Yan rubbed his aching head, and saw a space crack open in front of the window. Through the space crack, he could see Lin Feng and Qilin in the opposite alley, Liu Chuang and others with a confused look.

Lin Feng looked at Yan through the cracks in the space. Beneath his dazzling blond hair was a flawless face. He was wearing a set of brilliant silver armor with a pair of flawless wings behind him. A pair of slender jade legs were exposed under the skirt, which looked neat and heroic.

And Liu Chuang and Qilin were stunned! .

Chapter [-] Elf World 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

Tianhe City.

At the top of Angel International Group, Yan and Lin Feng looked at each other and looked at each other.

Lin Feng is now dressed as Ni Shenyang. Except for the hair turning silvery white and the ears turning into elf pointed ears, his appearance has not changed much. The wide white robe, coupled with Lin Feng's holy breath, makes people feel Can't help but feel a sense of closeness.

And Yan found that he couldn't detect the other party's data at all, and couldn't help secretly startled.

This world is dominated by science and technology. Even angels are only high-level genetic beings. However, Lin Feng is different. He follows the path of spiritual cultivation, cultivating the flesh outside, cultivating the primordial spirit inside, and absorbing the spirits of heaven and earth to strengthen his body. The world is not a system, plus Lin Feng's own strength is far above Yan, Yan naturally can't spy on Lin Feng's information.


Liu Chuang and Qilin looked at Yan who opened her white wings, and their minds fell into a short-lived state of absentmindedness. What they experienced today was simply subverting their three views.

Yan also noticed Liu Chuang, Qilin and Ge Xiaolun who was lying dead. Although he couldn't see Lin Feng's data, 970 could see that Ge Xiaolun and the three of them had super warrior genes, especially Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang were "Galaxy." "Power of God" and "Nuo Xing War God", such super warriors with great potential, even the angel civilization attaches great importance to them.

After the reformation of the angel civilization tens of thousands of years ago, it has always been dominated by female angels. They are beautiful and brave, tough and fearless, and have strong combat capabilities. They have always been committed to maintaining justice and fighting against the depraved ideas advocated by Morgana. Because the Angel Nebula detected that the god of death Karl used the "big clock" to open the big wormhole of the demon galaxy and the earth, so he came to investigate the situation specially.

But he didn't expect to encounter such a powerful existence as soon as he arrived. Yan thought for a while, and then said indifferently: "Holy Kaisha's left wing guard. Yan, unknown god, please forgive my rudeness just now."

She said it was an apology, but Yan's tone was very indifferent, like an ordinary conversation, making people feel that her sincerity was not felt.

Lin Feng knew that these angels have always been arrogant, but he didn't care, and said plainly: "It would be disqualifying to spy on other people's thoughts at will. If there is another next time, this seat will be regarded as a provocation. In addition, the master of the world of elves, Shouyu Yang Shen. Ni Shen Yang, from another universe."

"Another universe?" Yan Wenyan thought for a while, and then asked, "Why did Your Excellency Yangshen come to Earth?"

"Why did the angel come to Earth?" Lin Feng looked directly at Yan. Although this angel was a little cold, she was undeniably beautiful, especially the heroic spirit between her brows, which was very similar to that of King Jianwu.

Yan did not hide the purpose of coming: "According to the detection of the Angel Nebula, Morgana of the Devil Galaxy is about to invade the earth, and the Queen of Angels Keisha ordered me to come to the earth to investigate the situation."

It's not a secret, it's okay to say it.

Lin Feng didn't care. He came to this plane originally to exchange points for the Demon Legion and the Taotie Legion, and said at the moment: "Since this seat has come to this world, then this world will be guarded by this seat, no matter whether it is an angel or a demon, Any species that destroys nature will become the enemy of the elves."

"What a domineering elf!" Yan was a little dissatisfied with Lin Feng's words, but he would not act against Lin Feng because of this, but asked, "Does it also include humans on Earth?"

Lin Feng put himself in the perspective of defying gods and said: "Human beings are strange and complex creatures, some are greedy, greedy and selfish, and mercenary. The monarchs are now considering their (bhfi) attitude towards humanity in the future, destruction or salvation, depending on their own performance."

