to hear a familiar poem coming from the front again.

"Laugh and see the bright red dyed in the middle of the mountain, the wind is thousands of miles between the white clouds.

Xiaoyao is not a guest in this life, and the three talents of heaven and earth are ordinary.

Hahahahaha, you are finally here!"

Dao Wuji stopped outside the pavilion and looked at the owner of maple pomelo in the pavilion: "This you, are you referring to me, or this flower?"

As he spoke, he threw the plum blossoms into the pavilion.

The owner of maple pomelo took the plum blossoms, sniffed the fragrance, and inserted them into the potted plants: "The plum blossoms are beginning to bloom, and the chairman's arrival is just in time. The finishing touches are still needed. This plate of floral decorations is finally colorful because of you, without you. , without it, since it is one, why bother!"

It is worthy of being born as a magic stick, the owner of Fengyou opened his mouth in a fog, and ordinary people would not say that they were dizzy!

It is not the first time that Dao Wuji has dealt with the owner of Fengyou. In all, it is his credit that the owner of Fengyou can live a leisurely life here. Otherwise, I am afraid that the owner of Fengyou will be on death row like King Yadi... ...

"There is only one plum tree in Hanguang Yishe. Today is Mr. Huaqi's invitation with a poem. The purpose is to lend my hand to do what you want." Dao Wuji is also very familiar with the character of Fengyou's owner, and their relationship is considered to be Both enemy and friend.

The owner of Fengyou said calmly: "The so-called hearing the song and knowing the elegance, and the chairman seeing the plum and knowing the heart, is the proof of the tacit understanding between you and me!"

Dao Wuji will not be fooled: "In my opinion, Mr. is just lazy!"

"Hahaha, Chairman, please enter the pavilion for a chat!" The owner of Fengyou also knew that Dao Wuji was looking for him, and he must have something to discuss. Although he hates troublesome things, he has been provided by the world Fengdao for all these years. Yes, eating people is short-mouthed, and it can't be without a bit of expression.

Dao Wuji walked into the pavilion and sat opposite the owner of Fengyou, with a look of worrying about the country and the people: "The martial arts storm has re-emerged, and the dark forces are emerging one after another. I wonder what your opinion is on this, sir?"

The master of Fengyou shook the feather fan: "Maybe my opinion is not the answer you want."

"But it doesn't matter." Dao Wuji said.

The owner of Fengyou is aloof. Although he does not leave home, he has a unique insight into the situation in martial arts, and said plainly: "In this world, every moment, thousands of creatures die or are born. For me, Luohu is in this world. Just like the first sprout and the chick breaking its shell, it’s natural.”

In fact, when Luo Hu drank Xietian Yuwu's hard work, the owner of Fengyou knew that Luo Hu would come back to life sooner or later, so he was not surprised.

Dao Wuji spit out: "Luohou is resurrected from the dead, is this also natural?"

"Has Luo Hu really died?" Fengyou master asked rhetorically.

Dao Wuji heard the words and said: "Is it natural to cut off the head and not die?"

"Don't you hear that Xingtianwu is a saviour, and Mengzhi is always there."

"It's nothing but a myth!"

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