Lena pointed at Ge Xiaolun: "Theoretically, you, Ge Xiaolun is the 'power of the galaxy', with anti-void ability, the existence that can surpass Morgana in the future, but at your current level, it is still too far! I My ability can pose a threat to Morgana, but in order to comply with the regulations of the galaxy, part of my ability has been sealed, and I can only use attacks below nuclear power, so as not to cause mass destruction to the earth."

Xin Zhao was shocked: "Sister Na, you are too fierce. You can only use a part of the purpose of nuclear explosion. If you are fully capable, you can't blow the earth to the sky!"

Lena smiled and said, "That's right, my "Light of the Sun" Lena, but the goddess."

"They can really blow up the planet into the sky, and they have done it before." Cheng Yaowen recalled the former Nuoxing, and the planet he was on was not destroyed by the old sun god. Cheng Yaowen has to say about this. Don't care, that's impossible.

"The sun is not only used to destroy, but also to bring vitality. We can't tell who the older generation is right and who is wrong, and we can't change it. The only thing that can change is the future, and strive to prevent the same tragedy from happening again." Lena After a moment of silence, she said that she felt some guilt for Nuo Xing who was destroyed by the sun god. Although she did not do it, it was her grandfather who did it. Now facing the bitter master, she naturally couldn't get mad.

When the fighter jets came to Huangcun a hundred miles away, they had to make an emergency landing, because the airflow formed by the aftermath of the battle between Lin Feng and Morgana would disrupt the flight, and it was easy to crash ahead.

The group of Xiongbing Company got off the plane and immediately drove to Huangcun in a military vehicle. Among them, their moods were different, some were nervous, some were looking forward to it, some were afraid, and even wanted to retreat!


A distant explosion sounded, and a mushroom cloud rose in the distance, and then a powerful storm hit, and the three military vehicles that almost drove to the halfway flew away.

"What's the situation, are they dropping nukes? It's too dangerous!"

"We are going to fight against such people, just kidding, we will be killed before we get close!".

Chapter [-] Sacred Keisha【For Collection】

Just when Lin Feng and Morgana were fighting, the shadow world that was tens of thousands of light-years away was playing the picture of their battle.

The holy angel Keisha sat on the throne of the void, with her legs crossed, looking at Morgana, who was at a disadvantage in the picture, her brows were slightly wrinkled. Keisha, who had a high self-esteem, never liked Morgana, her younger sister. But seeing her being repaired by outsiders, she also felt slightly unhappy.

Karthus, the god of death wearing a red robe and a golden crown, also frowned. Lin Feng's appearance was beyond his expectations. Although the gluttonous warrior had repaid him before, he didn't care too much at the time, but he didn't expect Mogan. Na will be pressed and beaten, which is different from his plan.

If Morgana kneels on Earth or leaves Earth, then his follow-up plan will be messed up. He doesn't like things beyond his plan, but Keisha is in front of him, and he can't help Morgana!

The holy angel Keisha is flanked by the right wing guard. Zhixin and the left wing guard. Yan.

Yan looked at Lin Feng in the picture with some fear and admiration in her eyes. She has lived for seven thousand years, and she knows Morgana well. Her strength is only slightly weaker than that of Queen Kaisha, otherwise angels and demons would not have to spend tens of thousands of years. !

Strong people can easily attract attention, Yan likes strong people, and only strong people can attract her attention.

Zhi Zhi, the right wing guard, stared intently at Lin Feng, who was at ease in the picture. She was only a few hundred years old, and she was still a young angel who likes beautiful things. Lin Feng's strength and handsomeness made her feel a little bit of admiration, which can also be understood as anthomaniac.

Keisha looked at the picture sent back in the void, and then looked down at Karthus from above: "How did you do it? Our Angel Nebula couldn't monitor her whereabouts. 657"

Karthus said absent-mindedly: "Queen Keisha, the 'big clock' can be realized completely, don't forget, the most technological civilization known is the Kamigawa civilization."

Keisha heard the words and said thoughtfully: "Where is the program, I like it very much, but it's a pity that it has been wiped out! The God of Time went to Earth because of this, is that so?"

Karthus was thinking about how to make things develop the way he expected, but he said: "The God of Time did not go to Earth, he is still in the Feldroid galaxy, and he is teaching a guy named Mansandao! Dinggehei has not been resurrected, I heard that the Earth's program is in chaos, maybe you can go and cure it."

"I wrote down your words!" Keisha could see that Karthus had evil intentions, but out of self-confidence and the pride of the King of Angels, Keisha didn't care, and she also wanted to go to Earth to see, maybe With the help of the power of the Yang God, the demon civilization can be completely wiped out.

However, before leaving, Keisha still had to keep a hand to avoid Karthus, a gloomy old classmate, playing tricks.

Kaisha turned her head to Zhixin with short blond hair and said, "Zhixin! You stay here with the 'Sword of Burning Flame'. If we go to Earth and find out that we were deceived by Karthus, then you will burn them!"


Zhi Xin heard Keisha's order and said seriously, for her, Keisha's words were the highest order.

Kaisha turned on the space handling technology, and used the space wormhole to take the left-wing guard Yan to disappear instantly, leaving only Zhixin watching the Death God Karl vigilantly.

When Karthus saw Keisha leave, he said to Zhixin in the sky, "Do you think you can burn us down?"

Zhi Xin said solemnly, "Yes."

"Humph!" Karthus snorted, seemingly disdainful. Even Keisha might not be his opponent. A little angel was so shameless, but Karthus didn't care about Zhixin. Know where the Yang God came from!




A huge mushroom cloud rose from Huangcun, and the strong airflow mixed with the smoke and dust that covered the earth, trees, bricks and tiles scattered around.

Morgana fanned her demon wings and flew in midair, her eyes staring at the bottom.

She had used the "Ultimate Curse" just now, released the powerful dark power, and decomposed all the clothes on her body. At this time, she was flying in the air naked, but because of the large amount of smoke and the distorted air flow, Morgana let Morgana go. The naked body was not photographed by the satellite, and the clothes on her body were quickly repaired under the accumulation of dark energy, and in a blink of an eye, she put on the exact same black leather clothes.

At this time, the smoke gradually dissipated, and I saw a large pit with a radius of several miles on the ground. The surrounding land was crystallized by high temperature, and in the center of the giant pit, Lin Feng's white robe was fluttering, his silver hair was flying, and there was no damage to his body. sign.

"Damn it, the old lady even exploded her clothes. This guy has nothing to do with it. This is unscientific!" Morgana looked at Lin Feng who was standing above the giant pit, her eyes widened, it was the first time she saw her. Until someone can take over her "Ultimate Curse" intact, although this time only the use of nuclear-level "Ultimate Fear", but even Keisha can't be so easy!

Lin Feng touched his itchy nose and murmured, "You don't need to take off your clothes if you can't beat it! But you're in good shape."

"You saw it!" Morgana said with some shame and anger.

"It's very clear." Lin Feng didn't deny it either.

Morgana rolled her eyes, flapping her demon wings and slowly flew to Lin Feng: "Then you must be responsible for me."


This style of painting is changing a bit fast, do you want to use the beauty trick?

Lin Feng looked at Morgana's attitude and seemed to change in an instant, but he didn't care much. Morgana was a mage profession, and he could fight him a few times in long-range attacks. Compared with melee combat, Lin Feng could hang her with one hand.

"How do you want this seat to be responsible?" Lin (biaj) Feng said indifferently.

Morgana put her hands on her hips and said carelessly: "You are very powerful, stronger than any god I have ever seen, so I decided to sleep with you."

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