It was in the middle of the night, there was a thunder in the sky, and the future guardian came on stage. He was wearing black armor and holding a sledgehammer. Maybe he wanted to test the physical strength of Ge Xiaolun, Xin Zhao, and Cheng Yaowen. To give a blow, or simply look at them, the hammer that Jace was dragging began to glow blue.

Jace walked to the railing on the roof, pointed the sledgehammer at Ge Xiaolun and their room, and fired a ball of electricity, then picked up the sledgehammer and left gracefully.

Ge Xiaolun and others were suddenly shaken out of the room by the explosion, and fell directly from the third floor to the downstairs, shouting in unison: "Flax fell~~"

"Bang bang bang~"

Ge Xiaolun, Xin Zhao, and Cheng Yaowen fell to the ground with some bricks. Fortunately, they all awakened the genes of super warriors. If they were ordinary people, they would have died!

Ge Xiaolun propped himself up and stood up, realizing that he had nothing to do with it, and muttered, "Nima! It's proved so quickly, the third floor has landed safely!"

"What's the situation?" Cheng Yaowen slept soundly with a confused expression on his face, and was suddenly blasted out.

Ge Xiaolun stepped forward to help Cheng Yaowen up, and looked at Xin Zhao lying face down: "What's wrong with Lord Xin?"

"It's okay, I can't die! But how long it takes to be in a coma is not certain!" Cheng Yaowen said indifferently.

"Hmm~" Xin Zhao groaned, sat up, shook his head, and complained, "Nima, Lord Xin, I haven't done anything since I entered school, and I've been beaten all kinds of times. Who messed with who!"

Cheng Yaowen exerted Ah Q's spirit and patted Xin Zhao on the shoulder: "Let's see this as a test and cultivation for us! Don't you realize that we haven't died all the time?"

"Yeah!" Xin Zhao looked thoughtful, is this really a test?

The dormitory of the three was bombed, and there was nowhere to go. They could only lie on the ground and slept in the middle of the night.

Early the next morning, Ge Xiaolun grabbed the back of his head, which was aching, and got up, and said to the two friends, "Let's go to Teacher Liu and ask."

"You go, let's lie down for a while!"

Xin Zhao and Cheng Yaowen were too lazy to move, and continued to crawl on the ground to lie down.

Ge Xiaolun shook his head, came to Ryze's room alone, and told what happened.

Ryze explained: "The thing is, in addition to recruiting talented people of this century, the Super Seminary will also attract more powerhouses from other planes and dimensions. But this time we plan to treat it as a secret, for a short time. You can't see him, you can't guess him, it's a completely confidential person."


As soon as Ryze finished speaking, Jess pushed open the door and said loudly, "Teacher Liu, which dormitory do I live in?"

The corners of Ryze's mouth twitched, and he was slapped in the face in an instant. Fortunately, he had purple skin and wouldn't blush.

Ge Xiaolun asked, "Is this guy blowing up our dormitory?"

"Uh... Basically... um, yes!" Ryze said a little embarrassedly.

When Ge Xiaolun heard the words, he remembered that it was this person who made them sleep on the street, and snorted coldly, "I want to duel with you!"

"You sure." Jace said flatly.

"Stop talking nonsense, Demacia~"

Ge Xiaolun roared to strengthen his courage, and then rushed towards Jace. Although Ge Xiaolun is a third-level super soldier, he has more potential than Jace, a second-level super soldier, but potential is only potential after all. Before it was developed, Ge Xiaolun was still just a Weak chicken, how can he be the opponent of the battle-hardened Jace.

I saw Jace slammed the sledgehammer and hit a home run, and he directly knocked Ge Xiaolun out from the fifth floor.

"Ah~ Bang!"

Ge Xiaolun crawled on the ground with a sad face. Because of his undefeated body, it was only a little painful, but it was not a big problem.

"Five...fifth floor...Am I a superhero?"


In the Amazon forest, a group of elves who were embodied by Lin Feng were busy.

Now that the interstellar battle has not officially started, Lin Feng is also training the super warriors he found. The crocodile god Thornton doesn't need to worry about it. This guy is a god himself, and his attack and defense are very good. A set of intermediate-level fairy armor makes his defense even stronger, so that it won't sway around in briefs all day and affect the image of the elf world.

Qi Lin is a "Kamigawa Sniper" with super vision and can use the "Godkiller No. [-] armor-piercing bullet", but she is relatively weak, and her melee ability is not good! Lin Feng handed over the dark energy sniper rifle that he snatched from the gluttonous warrior. She generously exchanged a set of Kunlun sect's treasure "Sun and Moon Essence Wheel" in "The Legend of Shushan" for her. "Sun and Moon Essence Wheel" are both intermediate-level fairy weapons. , However, Qi Lin has no corresponding cultivation, so she can't fully exert the power of "Sun Moon Essence Wheel", but it is enough to deal with ordinary demons or gluttons!

Liu Chuang is a third-generation super soldier "Nuo Xing War God", but "God-killing Power" is still in the super seminary, and he is receiving combat training in time. Lin Feng gave him a set of intermediate-level defense equipment and an intermediate-level fairy weapon "Kaishan". Axe', it's no use to smash the earth, but it's still possible to slash a hill.

Rui Mengmeng is the second-generation super soldier "Nuo Xingjian Dao". It has the attack power of a soldier and the agility of an assassin. According to Rui Mengmeng's ability, Lin Feng is also equipped with a set of intermediate-level fairy armor and an intermediate-level fairy weapon" Nanming Li Huojian".

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As for Qiangwei, this stubborn cold beauty still chose to give in. After singing "Conquer", Lin Feng lifted the ban, but sealed the space ability and stayed in the world of elves.

In addition, Lin Feng is also considering what exercises to give Liu Chuang and others. Although they are all super warriors, they are only the ability of genetic technology. They are similar to mutants. Therefore, training is twice the result with half the effort, and Lin Feng has to exchange spirit stones to practice!

Now, Lin Feng is still at a loss, and he can only recover his losses when the demon army and the gluttonous army attack the earth.


Time flickered and it was another month.

Morgana turned into Liang Bing and inspected the earth, but the environment of the earth obviously made this old and rebellious demon queen very uncomfortable, and finally decided to do something.

China, Huangcun.

This was originally just an ordinary small village, but Morgana chose this place as the location to resurrect Ato.

Ato is a demon born from Demon Nebula. He is a veteran who has followed Morgana for thousands of years. He has participated in the war between angels and demons. He was defeated and lost more than a thousand comrades in arms. Morgana took a fancy to him, but later In the third war, Morgana was defeated by Keisha, and Ato was also killed for protecting Morgana, while Morgana retained Ato's super genes to resurrect him.


Morgana fluttered her evil wings and slowly descended from the sky. She glanced around evilly and majestically, looking for the carrier.

I saw Morgana's eyes pale slightly, reading the information around her. After the surrounding villagers found Morgana, they were not too scared, and some curiosity gathered around to watch the fun.

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