"I need stronger power!" The powerlessness in Qilin's heart turned into unwillingness, and she couldn't help thinking of Lin Feng, what would he do if he was here, can he defeat that monster?

At this moment, a purple energy beam flew towards her quickly. Qi Lin's pupils shrank suddenly. Under the super dynamic vision, she could see the beam of light that came flying, but her body's reaction was different. No, you can only watch the beam approaching.

At the juncture of crisis, a white figure instantly appeared in front of Qi Lin's eyes, only to hear a harsh explosion, smoke and dust everywhere.

Qi Lin blinked and looked at the tall figure standing in front of her. , said in surprise: "God Yang, why are you here?"

Lin Feng moved forward with one hand, but the energy beam that could penetrate the armored tank vanished in his thin palm.

Lin Feng looked at the gluttonous warriors flying in the sky from a distance, and said indifferently: "Pure killing machines, ugly animal bodies and equally ugly hearts, creatures like you, dare to be presumptuous in front of this god."

"What a powerful defensive ability, where is this God of Hair, why can't he read his information?" The gluttonous warrior also noticed Lin Feng, as if he was facing a big enemy. .

Chapter [-] The Aggrieved Rose【For Collection】

Juxia City, Airport Road, Feiliu District.

After relocating Rui Mengmeng, Lin Feng noticed the change here and arrived in time to save Qilin.

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, the gluttonous warrior was flying in the air. He was tall, nearly three meters tall, covered in white armor, and had a pair of metal wings behind him. With Lin Feng's eyesight, he could see the gluttonous warrior's armor. Under the ugly body, the gluttonous warrior is equipped with a void engine. Although the combat ability of a single soldier is not as good as that of an angel and a demon, it is not an ordinary person to deal with.

The hard armor and energy defense cover can withstand the attack of ordinary missiles, and dark energy weapons can easily destroy aircraft and tanks, but to Lin Feng, they are still just weak chickens.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Feng looked at the gluttonous warrior in the sky coldly, his eyes were flat, but the gluttonous warrior felt a great threat.

The gluttonous warriors are strong and weak, the strong ones can fight against the three generations of super warriors (equivalent to the primary gods), and the weak ones can't even match the first generation of super warriors.

The gluttonous warrior in front of him is considered to be the level of the second generation of super fighters. After the internal communication of the gluttonous warrior, the gluttonous warrior launched the offensive again.

The dark material weapon on the arm continuously shoots several purple beams. This energy beam is extremely fast and its power is quite objective, which is difficult for ordinary people to resist.

Lin Feng did not move, such an attack was not a threat to him, there was no need to dodge at all, and a mere gluttonous warrior did not have the qualifications to let him dodge.

Without seeing any action from Lin Feng, a defensive air hood was formed in front of him in an instant, easily resisting the attack of the gluttonous warriors!

"Okay... it's amazing!"

Qi Lin was stunned when she saw this scene. The scene in front of her was beyond her comprehension, and the surrounding soldiers also looked at Lin Feng in shock.

"Thunder Tribulation. Heaven Punishment."

Lin Feng pointed his finger at the gluttonous warrior, and saw the dark clouds in the sky surging rapidly, as if the earth was furious, the silver-white lightning rushed like a snake, the dull thunder rolled into the ear, and then a thunderbolt fell, and the lightning was too fast. The gluttonous warriors were attacked with a deaf ear.

The speed of the gluttonous warriors is not enough to dodge the thunder, and he can only rely on the energy defense cover and armor to resist a thunderbolt, but that's it!

It was just an appetizer just now. The gluttonous warrior paralyzed by the power of thunder and lightning was powerless to fight back. Thick lightning bolts fell in the sky, and bombarded him with precision and force, blasting it from the air into the ground.


The thunder rolled, and the heaven and the earth were connected by the thunder, and it didn't stop until the gluttonous gluttons were smashed to the ground.

