Chapter [-] Monkey King vs Xiongbing Company 【For Collection】

"I'm going, what the hell!"

Seeing that huge stick with golden light slammed down on the head, Lena also seemed a little scared, holding the "Shield of Dawn" and said in horror: "No no no...withstand it~"

Ge Xiaolun looked at the stick that was several thousand meters long and said in surprise: "Damn it, is this the Dinghai Shenzhen?"

"Activate the eye of the storm."

Lianfeng mobilized dark energy to bless Reina with a shield, and Reina also raised the "Shield of Dawn", but facing the huge "Golden Hoop", it was still difficult to resist.


The "golden hoop rod" slammed down with a force of no less than one million tons. The Eye of the Storm was instantly shattered, and Lena's divine body was also damaged by this rod.

"The defense system is broken! Reina is damaged, Reina is damaged!" After a loud bang, Lianfeng's anxious voice came from the voice system of the Xiongbing Company.

"Hee hee hee... I can't even catch Old Sun with a stick. This is your god? In front of me fighting over the Buddha, everything is a cloud!" Sun Wukong's disdainful laughter came from a distance.

"I'm sorry, it's really Sun Wukong!" Xin Zhao exclaimed when he heard the words. As a native of the earth, especially from China, Sun Wukong can be said to be a well-known mythical figure and an idol worshiped by many people when they were young. Now they are going to be with Sun Wukong. Hit, really stab Ji!

Although Ge Xiaolun was afraid of death, he still had some sense of loyalty. When he saw Lei Na being shackled, he jumped out and shouted at Sun Wukong in the distance: "Monkey King, Monkey King, is that you? Why did you attack us? You Didn't they all become Buddhas?"

Monkey King said proudly: "Someone liberated me from the confinement of mythology, I am no longer restrained, I am me! I am not good at killing, but I am aggressive! Hee hee hee..."

Ge Xiaolun listened to Sun Wukong's words and couldn't help but say: "You want to fight those monsters, what are you fighting us for?"

"Aren't you all monsters!" Monkey King said, jumping for a few miles, the supersonic speed and the air rubbed countless sparks, like a big fireball flying over.

The "golden hoop stick" in his hand slammed hard on Ge Xiaolun's head, Ge Xiaolun couldn't react at all, and was directly knocked out by this powerful impact. Fortunately, this girl was an "invincible body". Otherwise, even if you don't die, you will become a vegetable because of a concussion.

When the rest of the team members saw that Ge Xiaolun was knocked to the ground by Sun Wukong, they rushed towards Sun Wukong with weapons. All the members of the Xiongbing Company began to use their ability to control.


Cheng Yaowen rushed out first. He was the "heart of the earth" and possessed the power to control the earth. Under his control, the ground Sun Wukong was on completely violated the gravitational force, and large blocks of stones were suspended, with the tendency of the sky and the earth to crack. Sun Wukong attacked and wanted to besiege Sun Wukong.

Xin Zhao's speed is as fast as lightning, and he rams through the "Spear of Dexing". The power is quite objective, but it is impossible to deal with Sun Wukong's divine body. Jace is holding a sledgehammer to generate energy cannons, but Yi's "Wuji Kendo" can't keep up with it at all. Going up to the rhythm, I can only work in a hurry outside. Lena and Ge Xiaolun, who had just been treated by Jana, also rejoined the battle group.

After some melee, Sun Wukong broke through Cheng Yaowen's blockade, looked down at the people below from the sky, and then swooped down to fight with the heroes below.


The battle set off a lot of smoke and dust, and the gold and iron chattered constantly. After a while, the smoke and dust dissipated, revealing the devastated ground. Various trenches and swords were crisscrossed, and Yi slashed Sun Wukong with one knife. !Jie (bebi) smashed Sun Wukong with a sledgehammer, but because of lack of strength, he was beaten into the ground by Sun Wukong, the whole person was embedded in the soil and passed out.

