The "Devil's Claw" made of dark matter metal made a cracking sound, and began to twist and deform in the hands of God, full of cracks.

"Damn it, what a monster!"

Morgana noticed the terrifying power from her "Devil's Claw", and her eyes showed horror, even if Keisha's "Silver Wing" wanted to destroy her "Devil's Claw", it was not so easy!

Lin Feng didn't care too much, glanced at Atuo who was being chased and beaten by Thornton, and then looked at Morgana: "Do you only have such strength? I'm really disappointed by this seat!"

"I'm disappointed in your uncle. Today, I will show you the true strength of your queen." Although Morgana felt that she couldn't hold it, she was still stubborn.

"The queen of this seat is not you." Sister Wang's face flashed in Lin Feng's mind, and he said indifferently, saying that he would put more effort into his hands, trying to squeeze Morgana's "Devil's Claw" into scrap metal.

But there was a void in her hand. It turned out that Morgana used the void-like ability to teleport the "Devil's Claw" from the space wormhole to another place.

"Suffer to death!" Morgana's eyes were also full of fighting intent. At this time, she had already regarded Lin Feng as a great enemy in her life. At the same time grab Lin Feng.


In the face of the flying "Devil's Claw", Lin Feng did not dodge. The "Rebel Devil" body guard instantly placed a double air mask in front of him. Beyond the zhang, I couldn't move the tan. Morgana tried hard to withdraw the "Devil's Claw", but she couldn't pull it out even with the strength of breastfeeding, as if the "Devil's Claw" took root there. Not even a space wormhole can teleport it away.

Lin Feng chuckled and said, "Morgana, that's all!"

I saw Lin Feng flipped his palms, his sleeves slightly raised, and a powerful wave surged like a frenzy, and everything he passed was destroyed!

Morgana flapped the demon's wings and flew up, only to see the "Devil's Claw" that bounced back rushing towards her face with lightning speed.


"Devil's Claw" smashed Morgana right in the face, because Morgana had evolved to the fourth-generation divine body, and still spewed a mouthful of old blood.

"Fuck, you can still bounce back attacks, you're just hanging up...!"

Morgana wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, her heart was full of shock and anger. Lin Feng has been standing still since he appeared on the stage, and he just waved his hand and injured himself. This is completely the rhythm of hanging her!


Ato saw that Morgana was injured, his anger was high, and he wanted to help, but a strong wind came, and Ato rolled a donkey to escape Thorton's "Half Moon Knife".

I saw Thorton clutching the crocodile's waist to catch the "Half Moon Knife" that was swirling, and said with a big mouth, "Can't you cooperate with this nigger? I'll finish the fight earlier, so I can go back to eat!"

Ato looked at Thornton: "Eating, you are fighting for this?"

"Otherwise?" Thornton looked at Ato with a cute face: "What are you doing?"

Ato looked at Morgana in the sky and said firmly: "I'm fighting for love."

"What's the matter, I don't understand love, I want to eat right now." Thornton looked at Ato and swallowed: "Your body also looks tough, you make me If there is no food to eat, I will take you as my meal, and you will cook my food today!"

Thornton said, he shook his head and waved his tail and rushed up with a knife!

Ato looked at Thornton. He didn't seem to be joking, but really wanted to eat him. Although he was angry, he was helpless. He couldn't break Thornton's defense, but the "Half Moon Knife" in Thornton's hand could Easily cut him into two sections, the gap is too big, there is no chance of winning!

Today's Ato has not evolved into three generations of warriors, and has no divine body. Facing Thornton, it is like a dog facing a lion, or a lion wearing iron armor. This is not a level of battle at all.

And Morgana also felt very troublesome. At this time, the big worm bridge was not complete, and her demon battleship could not drive. It was difficult to ask her subordinates to help, and she was in a dilemma for a while.


Super Seminary.

Lei Na and Ge Xiaolun and other black armored soldiers were eating and chatting occasionally. The satellite phone in Leina's hand suddenly rang. Lena saw that it was Dukao's call and immediately pressed the answer button.

Dukaao's deep voice came from the phone: "Rena, the situation is urgent, gather the troops immediately."

"What's going on?" Lena asked.

"Morgana and Yangshen fought in Huangcun in Nanzhen. Many people were killed because of this. Ordinary troops did not threaten them at all. After the army was assembled, they rushed to Huangcun immediately."

"Well, I understand." Lena heard that Morgana had also come to Earth, and immediately understood the seriousness of the matter. At the same time, she was also a little curious about why Morgana fought with Yangshen.

"It's not too late, act now!"

"Understood." After hanging up the phone, Lei Na walked to the front desk and said to Ge Xiaolun, Xin Zhao and others, "We received the first mission."

"Mission?" Xin Zhao put down his cutlery and asked in confusion, "Are the aliens calling?"

Leina said with a serious expression: "Forget it! It's Morgana, the legendary king of demons, the ancient evil god, very ancient, she came to Earth, and is now fighting against Yang Shen in Huang Village, Nanzhen, they have already destroyed it. In the entire Huangcun, the area of ​​destruction is gradually expanding, and the military told us to act immediately."

Ge Xiaolun and the others were all worried. They could only be regarded as new recruits, but they had initially controlled their abilities. They had no combat experience at all, and their psychological quality was not enough.

However, if you enter the army, you must obey the orders. You can only follow Leina on the road with heavy hearts. Ge Xiaolun and others all put on the equipment prepared for them by the super seminary, and took the latest fighter jets to Huangcun.

Sitting on the plane, Ge Xiaolun asked Leina, "Is Morgana so powerful?"

Lena shook her head and said, "I don't know either. I only know that she has lived for tens of thousands of years and is a heretic god who pursues depraved thoughts. Her coming to Earth will definitely not be a good thing for you."

"Tens of thousands of years, my darling, you monster!" Xin Zhao exclaimed in surprise.

Ge Xiaolun said: "Why do they come to Earth, can't everyone live in peace?"

"There is no reason, do wolves need a reason to eat sheep? Demon civilization is as ancient and mysterious as angel civilization. It is the highest civilization known in the universe, but the reputation of demon civilization has always been bad! It once pulled several worlds into a dark abyss. , since they have already come, you better not take chances." Although Lena is only a young god, but affected by the environment, she knows a lot more than a diaosi like Ge Xiaolun.

Ge Xiaolun was a little worried and said, "¨'Sister Na, you said let's go... can... can we win?"

"No." Lena replied succinctly.

Xin Zhao heard the words and said, "If we can't win, what will we do in the past? It's not going to give away a thousand miles!"

Lena looked at everyone in the Xiongbing Company: "Let's go, just to show our attitude."

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