Said and flew to the sky.

Seeing Yan leaving, Lin Feng closed the space crack at will. He was very interested in Angel Yan, but there will be opportunities in the future. Now, let's deal with this wandering mage first.

Ryze is very afraid of Lin Feng, who can't see the depth, but these super warriors are the hard work of the Super Seminary, how can they tolerate Lin Feng fooling away like this!

Ryze said to Ge Xiaolun, Qilin, and Liu Chuang: "Children, I am Wandering Ryze, a teacher at the Super Seminary, and I belong to the National Security Bureau. You can also call me Teacher Liu. I believe you have seen the big hole in the sky, this The world is about to face an unprecedented disaster, the country needs you, the world needs you, join the super seminary, fight for this country, fight for glory..."

As soon as Ryze came, he showed the righteousness of the nation, saying that if he didn't join the super seminary, he would be sorry for the country and the nation. Don't say it, Qilin and Ge Xiaolun were fooled and dizzy after a while. Somewhat shaken, if it wasn't for Ryze's weird looks, they would have believed it!

And Liu Chuang did stand firmly behind Lin Feng, not because of anything else, but because he was scared by Lin Feng's beating. Now Liu Chuang still has the mentality of a small gangster, and he can't listen to any big reason. I don't know, but he knows Lin Feng's cruelty firsthand. If he walks over by himself, who knows if he will be hanged and beaten again!

After talking for a long time, Liu Chuang's younger brother, two other policemen, and the girl who had been harassed by Liu Chuang took the opportunity to run away!

However, no police came to reinforce it. It should be the Super Seminary that launched its power. After all, ordinary police can't get involved at all.

Ryze's flickering skills are obviously not at home, and Qilin and Ge Xiaolun have always been on guard against him.

"It seems that they don't want to go with you." Lin Feng looked at Ge Xiaolun, and Qi Lin said, "I will give you three days to think about it. After three days, I will come to you. I hope you can make a wise decision. judge."

Looking at Ryze: "In these three days, I hope you will put away your surveillance on them, and don't interfere with their thoughts at will, otherwise, this seat will demolish the super seminary."

"Monitoring, what kind of monitor?" Qilin asked in confusion.

Lin Feng smiled disdainfully and said: "It seems that you are all still ignorant. These genetic warriors who have been transformed by the Super Seminary are all living under the surveillance of the Super Seminary."

"What, is there any human rights left!" Ge Xiaolun was very upset when he heard this, and his favorability towards the Super Seminary dropped a lot in an instant.

The same goes for Liu Chuang, Qi Lin, and others. It's okay to be remodeled if they are confused. They are still monitoring every move all day long, and they feel disgusted when they think about it.

Ryze was equally upset when he saw that Lin Feng was actually an old man of the seminary. Just as he was about to do it, he saw the branches of the big tree in the alley being drawn towards him like a whip.

The runes on Ryze shone, and he was ready to jump in space in an instant, but his playing space in front of Lin Feng was obviously a little tender, and the surrounding space was completely frozen dozens of times in Lin Feng's thought, Ryze could not open the space wormhole to carry out Space jump, when even the rattan entangles 0

Lin Feng said indifferently: "This seat is called Ni Shenyang, but you are called Super Seminary. It's very interesting! This seat wants to see how far you can go with technology."

Ryze has lived for more than a thousand years, but he still has no power to fight back in Lin Feng's hands, and he is shocked and angry.

Lin Feng didn't bother to care about him, so he turned a bag of bricks and stones and threw them at Liu Chuang: "You take these bricks and stones, and you can move freely for these three days. If you want to do anything, you can hurry up. After three days, you will be Will officially become a member of the fairy world."

Liu Chuang looked at the sparkling masonry in his hand, and he saw the golden light. If the masonry was exchanged for money, it would be worth hundreds of millions at least. How many years of protection fees would it take to receive how much money!The new boss is so generous, his big legs have to be hugged tightly!

"I'm going, it's really tall, rich and handsome, it's a bag of bricks and stones as soon as you shoot it, it's true!" Ge Xiaolun's eyes also lit up.

Qilin doesn't care about these material things. Her father is a sheriff, and she is not bad for money. However, the "Gun Fighting" that Lin Feng gave her previously made her very interested. She can't wait to try it, but it is not now occasion.

After dropping Ryze and sending Ge Xiaolun and others away, Lin Feng continued to go to the next target.

The target Lin Feng is looking for this time is Ruimeng 3.3 Meng, whose real name is Ruiwen, is the second generation of super fighters.

Now she is still a cute girl. She is simple and kind. She works hard but can't read well. Unscrupulous boss fired.

Lostly walking down the street, he complained in a low voice, "That bastard boss fired me indiscriminately and didn't give me a penny, what should I do now, I don't have any money, I have to find a new job quickly. Okay, but where can I find it?"

After walking for a while, Rui Mengmeng's stomach was so hungry that she was "cooing". Looking at the bun shop next to her, she was even more hungry: "I'm so hungry, God, come and save me!".

Chapter [-] The gluttonous warrior【For collection】

Juxia City.

On the street, Rui Mengmeng was sitting on the steps holding her hungry stomach. People came and went, but no one stopped to help her.

In this indifferent world where helping the elderly will be corrupted, not many people will lend a helping hand.

Lin Feng strolled to Rui Mengmeng.

Rui Mengmeng looked up at Lin Feng, Jun Lang's face, the white robe was full of sacredness, the silver-white hair was fluttering, the head also had a halo, and a little beast of unknown species was crawling on his shoulders, is it really a good listen? to my call.

Lin Feng looked at Rui Mengmeng who was in a daze, and said with a smile: "Why are you distressed, tell me, this seat can help you!"

"That...I just lost my job, and" Rui Mengmeng was a little embarrassed to say it, but her stomach started to growl.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Come with me!"

"Where to?" Rui Mengmeng said with a confused expression.

Lin Feng turned around and said, "I'll take you to dinner first, and then I'll give you a job."

"Really!" Rui Mengmeng cheered.

She never thought whether Lin Feng would lie to her. In fact, although Rui Mengmeng is a little cute, she has the genes of super warriors. She beats down those who once tried to take advantage of her. Often lose jobs.

Lin Feng took Rui Mengmeng into a pretty good western restaurant. With the ability to materialize "Infinite Gems", Lin Feng can easily obtain wealth that ordinary people can't imagine.

13 Lin Feng found a table by the window and sat down, and handed the menu to Rui Mengmeng: "Just order whatever you want."

"Is it really possible?" Rui Mengmeng asked timidly.

"of course."

"Then I'm welcome, I want this, this, and this, and this..."

Rui Mengmeng was not polite, and ordered a table of dishes, lobster, steak, sandwiches, foie gras, lamb shank, fruit salad, etc. Lin Feng didn't care, and threw out a stack of big bills, and the dishes were served soon. come up.

Rui Mengmeng was starving and didn't care about her image. She grabbed a turkey leg, and after a few bites, there was only a bone stick left of a golden chicken leg.

Lin Feng also picked up the food in front of him and ate it. These things could not satisfy his energy consumption, but it was still okay to try the taste.


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