The gluttonous soldier with a sniper rifle jumped off the roof, a small spaceship responded, and then two black armored gluttonous soldiers flew over behind him, driving a small spaceship .

These gluttonous warriors did not care about the civilians on the street at all. The energy on the spaceship launched a violent attack. At least dozens of people died instantly. The citizens who were still watching Thornton screamed and fled for their lives.

"Dare to hit me, fuck your sister."

Thornton is not a good-natured person either. Although these weapons can't kill him, it hurts to be hit. Thornton grabbed a neutral gear, grabbed a motorcycle on the ground, and threw it out. The sniper gluttonous soldier shot down the small spaceship.

It's a pity that Thornton has just broken the seal, his energy is insufficient, and his stomach is very hungry. After a few fights, he lost his strength and was knocked to the ground by a gluttonous soldier.

Thornton shook his head: "Let me eat and see if I don't kill you..."

It's a pity that the gluttonous warrior didn't give him this opportunity. The small spaceship launched a triangular hook to grab Thornton. Just as he was about to take off, a shadow suddenly appeared in the sky.

The three gluttonous warriors looked up and saw that the sky was still shining, but it was shrouded in a different kind of solemnity. The dazzling brilliance, a blurry shadow was taking shape.

Chapter [-] Crocodile God Thorton【For collection】

The three gluttonous warriors looked up and saw that the sky was still shining, but it was shrouded in a different kind of solemnity. The dazzling brilliance, a blurry shadow was taking shape.

A huge monster galloped over, resembling a tiger and leopard, with two horns on its head, two wings on its back, and golden hair on its body.

"Heaven and earth are silent, calamity incarnates;

Killing the pure world, my life goes against the gods. "

When the sky shines in the sky, the fire wheel faintly sees the dragon's body, and the ancient slumber hunts the lord of the universe, and with a shocking explosion, the god of Yang appears.

"Respected God of Yang, we are just here to arrest the crocodile God Thornton, and there is no malicious intent." The gluttonous warriors led by him did not dare to rashly fight against Lin Feng, and immediately stopped their actions.

"No malice." Lin Feng looked at the corpses on the street and the citizens fleeing frantically, and said indifferently: "Although I don't like the human race, you disgust me even more."

Lin Feng stretched out one hand, his true qi transformed into a giant palm, and instantly crushed the gluttonous warrior and the small spaceship he was in.

The crocodile god Thorton fell to the ground, turned over, and lay on the ground weakly, not even bothering to move his tail: "Oh... I'm exhausted, this big brother, thank you for saving... Save my life! I just woke up and didn't even have a bite to eat when these grandchildren suddenly ran out and chased me and beat me.

When the remaining two gluttonous warriors saw this, they immediately tried to escape with two shots.

A pupil suddenly opened in Lin Feng's eyes, and two tiny space cracks appeared in the space. The two gluttonous warriors flew through the spaceship quickly, and were immediately divided into two halves by the space crack. Lin Feng took the falling sniper rifle and took a picture In the hands, the power of this gun is not bad, it is more powerful than ordinary dark matter energy weapons, and with the "God Killing Bullet", it is enough to threaten the three generations of super soldiers, and it is also good for Qi Lin to use it.

At this time, Thorton rested for a while and walked towards the corpse not far away. Seeing his drooling appearance, he was obviously preparing to eat it while it was still hot.

This guy was originally a beast, and there was no pressure in his heart to eat people, but Lin Feng was also a human at first. Although he has changed the "Sacred Demon Bloodline" now, he couldn't forget his origin and stood in front of Thornton: "What do you want to do?"

Thornton said as a matter of course: "Eat, these people are dead, I can't waste it!"

Lin Feng threw a "Returning Yuan Dan" to Thornton, and Thornton took it and looked at it: "What is this? It smells delicious."

"This is the 'Returning Yuan Dan', which can quickly restore qi and blood, which is helpful to you." Lin Feng said lightly.

Thornton didn't think much, and threw the "Returning Yuan Dan" into his mouth, only to feel that the pill melted in the mouth, and then a warm current rushed to the limbs and bones, his big eyes lit up, and his waist suddenly straightened: "Hey, What is this, what Dan is really amazing, hey, once you eat it, you will get excited!"

Lin Feng looked at the remains of the gluttonous warriors and pretended to be puzzled: "These gluttonous warriors are the subordinates of Karl, the god of death, why are they chasing you?"

"Karl the god of death? It's the grandson of this turtle again, and it's not over yet." Thornton heard that Carl was full of fire, and complained cursingly: "I was with him at the beginning, and I ran into a bad guy once. The angel, this deflated calf left me and ran away, and now he has sent someone to arrest me, it's really not a thing."

Lin Feng looked at Thornton and said, "There are two choices in front of you now, one is for what you want.

"Fight to the server." Thornton said without thinking. Now that he has regained some of his strength, he feels that he should be able to do a great job.

Lin Feng looked at Thornton, whose IQ was basically a mule. Between turning his hands, a huge vine wrapped around Thornton, and then scratched his itch.

"Hahaha... I've taken it... I've taken it... I've taken it!" Thorton begged for mercy quickly, with no such thing as morality at all.

Lin Feng didn't know what to say, but it worked. The vine put Thornton down, and the big crocodile said deeply, "I have a dream, can you help me realize it?"

"Tell me about it." Lin Feng said indifferently.

Thornton opened his hands: "I want to rule the world."

"more specific."

"Well!" Thorton pondered: "The Nile River Basin, as well as the Danube, the Rhine, the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, well, that's all, gone!"

Lin Feng said: "The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are not good, the others are fine."

Thorton thought about it: "Okay, then you will be my boss!"

At this time, the Pixiu became smaller and landed on Lin Feng's shoulder. Lin Feng looked at Thornton: "I call this seat Yang God."

Thorton nodded and said, "Okay boss.".

Chapter [-] Morgana【For Collection】

Just when Lin Feng solved the three gluttonous warriors and subdued Thornton, some courageous people took pictures of the process with their mobile phones and uploaded them to the Internet. The alien invasion of the earth could no longer be concealed, and all countries began to start. Actively prepare a response plan.

Ge Xiaolun and others who were studying at the Super Seminary were also watching the live news.

"Unknown militants fought a crocodile-like humanoid in the street before being wiped out by a mysterious man riding a giant beast. According to witnesses, the whole process was as shocking as a sci-fi movie. During the investigation, some people unfortunately died in this incident, please refer to the report for relevant information."

Xin Zhao, who was left in a ponytail, looked at the news and said, "We're just going to fight these aliens, tease me! It's all spaceships, laser cannons, how can we fight them?"

"It's this God of Yang again, and he killed the aliens with a wave of his hand!" Ge Xiaolun looked at the scene of Lin Feng solving the gluttonous warriors on the screen. It's very powerful, how can we fight? We won't let us be cannon fodder~!"

"Wow, who is this male god? He looks amazing!" Lena's eyes shone brightly, looking like a nympho.

What happened in Tianhe City has brought a great shock to these untrained super soldiers.

Only a person with powerful power like Reina would look at the handsome guy without heart, and Ryze, who knew about this matter, felt that the matter was more urgent, and summoned the future guardian Jess.

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