"Challenging God's patience is a stupid thing." Lin Feng waved his hand, forcibly took Rose into the inner space, and then left with Qi Lin.


In the command room of the Giant Gorge, Dukaao, who saw the situation here through the video, also had a livid face. The last time he dealt with Lin Feng, he was directly thrown into the sea. Now he is humiliating his daughter like this. It is unbearable!

But thinking about Nuoxing's plan for many years, he swallowed the bad breath!

".々Can you confirm his identity?" Dukao asked Lianfeng on the console.

Lianfeng shook his head and said: "No! We have searched the global database and found no data related to him, nor did Kamigawa Civilization have relevant records."

Dukaao said solemnly: "How much do we know about Yangshen?"

Lianfeng called up the video and said, "He has appeared in our sight three times. The first time was when the Big Worm Bridge was opened. This was the first time he entered our sight and destroyed a gunship, but no kill.

The second time was when Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang were fighting. On the way, he opened a space wormhole to talk to the angel who came to Tianhe City.

The third time is now. "

"With the ability he has shown, he can completely avoid satellite monitoring, but he didn't do it, he's standing up to us!" Dukaao looked at Lin Feng on the screen gloomily, his fists clenched.


outer space.

On the gluttonous vanguard battleship, a group of senior gluttonous warriors are discussing Lin Feng.

Three generations of gluttonous warriors. Fenglei said: "According to our information, the god who killed Ron was not the local god of the earth, and there is no information about him on the earth. He claims to be from another universe and has unknown power..."

(Nuo Li Zhao) Three generations of gluttonous warriors. Xiongfeng asked: "How sure are you if you use a god-killing weapon?"

Fenglei collected the data and said, "Less than one percent!"

Buck said: "What does my god Karl mean?"

"Take time to avoid conflicts." Feng Lei said, and said: "According to previous detections, there are a large number of intelligent life in Juxia City with advanced and nuclear civilizations, but Tianhe City, which also has a monument of civilization, has not responded to our gluttony at all. Vanguard's defensive capabilities."

Buck said: "Then we will start to create death in Tianhe City first, and Juxia City will be handed over to Morgana's demon army."

Fenglei nodded: "Conventional weapons on the earth can't break our defenses, and air combat units can't compete with us, but the earth has entered the pre-nuclear era, and there are different amounts of nuclear weapons. If nuclear weapons are used, we will also be threatened. "

The buck said indifferently: "I suggest fighting at low altitudes. Humans belong to the old Kamigawa radiation civilization. They respect the morality of life and will not drop nuclear bombs on their cities."

After discussion, the gluttonous precursor warship headed towards Tianhe City on Earth.

At this time, Reina of the Sun Star and Morgana of the Demon Galaxy also reached the earth through their respective channels, and an interstellar war was inevitable. .

Chapter [-] Crocodile God Thorton【For collection】

Time flies, two days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Lin Feng recruited some super fighters, including Liu Chuang of "Nuo Xing War God", Rui Mengmeng "Nuo Xing Sharp Sword", Qi Lin "Kami River Sniper", and Qiangwei was also imprisoned by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's current inner space is larger than the earth, with mountains, rivers, rivers, sun, moon and stars, but it is sparsely populated. In order to conform to the identity of the master of the elves, Lin Feng has created an army of tens of thousands of elves, which can be used by elves. Natural magic and combat power should not be underestimated. Ordinary elves are comparable to the first generation of super warriors, and some are equivalent to the second generation of super warriors.

And because of the butterfly effect brought by Lin Feng, the Super Seminary also accelerated its pace. "Light of the Sun" Lena arrived on Earth, "Heart of the Earth" Cheng Yaowen, "Power of the Galaxy" Ge Xiaolun, Su Xiaoli, "De Star's Gun" Xin Zhao and others were also recruited into the Super Seminary for emergency training.

Since Du Qiangwei was captured by Lin Feng, Du Kao has also launched the military force to find Lin Feng, but he has never been able to grasp Lin Feng's whereabouts.


Egypt, Nile Valley.

The yellow sand was long, and the hands of the god of death Karl came down to the pyramids. The leader was an alien wearing a black robe and a skull mask. He was accompanied by two gluttonous warriors.

The three walked into the pyramid and came to a statue of a god.

One of the gluttonous warriors looked at the statue and said, "This is the Crocodile God Thornton?"

"My god Karl came to the earth after the Styx civilization and created a three-generation super soldier here. Later, he was defeated and surrendered by an angel. The angel reached an agreement with my god Karl, and Thorton became the victim.

However, my god Karl recorded all of Thorton's genetic data in this temple through his void-like ability.Today, my god Karl helps you recast him.At that time, while he has just woken up, you will surrender him. "Speaking 610 here, the alien wearing a golden skull mask solemnly said: "But you must remember, having played with an angel means that some special ideas may be implanted, so whether Thornton still has my god Karl Loyalty, we don't know. "

After that, the alien wearing the skull metal mask began to reorganize Thornton's genes.


Just after the reorganization was completed, a golden light shot straight into the sky, Thornton broke through the seal, instinctively felt the threat, and immediately shot to the sky, Thornton was not a rookie like Ge Xiaolun, but a real super soldier, although he just woke up from the seal, But the fighting consciousness has evolved into an instinct, feeling the hidden threat and running away.

Thornton kept jumping and flying. When he came to the sky above Juxia City, the energy consumption was too great and he fell from the air.

When he fell on the street, Thornton reacted in a daze, and looked around strangely: "Am I alive?"

Thornton had just unlocked the seal, and was still very weak at this time. He stood up dizzy, and his eyes lit up when he saw the citizens of Juxia City in front of him.

For him, human beings are food. When he was still in Egypt, in order to obtain his protection, those pharaohs would sacrifice living people as tribute to Thorton.

At this time, Thorton's thoughts were still stuck in thousands of years ago. When he saw these citizens, he thought it was a sacrifice for him, and said stupidly: "Send... so much food? Oh, ah ah ah... rest If you're tired, take a break."

Thornton was really weak, he struggled to stand up, and wanted to take a break and enjoy the food.

"Track the location of the crocodile god Thorton."

The network connection of the gluttonous (bhdh) gluttonous army, and Thorton, who used to be Karl's subordinate, can also hear it, but his brain is not good, and he wonders: "Who called me? That fairy sister?"


A sniper on the roof hit Thornton's head with an "armor-piercing bullet" and knocked Thornton, who had just stood up, to the ground. Fortunately, Thornton's skin was thick, if it were an ordinary second-generation super soldier, I'm afraid I'll get a headshot on the spot.

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