"Sleeping clothes?" Lin Feng said, "Is it persuasion!"

"It all means the same thing."

Morgana waved her hand indifferently. She had seen Lin Feng's power with her own eyes. If Lin Feng could be on the same front as her, then whether it was Kaisha's Bichi or Karthus' sissy, she would have to stand aside. Go cool, and even in the face of ultimate fear in the future may not be without certainty of victory.


The crocodile god Thorton climbed out of the ground more than ten miles away and shook his head. Just now, he was beating Ato to the ground, ready to taste what the devil is like, but he swept to Morgana's "Ultimate Curse" "The tail of the typhoon suddenly flew out, and it recovered after a while.


Thornton bent down and jumped to Lin Feng's side, sniffing his nose: "It's so fragrant! Boss, give me this girl!"

Lin Feng glanced at Thornton, this guy is really big-hearted, and he doesn't even look at his own strength.

"Just take a bite." Seeing that Lin Feng didn't speak, Thorton thought that Lin Feng was reluctant, and said cautiously.

"Let's go, it's none of your business here." Morgana looked at Thornton who committed the second offense, and impatiently grabbed Thornton with the "devil's claw", threw it into the sky and turned it into a star, and then watched Zhu Lin Feng: "Let's continue..."


Huangcun is dozens of miles away.

Lei Na, Ge Xiaolun, Xin Zhao, Cheng Yaowen and others got up from the ground, and the green leather military vehicle they were sitting in turned over to the ground. Fortunately, they were all wearing black armor and their physiques were relatively strong, so there was nothing wrong, just a little embarrassed .

However, the soldiers who accompanied them were badly injured, and two unlucky ones just died!

Ge Xiaolun looked at Lena: "We... do we still have to go?"

"Go, you must go." Lena said stubbornly. As a god, she must maintain her majesty.

Xin Zhao put his hands on his knees, shook his dusty ponytail and said, "Sister Na, people will die. I'm just a commoner. The battle between gods and gods is none of my business!"

Leina's eyes turned cold: "You are now a soldier of the Xiongbing Company. It is a military order to go to Huangcun. Do you want to be a deserter?"


Xin Zhao was a little speechless. Being a deserter would be shot and his reputation was not good, but looking at the mushroom cloud that hadn't dissipated in the distance, he felt that going was no different from sending him to death, and he seemed very entangled.

Cheng Yaowen stepped forward and patted Xin Zhao on the shoulder: "Let's go, Lord Xin, anyway, they are all trapped, and they are all dead. It is better to die for the country than to be shot as a deserter."

Xin Zhao hugged his head and shouted, "Hit, drop out of school!"

"No." Lena said decisively: "Let's go, if it's too late, I don't know what they will do. If they use a world-destroying attack, the whole earth can't be saved, where can you go. "

Ge Xiaolun exclaimed in shock: "Destroy...world-destroying attack! It's too exaggerated!"

Lena said with a serious look: "Morgana is an evil god who has lived for tens of thousands of years, don't underestimate her power, but don't worry too much, I am the "light of the sun", your goddess, I will shine Yours."

Although Lei Na was very confident and had an innate sense of superiority, Ge Xiaolun and others felt that Lei Na was unreliable.

When Lei Na and others arrived at Huangcun, Lin Feng and Morgana had stopped fighting, and blocked the picture of Huangcun, and reached a partial agreement.

"The people from the Super Seminary are coming, so I'll leave first, we'll be long in Japan!" Morgana smiled at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng pretended to be puzzled: "Who is Fang Chang?"

"Your uncle." Morgana snorted coldly, and took the injured Atto to leave through the space wormhole.

Lin Feng looked around at Huangcun, who had been devastated beyond recognition. He did not leave immediately, but looked in the direction of Leina and the others. .

Chapter [-] Karthus【For Collection】

Karthus was originally a tutor at the Super Seminary, focusing on the study of opening the door of ultimate fear from the super god era and entering the void world, but he is still dealing with the gods. The idea he insists has turned the once prosperous planet into death. country.

At this time, he was thinking of doing something, and Lin Feng's appearance disrupted his plan, and he was naturally unhappy.

And Morgana has returned to the demon castle with Atto, and made an interstellar long-distance call to Karthus, an "ally": "Hey, is it Karthus?"

"Ms. Morgana." Hearing Morgana's call, Karthus didn't care about the burning heart that was staring at the sky, and directly connected with Morgana.

Morgana was unhappy when she heard Karthus's name, "Call me the queen."

Karthus said indifferently: "Okay! Queen Morgana, there is a judgment angel named Zhixin in the sky that is eyeing us, should I be afraid?"

"Afraid? Afraid of what? Afraid that she will seduce you?" Morgana dismissed Karthus's cold joke. With what she knew about Karthus, this guy was a sissy, but in terms of strength Above her, there will be a fear of an angel, it is really a dog!

Karthus looked up at Zhixin: "She is holding the "Sword of Flame" and "May Four Seven", that is a scorching sun weapon..."

Zhi Xin looked down at Karthus below, saw where he was talking to himself, and guessed, "Are you in contact with Morgana?"

Zhi Xin's tone seemed indifferent. Maybe she didn't feel it herself. Angels have a superior mentality. Well, at least until you convince her.

Karthus didn't care about the tone of the heart, but said with a smile: "It's Morgana who is contacting me, the angel of the noble beauty!"

Zhi Xin gladly accepted Karthus' hypocritical compliment, but his tone was still indifferent: "Then tell her, she is dead!"

Karthus didn't mind provoking disputes between angels and demons, and said to Morgana: "Hey, Queen Morgana, she wants me to tell you, you are dead!"

Morgana wanted to scold loudly, but she thought about it and said calmly, "Then do you know what I want to say to you?"

"What?" Karthus was stunned, Morgana's attitude today seemed wrong.

"Please hurry up and open the worm bridge. The super seminary on earth has a group of powerful super warriors, and there is also a Yang God who appeared out of nowhere. Without demon wings, this old lady can't fight this battle at all. In addition, Aren't you going to support your old classmates? I'm helpless on Earth now, and only you can help me!" Morgana and Lin Feng have secretly reached an agreement, Lin Feng helps Morgana get rid of her ultimate fear, and Morgana will also help Lin Feng dealt with Karthus.

Morgana readily agrees to this. Isn't Karthus, an ally, used to pit him?

But now Morgana still needs Karthus's support, at least before dealing with Kaisha, she won't turn against Karthus.

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