"Then feed them a little more and summon a fun one."


Yellow Village.

Lei Na finally arrived at the scene with a group of recruits from the Xiongbing Company, just like the police in the movie, who only appeared after the incident.

At this time, the smoke of gunpowder had not dispersed in Huangcun, and a huge circular pothole was extremely conspicuous. Lin Feng stood above the pothole and looked at Lei Na and others who appeared in the field of vision: "You guys came later than I imagined. But it’s not nothing to do.”

"What do you mean?" Lena and the others were a little puzzled.

Lin Feng looked up at the sky: "A guy who calls himself the God of Death sent a monkey over, maybe you can play with it' ' ."

"Grim Reaper? Monkey?"

Ge Xiaolun also seemed to have some kind of special feeling. He looked up at the sky, and saw that a fireball suddenly appeared in the originally empty sky, and it was smashing down quickly.

"This... what kind of monster is this?" Xin Zhao looked at the fireball in confusion.

"Come, come! What should I do?" Ge Xiaolun Jin Zhang said.

Reina used the space wormhole technology to carry out the "Dawn Shield" and "Sword of the Sun": "Fight first and then talk about it."

Ge Xiaolun looked at Lin Feng standing above the void and the fireball falling from the sky and asked Leina, "Who?"

Lena thought for a while and said, "The one in the sky."

At this time, Lin Feng lifted the shield of this place and asked the Xiongbing Company to reply to the communication. In the command room of the Juxia, Lianfeng quickly flew his fingers on the keyboard and analyzed the data, but he still could not interpret the data for Lin Feng.

Dukao, Wandering Ryze and others also looked at the restored big screen and thought about each other.

And Xin Zhao on the edge of the giant pit looked at the approaching fireball, and some of his feet went weak: "My Lord, I dream of saving the world, but it's not like this!"

"How?" Cheng Yaowen said.

Xin Zhao shook his ponytail and said, "A direct invincible wave hit you!"

"You've watched too many cartoons!" Cheng Yaowen complained.

Holding a giant sword, Ge Xiaolun said a little to himself: "Master Xin, if...if I die, please tell my parents, I really didn't mean it."


 With a loud bang, the fireball smashed into the ground heavily, the ground rolled and shattered, as if an earthquake, Ge Xiaolun and others almost fell to the ground.

Lin Feng looked at the place where the fireball smashed a deep pit indifferently, and saw a monkey wearing a battle armor and holding an iron rod jumping out of the pit.

His image is very similar to Monkey King, but it's just a fake based on Monkey King's data. He has a divine body, and the "golden hoop stick" in his hand can also change in size, but it won't be "Seventy-two Changes", using the level of this world Judging, is a super soldier close to the fourth generation of gods.

Ge Xiaolun looked at the rather domineering monkey with Mao-faced Lei Gongzui, wearing golden armor and carrying a long stick on his shoulders, and exclaimed, "Damn it, Monkey King?"

"Who is Sun Wukong?" Lena asked in confusion. She came from Lieyang Star and didn't know much about the myth of the earth.

"You don't know that."

"I'm not from your world."

"That's right, if it's the Monkey King in mythology, it's really going to explode. That stick alone is [-] jins." Ge Xiaolun said.

"Converted to the weight of the earth, it is about 7 tons." Jace added.

Lei Na heard the words and said in surprise: "I'll go, your mythology, can you be any more bizarre? Just a big bird of [-] meters!"

Zhao Tao: "Yes, but it was done by Sun Wukong!"

While Lena and the others were talking, the "." Monkey King, who was influenced by Karthus, seemed very tyrannical, and looked around as soon as he landed.

Perhaps feeling the greatest threat from Lin Feng, Sun Wukong took the lead in launching an attack on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng entered the secondary space in an instant, and the "Golden Hoop Stick" hit an empty space. This Sun Wukong has no space ability and can't cause damage to Lin Feng at all.

Reina said to the commander through the communication facility that comes with the black armor: "I think, request to test the power of the other party."

Dukaao said: "Approval! Subsidy preparation."

"Received." Lianfeng and Yuqin began to operate: "Prepare to apply a shield to Leila."

Ge Xiaolun looked at Lena: "Sister Leina, how to test?"

"Activate the storm defense system, please prepare Janna."

"The Eye of the Storm is ready, and Reina is in stable condition."

There was a voice from the communication system referring to (Qian's) headquarters, Leina got up and swaggered towards the empty place, and said to Sun Wukong: "Who... who is here?"

"Sun Wukong." Ge Xiaolun reminded.

"Oh... Sun Wukong." Lena shouted.

Hearing that, Sun Wukong glanced at Lei Na and saw that Lei Na was a woman, so he ignored her.

When Lei Na saw this, she felt that her hatred was not strong enough, and said to Ge Xiaolun, "I said, is there any name that makes him angry when he hears it?"

Ge Xiaolun whispered: "Yes, Bi Ma Wen."

Leina nodded when she heard the words, and shouted at Sun Wukong: "Bima Wen!"

Although this Monkey King is a fake, it was created based on the data of Monkey King after all, and it also has some characteristics of Monkey King's liking. Hearing Lei Na's cries for unknown reasons, why would he be concerned about whether Lei Na is a woman? The stick” instantly became bigger, and it was like a pillar that collapsed, trying to hit Lena. .

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