Earth, Yellow Village.

All the people who were implanted with demon genes by Morgana were killed in one blow, and suffered a big loss. Naturally, Morgana would not give up and wanted Lin Feng to repay the debt.

But how could Lin Feng follow Morgana?

"Queen, let me try his abilities first!"

Ato also saw that Lin Feng's strength was unfathomable. If it were normal, he might choose to avoid conflict with him, but with Morgana present, he would definitely rush to the front and cut Morgana with the sword in his hand. Everything gets in the way.

"Be careful, this guy is not easy." Morgana solemnly reminded.

"I know the queen." Ato said, striding forward, with a blood-red long sword in his hand, he pressed the sword to the mouth of Xiong, and performed an ancient warrior etiquette to Lin Feng: "The ancient sword demon Ato , hereby formally challenge Your Excellency."

"Ancient Sword Demon." Lin Feng looked at Ato indifferently and put his hands behind his back: "You are not qualified to be your opponent."


Lin Feng said softly, and the space beside him rippled.

I saw 14 human-shaped crocodiles in khaki-colored armor and two "half-moon knives" strutting out, shaking their heads and saying, "Boss, are you looking for me for dinner?"

Lin Feng is a little speechless. You say that you are an African crocodile thousands of years ago, and you speak a Northeastern dialect, so forget it! But you are a god anyway, can you make a difference!

"You know what to eat all day long, and if you see the demon in front of you, deal with him." Lin Feng pointed at Atto, and at the same time removed the shield of the demon's warship's subordinates, exposing the picture here to the satellite.

Thornton looked at Atto, compared his height, and found that he seemed to be a lot shorter, and said weakly: "Boss, that guy looks very ferocious, can you stop fighting?"

Lin Feng said lightly: "Yes, if you don't fight, then this seat will starve you for three days, you can choose!"

"Fight, then you have to fight!" Thornton, a foodie, heard that he was hungry for three days. That's not bad. The world is big and he eats the most. If he doesn't eat a meal, he will be very hungry, not to mention three days.

Thornton immediately stepped forward with a pair of knives, put on a self-assured look and said to Ato: "Who, my boss wants me to fix you, please cooperate with me."

The crocodile is stupid and cute, very good, and his mind is very simple.

"Cooperation? Are you kidding me! Do you want me to stand here and let you cut?" The sword demon Ato groaned in his heart, and then his momentum erupted, and the bloody aura made the surrounding blood red.

Seeing this, Thornton opened his mouth and said, "You want to scare me! You can't scare me, take a knife from your grandfather Thornton!"

After finishing speaking, Thornton picked up the "Half Moon Knife" and jumped towards Ato. The two "Half Moon Knives" in his hand went up and down, spinning like a spinning top, and slashed at Ato with a sharp blade.

Ato didn't dare to be careless. Morgana had already told him secretly just now that the big crocodile in front of him was a three-generation super soldier who had evolved into a divine body and was much stronger than he is now.

Ato stepped on his feet, holding the "Blood Flame Sword" in both hands and slashed in the direction where Thorton was attacking.


The "Blood Flame Sword" slashed on the rotating "Half Moon Knife", and suddenly there was a sound of gold and iron symphony, and accompanied by sparks, a wave of air burst out from between the two, setting off a strong The strong wind was stalemate for a moment, Ato was shocked and flew out, his feet plowed the cement road from a long scratch, Ato stopped, took a sip of the "Blood Flame Sword" in his hand, and found " The sword of blood flames was cut with a two-finger-deep gap, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this, Morgana's eyes narrowed, and she said in her heart, "This crocodile is very fierce, and it can actually push Ato back with a single blow!"

You must know that Ato, as a general under Morgana, is naturally not low in strength. Although the "Blood Flame Sword" in his hand is not as good as a "Blazing Sun" level weapon, it can also cause some damage to the divine body. If it is hit by the blade, it will burst open, and if it is cut by the blade, it will not be cut into two pieces!

"No, Atto can't handle this crocodile! Damn Karthus, what else can you say to easily control the earth, fuck him!"

Seeing Ato suffer, Morgana was about to start, but when she saw the plain Lin Feng on the side, her expression became solemn again.

"Hey, it turned out to be a silver wax gun head. I thought you were so powerful. Let's see how Thornton cuts you."

Thornton looked at Atuo who was beaten back, and he had a bottom line in his heart. The "Half Moon Knife" in his hand came out of his hand and slashed at Atuo. Atuo knew that the opponent's weapon was extremely sharp, so naturally he did not dare to take it hard, and immediately fanned it. The demon wings behind him flew up, but Thornton had already anticipated it. Don't look at Thornton's heartlessness at ordinary times, but he had a strong fighting consciousness and experience. Almost when Ato flew up, Thornton had already judged Out of Atuo's flight path, he suddenly provoked it, and the "Half Moon Knife" in his left hand slashed at Atuo's waist, both fast and ruthless.

Ato is also a demon who has experienced countless battles. He turned sideways to avoid it, and at the same time cut out a sword beam, forcing Thornton to retreat, but he suddenly felt the wind behind him, and he was shocked.


It turned out that the "Half Moon Knife" thrown by Thornton previously slashed towards Ato's back. If Ato hadn't reacted quickly, Ato would have been cut into two pieces at once, but even so, Ato did not completely block it. Down, the "Blood Flame Sword" in his hand and the demon's left wing were cut off by the swirling "Half Moon Knife" and fell out of the air to the ground.

At this time, Morgana's smile had completely subsided, and only the chill that pierced the bones was left, and the sky blue eyes exuded a strong killing intent.

"Can't wait any longer!"

Looking at Ato, who was completely at a disadvantage, Morgana knew that if this continued, Ato would surely die. Although she advocated the idea of ​​depravity, she still cared about her subordinates very much. At the moment, she was running dark energy power, surrounded by dark purple streamers. Her body is flowing, this is the power of darkness that Morgana controlled after her fall, and it has powerful corrosive and destructive power.

"Finally can't stand it anymore, then let me see the strength of the Demon King!"

Lin Feng looked at Morgana who was about to start, and a sacred light radiated from her body. The whole person was as dazzling as the scorching sun, and the white brilliance was pure and did not contain any impurities.

"Light of God!"

The "God's Style" from the Emperor Abandoned Heaven reappears in the world. The red and white light baptizes all things.

Lin Feng opened his hands wide, and the extreme power of the light system instantly collided with the dark power of Morgana's flashpoint. Two completely different auras, the black and white light was like the difference between heaven and hell.

"This kind of power of light really makes the old lady unhappy~"

Morgana maintained her output, but she felt very exhausted. Looking at Lin Feng, who was light and cloudless, she made a high judgment, and this kind of bright power reminded her of the self-righteous Bichi!

Chapter [-] Super Seminary dispatched 【Subscription】

"Bastard, my mother is fighting with you!"

Morgana knew that the person in front of her was no trivial matter, and immediately waved her hand, a "devil's claw" instantly appeared in the sky above Lin Feng, and then quickly smashed down with the power of cracking rocks.

"hand of God!"

Lin Feng remained motionless, waved his right hand to the sky, and then a majestic divine power turned into a substantial golden hand, holding Morgana's "Devil's Claw" in his hand, like an adult holding a child Like the hand, and then slightly force.

"Crack, Kick~"

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