Yan asked again, "What about your attitude towards angels?"

Today's Lin Feng is going to be an environmental protection emperor: "Elves are the darlings of nature and love peace. Any race that is friends with nature is a friend of the elves."

Having said that, Lin Feng sensed a wave of space fluctuations, and then a big blue bald head emerged from the space wormhole.

This person has blue skin, a big bald head, a beard, a large golden earring on his left ear, and a black suit. The exposed skin is also engraved with mysterious runes.A pair of eyes looked very vicissitudes of life.

"Do you have blue skin, what kind of monster? Avatar? Or a blue-blooded person? Or a big bald head?"

Liu Chuang, Qi Lin and the others jumped when they saw this.

Although Lin Feng and Yan are not like Earthlings, at least their appearance is in line with their aesthetics, but this person in front of him looks a little infiltrated!

"Hello everyone, I'm Wandering Ryze, I belong to the Super Seminary." Ryze walked out of the space wormhole, smiled and said hoarsely to the people around him, his tone was gentle, but in the evil society, Ryze's appearance But not very recognized.

Liu Chuang, Qi Lin and others all retreated behind Lin Feng. After all, the handsome and handsome Lin Feng looked more reliable than the weird-looking Ryze.

Seeing the fearful expressions of Liu Chuang and the others, Ryze didn't say anything. For the past thousand years, he has not been surprised by such a thing.

Yan also saw the opposite Ryze through the space crack opened by Lin Feng. Although Yan is not familiar with this wandering mage, there are some relevant information in the database.

Ryze looked at Lin Feng, Yan, Liu Chuang and the others, and then smiled at Lin Feng: "The gods from the distant universe, these people are the students booked by my super seminary, if it is convenient, I wonder if I can take them with me. go back."

He also couldn't see through Lin Feng's reality. It would be best if he could solve it peacefully. Although he knew that it was unlikely, it would be fine to give it a try.

"This seat has always been democratic. If you want to take them away, then ask them for their opinions. If they are willing to leave with you, this seat will not stop you." The strength was captured, and then Lin Feng condensed a ball of water in his hand and threw it on Ge Xiaolun's face.

"What's the matter? It's raining?" Ge Xiaolun woke up in a daze, then saw Ryze, and said in shock, "I'm going, blue skin, where is this monster from."

Then there was Yan who saw the space gap opposite: "Angel? Am I going to heaven?".

Chapter [-] Rui Mengmeng【For collection】

Super Seminary, Angel, and Lin Feng met for the first time.

Angel Yan is here to inquire about the information, and he will not act rashly for the time being, so he is basically making soy sauce. Today, it is mainly Lin Feng and Ruiz of the Super Seminary to discuss.

Although digging the walls is not authentic, Lin Feng does not think that the Super Seminary is a just organization.

Look at the original super fighters. When they were useless before, they were just spying on and not paying attention. "Heart of the Earth" Cheng Yaowen was a farmer, "Nuo Xing War God" Liu Chuang was a gangster, and "Blade of Exile" Rui Mengmeng was a Waiter, "The Power of the Galaxy" Ge Xiaolun's pure diaosi, is it because the gods will send a big responsibility to the people, and they must work their muscles first?

What about the calf!

Lin Feng even thought that the chaos of the earth in the future was only created by the Super Seminary in order to achieve the ultimate weapons of "Galaxy Power", "Nuo Xing War God", and "Sunlight".

After all, the universe is so big, but Carl chose the earth as the battlefield for angels and demons, and the Super Seminary exhausted countless resources, and the three artificial gods who have experienced tens of thousands of years of creation have all appeared on the earth one after another. This is definitely not a simple coincidence. !

As the founders of the Earth Super Seminary, Dukao and Ryze, who obviously have decent strength, knelt as soon as the war started, and the other was invisible. They really wanted to protect the earth, so why didn't they help?

Of course, Lin Feng didn't bother to care what kind of tricks Super Seminary wanted to play. He didn't want to ask about the other party's plans. He would only act according to his own plan. If there was a conflict, he would pull his wrist.

Angel Yan didn't want to intervene, and immediately said: "You guys talk slowly, I have to return to Angel Queen Keisha, so I will say goodbye first!"

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