Tiandao Galaxy. Lieyang Star.

Only half of the Lieyang Stars are still stubbornly surviving in the interstellar space because of the protection of the Sun God.

Because the trajectory is fixed by the powerful divine power, Lieyang Star has always been in a state of eternal day, and there is no night!

Lieyang Star is an ancient planet, and the style of painting has remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years.

Yunxiao City, Yunxiao Palace.

The burly Lieyang Star's patron saint Pan Zhen walked out of the Tiandao Tower and came to the outside of the Sun God's Palace. A Lieyang Star super soldier clasped his fists and said, "General, the last will come to lead the order."

Pan Sen asked: "Where is the gluttonous army now?!"

"Return to the general, the battleship of the gluttonous army has passed the big worm bridge and is now traveling to the galaxy."

"What is the goal?"

"Judging from the shuttle trajectory, it is the Earth star of the Chiwu star system of the Milky Way."

"Earth Star! The gluttonous army has a Pluto worm bridge station in the Chiwu star system. It was established [-] years ago. It was left by Karl, the highest god of death in the Styx system, when he passed through the Milky Way. At that time, the earth already had intelligent life. "

"Are they going?" asked the super soldier.

Pan Zhen stopped and said with some displeased: "Karl, the god of death, likes to study death."

The super soldier was silent for a moment, before he said, "General... Goddess Lena, she still insists on going to Earth. We were there before, and our vitality was greatly damaged by fighting with a monkey..."

Pan Zhen shook his head and walked towards the Temple of the Sun.

in the Temple of the Sun.

Lena, who was wearing a royal robe, walked back and forth in the hall boredly, muttering, "Why haven't you come yet!"

"General Pan Zhen is here..."

Chapter [-] The gluttonous warrior【For collection】

"General Pan Zhen is here..."

Hearing the voice of the messenger, Leina trotted back to the throne and sat down properly, coughed dryly, and pretended to say, "Aiqing, what's the report?"

Pan Zhen looked at the hall: "Such a grand hall, I can't keep you, can it?"

"It's two different things!" Lena was tired of being bored for a long time. She was still a flower girl, but she didn't want to stay with a group of old antiques all day long: "I'm going to Earth, it's been decided."

Pan Zhen said: "Do you know how many Styx warriors are also rushing to Earth?"

"Of course I know, everyone likes Earth!" Lena said casually.

Seeing Lei Na's casual look, Pan Zhen said seriously: "There is a large group of space battleships sailing to the Milky Way through the Great Insect Bridge, and the attitude is not friendly."

"I don't care, Tiandao Pagoda doesn't let me care, I hold it here like a zongzi all day, and people see it every day, but I don't let people touch it, I don't care, I must go, just go to a public year!" Lei Na said willfully.

Pan Zhen couldn't resist Leina's will, and sighed: "Great sun goddess, since you like the earth so much, maybe when they encounter troubles, you have the patience to help them! I will ask the elders, The super seminary they opened probably even more hope that when you are ignorant, you can actively participate and promote some so-called concepts of inter-civilization. For Lieyang, who has suffered from vicissitudes of life, it may not be untouchable. "



Earth, Juxia City, time 22:30.

Qilin was driving a police car on patrol with her colleagues, thinking about Lin Feng's words at the same time.

"Stronger power, is the world really going to change?" Sitting in the passenger seat, Qilin muttered softly while looking at the changing scene outside the window.

"Qilin, what are you talking about?" The colleague who was driving glanced at Qilin and asked.

Qi Lin shook her head: "It's nothing, you focus on driving!"

"Car No. 145, car No. 145, there was an emergency on Airport Road in Feiliu District. Unidentified terrorists attacked the police car. Please rush to the accident site for reinforcements immediately!"

Suddenly, there was an anxious sound from the pager in the police car.

Qi Lin was shocked: "Terrorists attacked the police car? This is Juxia, is it an alien again?"

The voice came from the pager again: "Everyone, be careful, the special forces are on the way, and the special police are ready to go. Please pay attention to all supporting police cars, isolate the masses and protect the people."

More than ten minutes later, Feiliu District Airport Road.

Qilin looked at the thick black smoke ahead. There were two police cars on fire on the street, three ambulances were parked in front, and several medical personnel were urgently carrying the injured into the ambulances.

Five more tanks were approaching fast towards the smoke ahead, and a combat helicopter flew over them.

The police car stopped outside the cordon, and the pager inside the police car made a serious voice: "There is only one target, but it looks very tall, and it seems to be wearing a heavy metal armor, which cannot be penetrated by ordinary bullets, nor can ordinary missiles It inflicted fatal damage, the target did not move for the time being, and each unit adopted a roundabout approach!"

Qilin stepped out of the police car with her colleagues and looked at the blazing fire ahead. A group of heavily armed special forces were leaning behind a temporary shelter made of sandbags. Their guns were aimed at the thick smoke ahead, and the air was filled with thorns. Nose smoke smell.

"Quick, quick!"

A soldier waved at the approaching armored tank.

This was another combat helicopter flying by, but just after it flew over Qi Lin's head, a purple 360 ​​energy beam flew and hit the helicopter, causing an explosion.

The gluttonous warriors who stayed temporarily gathered enough information and launched an attack. They possessed technology that has been ahead of the earth for countless years. The gluttonous warriors are not at the same level as these ordinary earth warriors. massacre.

The gluttonous warriors flashed their bodies quickly, hitting the tanks and helicopters with precision, and those obstacles did not work at all. Under the attack of the gluttonous warriors' dark weapons, they were completely ineffective, and they were bombed to death in a blink of an eye.

When Qilin saw the slaughtered soldiers, she was full of resentment, but she was helpless. Facing the armor that could not be broken by missiles, the small pistol in her hand was simply a display.

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