Seeing that the 'powerful' gluttonous warrior was easily killed by Lin Feng, Qilin and her friends were stunned. Now they feel more and more unfamiliar with this world!

What is this, first an alien invasion, and then pretending to be struck by lightning?

Qilin looked at Lin Feng admiringly, while the colleague next to her held the pager with a dumbfounded expression, not knowing what to say!

The surviving soldiers around looked at Lin Feng in horror, but an order from the headquarters came from their headsets, telling them not to act rashly.


A roar of a motorcycle came from far to near. Lin Feng looked back and saw a Harley-Davidson motorcycle coming fast. The motorcycle was driven by a woman, wearing a helmet. The long red hair exposed outside fluttered in the wind, dexterously all the way. Avoiding the car wreckage and potholes on the road, a handsome and elegant stopped in front of Lin Feng and Qi Lin.

Qiangwei took off her helmet and tossed her hair, revealing a beautiful face. She was wearing a red and blue plaid shirt, blue jeans, turned over and stepped off the motorcycle, with the temperament of an iceberg beauty.

Qiangwei looked at Lin Feng with interest: "You are the God of Yang, and you made the lightning just now?"

The cold temperament and aggressive tone made Lin Feng feel a little uncomfortable.

"It seems that none of you have any reverence for gods. This is not a good habit." Lin Feng said coldly, and Qiangwei felt a strong pressure hit. Her body seemed to be ten times heavier in an instant, and she suddenly fell to the ground.

This power was directed at Qiangwei, and neither Qilin nor the surviving warriors around her felt it, and looked at Qiangwei suspiciously.

Qiangwei doesn't know what's going on, but it's definitely related to the person in front of her, so she said angrily, "Bastard, what are you doing?"

Lin Feng looked down at Qiangwei and said lightly, "I'm just teaching you the etiquette. Usually, people or gods who don't have enough power are not qualified to look directly at this seat."

Qiangwei wanted to open the space wormhole to leave, but she found that the unfavorable space ability did not respond at this moment. Although she could sense the surrounding space wormholes, these space wormholes seemed to be reinforced by invisible forces. can not be opened.

Qiangwei couldn't move except her head, and looked at Lin Feng angrily: "This is the earth, don't use your rules here."

"The rules are always made by the strong and obeyed by the weak. Until no one defeats this seat, the rules of this seat apply everywhere." Lin Feng looked at the stubborn Rose: "Your ability is not worth mentioning to this seat. , there is no proud capital."

 Qiangwei felt aggrieved in her heart. She didn't expect her to come to support her. As a result, the gluttonous warrior did not meet. Instead, she encountered some god who threw her father into the sea. She just said a few words and then knelt down. This guy Don't you know Lianxiangxiyu?

"What do you think?" Qiangwei was even more humiliated when she knelt on the ground. Since when was she so humiliated, this revenge must be avenged!But now that he is not an opponent, he can only take the time to compromise.

Lin Feng remembered the scene where Rose asked Ge Xiaolun to sing "Conquer" on his knees, and said indifferently: "Today, I heard someone say "Conquer" on your knees, since you've already knelt down, then you can sing it again! "

Qiangwei heard the words and shouted: "Don't deceive people too much."

Now Qiangwei can't help tearing up Lin Feng, if eyes can kill, I'm afraid that Lin Feng has been smashed to pieces by Qiangwei now!

Lin Feng turned a blind eye to Qiangwei's angry and fierce eyes, and said lightly: "The grace of God is like the sea, and the power of God is like a prison. Compared with your disrespect to this seat, this kind of punishment is already very forgiving. If you don't want to sing, then keep kneeling here! "

Qi Lin and the surrounding warriors couldn't stand it anymore. For such a beautiful girl, forcing her to kneel is enough to bully people. She is singing "Conquer", so how can she still be seen after that.

Qiangwei said stubbornly: "I can't sing, you can kill if you want!"

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