"A bunch of ignorant idiots!"

Surrounded by a group of scumbags with only five combat strengths, Morgana showed disdain and patrolled the crowd. Morgana found a satisfactory carrier and walked up to a relatively strong villager: "Long time no see. Todd, you want to kill me!"

As he spoke, he put his hand on the shoulder of the villager and began to implant Atto's gene into the man's body.

The villager was still confused: "I'm not Ato, I'm..."

Before the words were finished, Atuo's demon gene began to erode and transform, and a black mist filled the air, quickly transforming the man's body. Amidst the painful howls of the villagers, the ancient sword demon gradually helped Su Su. The demon wings stretched out from the back, and the body became taller, with a black armor and a hideous face.

The surrounding villagers became frightened and fled in all directions.

After Ato's resurrection, he looked at Morgana and said unwillingly, "Queen, we have been defeated again!"

"It's okay, come back next time, you have to live." Morgana liked Ato very much, and knew that Ato liked her, but it was a pity that Ato was not the type she liked.

"It's time to make new demon warriors!"

As she said that, Morgana raised her right hand and began to spread the devil gene. She saw a black gas mixed with an extremely evil aura going straight into the sky. The dark clouds were densely covered, and the seeds of evil fell like rain.

The surrounding villagers were contaminated by black air, and they all fell to the ground in pain and struggled, some transformed into demons, some couldn't bear it, and their genes collapsed and died!

Morgana looked at the scene in front of her indifferently. She didn't care about the dead. In Morgana's heart, if she couldn't even resist transformation, it would not be a pity for such a waste to die. .

Chapter 2 Morgana [-]【Subscribe】


Pixiu waved its giant wings that covered the sky, galloping like a meteor, breaking through the sky.

Lin Feng looked coldly at the dark clouds in the distance. Morgana could avoid the satellites on the earth, but she couldn't escape Lin Feng's spiritual perception. As long as Lin Feng was willing, he could perceive it in any corner of the earth. Morgana's movements were naturally hidden from him.

At this time, Morgana had transformed some demons and was bewitching the terrified and terrified villagers.

Morgana said to a human who had just been transformed into a demon: "Feel the power of the flesh, the power of controlling nature, the power of controlling the sky..."

The newly transformed demon was tall and muscular, with a pair of huge bat wings on its back, no hair on its body, sharp claws on all four limbs "two one seven", and a pair of black horns on its head. Because of the sudden increase in body size, all the clothes on his body have been shattered, and he is standing on the street naked.

As far as his physique is concerned, he has instantly increased several times, and he has the natural fire ability of flying and demons at the same time, but as a price, this person's sanity has degenerated, and he is no different from a beast, but he can also slowly evolve by devouring flesh and blood. intelligence.

Morgana said to the surrounding villagers: "You are all intelligent creatures. When you see me, you should understand that an irresistible war on the earth is coming, and I will not talk about the big truth! Follow me, you will have more than A thousand years of lifespan, free from disease, and you can lose a lot of stuff, or you can stay offline, as long as you have respect for one woman, that's me, your queen Morgana."

Those who were still a little resisted heard this, and they couldn't help but feel a little moved. Human life is only a hundred years, and only a very few of you can live to a hundred years old and gain powerful power, but the appearance of demons is somewhat different from their aesthetics. It doesn't match, and I don't know if what Morgana said is true or false, otherwise I'm afraid I will immediately choose to join Morgana.

Morgana turned her head and said to the demon recruit who was transformed by the police: "Go, indulge yourself, don't be restrained, have you seen the beautiful girl over there? Go and ravage her as much as you like! Hahaha..."

The evil laughter made the people around him feel miserable.

The demon's intelligence is not high. Hearing Morgana's words, he looked at the woman. Driven by his animal instinct, he rushed over without hesitation, ready to do whatever he wanted.

The woman looked at the tall, hideous-looking demon flying towards her. She was terrified and wanted to run away, but how could she be faster than the demon, she was about to be knocked down almost instantly, but at this moment, a bolt from the blue, a bolt from the blue was thrown. The silver-white lightning struck straight down, hitting the speeding demon in the middle.


The power of thunder and lightning is so powerful that it instantly roasts the devil into coke. Even if the devil's life is stronger than that of ordinary people, he can't die this time!

"Fuck, it's the one who dared to touch the old lady."

Morgana, who was still bewitching the villagers, was shocked and angry when she saw that her newly transformed subordinates were instantly scrapped, because the lightning came so suddenly, even she didn't know how it came!


At this moment, a dragon roar shook Jiuxiao, a huge shadow enveloped Huangcun, and a strong air pressure shocked everyone present, and the huge Pixiu galloped.

Pixiu's feet fell into the world, and the entire Huangcun was razed to the ground in an instant. A group of transforming demons and villagers turned into flesh and mud.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the Pixiu turned into a small beast and was taken into the inner space by Lin Feng.

"Cough cough... such a strong sense of oppression, even in the face of Kaisha that Bichi has never had this feeling!"

Morgana waved her hand to fan away the dust, and looked at Lin Feng in a white robe and the broken ground around her, shocked and angry.

She has also been on Earth for a long time. She also watched the video of Lin Feng's solution to the gluttonous warrior. She knew that the other party was not an easy character to deal with, but it was too shameless to kill all the demon warriors she had just cultivated. !

"Queen, be careful, this person is very strong!" Atohu was in front of Morgana, and the person in front of him made him feel so terrifying that he couldn't even raise his desire to fight.

"Get up..." Morgana pushed Ato aside and scolded: "You bastard, you dare to kill my old lady's soldier, is my old lady enmity with you?"

While speaking, Morgana was also looking at Lin Feng, with long silver-white hair, a wide white robe, a resolute and handsome face, a halo on her head, and a divine aura that she hated, she secretly contacted her. The demon battleship, but the news returned by the demon battleship was completely unable to detect the existence of Lin Feng.

When Morgana looked at Lin Feng, Lin Feng was also looking at Morgana. The demon queen was wearing a black tight leather jacket, showing off her sexy, hot, and explosive figure. She had long bangs on the right, three to seven points, and black ones. The hair is scattered to the back, pointed ears, sky blue pupils and black eyes, painted non-mainstream smoky makeup, a pair of detachable steel wings behind him, hands on hips, seemingly relaxed, but actually very alert!

Although Morgana is conceited, she is not arrogant. In the face of Lin Feng, who can't see through, if she still relaxes, who knows if the other party will suddenly come up!

"Earth is not a place where you can do whatever you want." Lin Feng said indifferently, Lin Feng didn't care about Morgana's strength, and dying was only equivalent to Jinxian, and it belonged to an existence that could be hanged.

"Stop teasing, bastard, what's mine is mine, whatever I do is mine, I'm an archangel." Morgana stepped on high heels and high heels, and stepped on the ground 4.1 with a clear voice, with an evil expression on her face. Charming arrogant demeanor.

Lin Feng looked at Morgana's demon wings and said indifferently, "It used to be."

Morgana was furious when she heard the words, and scolded: "I am the archangel now. Mom! I tell you God, my little brother can't die in vain. Since you killed my recruit, then you will be my subordinate. , now my mother gives you two choices, one is to give you what you want, and the other is to hit the server, you choose!"

Hmm, that sounds familiar!

That's what Lin Feng said to the Crocodile God Thornton at the beginning, but he didn't expect Morgana to use it on himself so quickly!

In the face of Morgana's provocation, Lin Feng certainly wouldn't admit it, pointing to Morgana and saying, "This seat wants a fight to make you surrender."

Chapter [-] Thornton vs Atto 【Subscription】

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