The master of Fengxiu asked, "What about the frozen corpse?"

"He is a special case!" Dao Wuji said. 1.5

Feng Xiu reminded: "A special case is not the only one!"


After Fengyou's master's suggestion, Dao Wuji reacted, and he walked into a misunderstanding of his thinking. There are indeed many special powers in the difficult situation. Maybe Luo Huan will be resurrected for some reason.

Dao Wuji said nonsense in a serious manner: "It is said that Luo Hu is a tyrannical and ruthless man, who takes pleasure in provoking war, and regards human life as grass. It is even more powerful, I must stop all this, and must not let the disaster repeat itself, sir, I am very talented, and I would like to help the people."

Master Fengxiu heard the words and sighed: "Originally, I only needed one person to quell Rahu's anger, but the Emperor Yuanxie beside him is a variable. Now I don't know if this method will take effect."

Dao Wuji said sternly: "Who? As long as there is a glimmer of hope, you should not give up."

The owner of Fengyou didn't say it clearly, but sang: "Bone withered blood is not strong, dripping water wears stone soft to overcome strength; Zhan Tao is still ruthless, and if you are lost, you will return to the dawn."

Dao Wuji was at a loss when he heard it: "What do you mean by this?"

The master of Fengyou fanned the feather fan and said mysteriously: "Guess.".

 113 Jade Autumn Wind [seeking Monthly Pass]

After the third day of the Great War.

Chiba Legend surrendered very simply. Of course, Chiba Legend is not sincere. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he may counterattack at any time.

Yuan Xiehuang and Luo Hu were very clear about this, but neither of them cared about it. If they couldn't cure even a bear child, then don't even think about fighting all over the world, and leave the predicament as soon as possible, so as not to die without a complete corpse!

When the Sun-Blind Clan surrendered, Luo Hu planted a "hard work" on the Chiba Legend, and then adopted the stocking mode. In fact, apart from putting a shackle on the Chiba Legend, he didn't have much to do with the Sun-Blind Clan. constraint.

At noon, the hair caregiver walked into the hall with cold blood and bowed to Yuan Xiehuang and Luo Huan who were sitting side by side above: "Qi, Wujun, Xiehuang, the world's seal sword sent a tribute to the book, three young girls, Qizhen Ten boxes of exotic treasures, and the rest of the tributes are being cleaned up."

Luo Hu looked at the three girls below and said to the woman at the front: "Your name?"

Although this woman is not a beautiful woman, she is still a beauty, and there is a heroic spirit between her eyebrows. When she heard Luo Hu's question, she replied, "Little girl Yu Qiufeng."

Sitting on the left side of Luohu, Emperor Yuanxie still had a little impression of this woman. She was the daughter of Yudaojue, the vice-chairman of Fengdao, and one of the four famous celebrities.

Because the master of Fengyou, dressed as a magic stick, mysteriously wrote a poem, Yu Daojue misunderstood the meaning, thinking that the other party Luo Hu would need to use a beauty trick, and the driver stabbed 15 kills. As a result, Yu Qiufeng volunteered and caused an oolong. , and finally lost his life in vain.

Luo Hu was full of heroic ideas in his mind. He didn't have much interest in women. He said casually: "Blood cold, tributes are given to soldiers, and the whole army rests for a few days. These three women are also given."

Leng Chuixue respectfully said, "Yes."

As he spoke, he was ready to let people take the tribute, Yu Qiufeng and others away.

However, Yu Qiufeng suddenly took out a short knife and pointed it at his heart: "Hold on!"

Seeing this, Leng Chuixue said coldly, "What are you doing?"

Yu Qiufeng said resolutely: "I was ordered to serve Martial Lord. If you want me to serve the soldiers, then this knife will be stained with blood, not Martial Monarch's blood, but my blood!"

"Wujun, in front of the evil emperor, how can you be so presumptuous." Leng Chuixue is also a predator, and he has no idea of ​​pity and cherish jade, even if he wants to subdue Yu Qiufeng, it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies.

Emperor Yuanxie said: "Let her stay, and the others will take it!"


After all, Emperor Yuanxie was the big boss of Tiandu, and Luo Hu did not object, so Leng Chuixue responded and took the remaining two women away.

Yu Qiufeng didn't put down the knife in his hand, but still held it in his heart: "I am here to serve Lord Wu, and I will never serve others."

"Thousands of bones withered blood do not claim to be strong, dripping water penetrates stone softness to overcome rigidity; Zhan Tao is still ruthless, and if you are lost, you will return to the dawn." Yuanxie Huang opened his mouth and read a poem, then looked at Yu Qiufeng and said, "Have you changed now? idea."

"How can you..." Yu Qiufeng was shocked when he heard the words, guessing why Yuanxie Huang knew the poems written by Fengyou's master. Could it be that there was a traitor in the world's sealing knife, but why didn't he do it directly?

"The little woman obeys the evil emperor's arrangement."

Yu Qiufeng couldn't understand, but since he didn't do it directly, it means that there is still room for things to turn around. After thinking about it, Yu Qiufeng decided to listen to the arrangement of Emperor Yuanxie first and wait for the change.

Emperor Yuanxie waved his hand and said: "Gao Yang alien, take people to this emperor's room, and the others will step back first."


When all the warlords of the heavens left, Luo Hu looked at Emperor Yuanxie: "What's the meaning of the poem you chanted just now?"

Although Luo Hu didn't fully understand it, he vaguely felt that this matter had something to do with him.

Emperor Yuanxie said: "This is written by your old friend. As for the meaning, you can understand it yourself!"

"Old friend?" Luo Hu was a little puzzled, but he didn't bother about this issue, and changed the topic: "What do you think of Dao Wuji?"

"The traitor seems loyal, the inside and outside are different, and Dao Wuji is related to the Xietian Yuwu, you have to be careful, don't die in his hands." Yuanxie Huang reminded.

"Xietian Yuwu!" Luo Hu looked directly at Emperor Yuanxie: "It seems that you know a lot!"

Emperor Yuanxie said: "The rise and fall of your life's glory and disgrace is all related to the evil heaven, Yuwu, and Dao Wuji. Affect everyone around you."

"What do you mean?" Luo Hu asked.

Yuan Xie Huang said: "The source of all this needs to start from the four worlds. Xietian Yuwu was the former king of the Buddha's Prison in the Fire House. He was imprisoned in the upper heaven because of his active expansion. The blazing flame Chilin reached an agreement, was released by Chilin, and took the stone from the sky to the misery..."

Emperor Yuanxie briefly talked about the things about Yutian Wulong and Xietian Yuwu in those days.

"Flaming Chilin?" Luo Hu looked at Emperor Yuan Xie with a strange look in his eyes.

 "Flaming Chilin?" Luo Hu looked at Emperor Yuan Xie with a strange look in his eyes.

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