Xin Zhao rushed towards Sun Wukong, only to be stabbed to the ground by the stretched "golden hoop stick", lying on the ground clutching his injured abdomen, but Cheng Yaowen was not much better, the black armor on his body was damaged in many places, " Sunlight' Lena suffered a fractured lumbar spine and couldn't get up for a while!

At present, only Ge Xiaolun, who has the "invincible body", is still standing, but his eyes are scattered, and he seems to have no courage to fight again.

"Xiao Lun, don't give up!"

"Xiao Lun, stand up like a man, you can, you are a warrior."

Dukao, Ryze and others encouraged in the command room that Ge Xiaolun was the "power of the galaxy" and the ultimate weapon they made, but Ge Xiaolun's personality made them very painful.

Watching Sun Wukong finish the fight against the Hero Company, Lin Feng walked out of the void, came to Leina, and cast a light-based "healing technique" on Leina lying in the pit, quickly repairing Leina, and said at the same time. : "Your performance really disappointed me."

Lei Na found that she had recovered in an instant. Hearing this, she looked at Lin Feng with a somewhat complicated look. She stood up and was about to say something, but when she saw the huge stick hit again, she exclaimed, "Be careful."

As she spoke, she wanted to take Lin Feng to dodge, but when Lei Na hugged Lin Feng, she found that Lin Feng was like a big mountain, and she couldn't take him at all.

"hand of God!"

Lin Feng looked at Lei Na, and then flipped the "Spirit Essence" between his hands, forming a giant hand that covered the sky, and easily grabbed the "Golden Hoop", just like grabbing a toothpick.

"It's going to be every day!"

Ge Xiaolun and the others looked at the palms that covered the sky and covered the sun, and they didn't know what to say. There are people outside the world, and there are heavens outside the sky. They have personally experienced Sun Wukong's strength. The power of a stick can scare people into peeing.

But looking at the giant hand shining with divine light now, they really don't know how to express their feelings.

Lei Na looked at Lin Feng who was standing in front of her to block the "golden hoop stick", and her eyes flashed with stars: "What a powerful force, and so handsome, I feel like I'm going to fall in love!"

 Lin Feng stunned the world with a palm, pressed Sun Wukong, waved his hand, and directly inserted the "golden hoop stick" into a hill several miles away from Jin, and Sun Wukong also smashed into the belly of the mountain.

"He Fang evildoer has such magical powers."

Sun Wukong was reducing the size of the "Golden Hoop", smashed the top of the mountain and flew out, and then jumped from a distance, the "Golden Hoop" in his hand slammed into Lin Feng with a violent force.

The temptation is just superfluous, and Lin Feng's raising his hand is a shocking move. I saw Lin Feng exercise "Saint Yuan", absorbing the heaven and earth created by the gods, and using the palm of his hand to defy the gods and destroy the world.

"Anti-God Art. Heaven and Earth are destroyed!"

The vast divine power slammed into the sky and collided with the flying Sun Wukong. The scattered energy was dangling in all directions, and the hundred-mile radius was destroyed again. I saw that Lin Feng did not move, but Sun Wukong flew out like a cannonball, rolling and stumbling all the way. After more than ten miles, he finally smashed into a hill and hit a big pit before stopping.

Ge Xiaolun, Jess, Xin Zhao, Cheng Yaowen, Yi and others were hit by the aftermath dozens of meters away. Yi's physique was the most vulnerable. In addition, he was hanged by Sun Wukong before. If it wasn't for the black armor's good defensive power, I'm afraid he would have died on the spot. !

And Karthus, who was watching the earth with the "big clock", suddenly felt the picture distorted, and then the screen went black!

"what happened?"

Yorick said: "Technical malfunction, seems to be disturbed by some unknown force!"

Karthus murmured to himself: "God! It seems that he will become the biggest obstacle to our plan, and we have to find a way to remove him, or pull him to our side..."

In the center of the battlefield, the strong wind whistled, and Lin Feng's long silver-white hair was blowing like the power of a demon. At this moment, his figure gave people an unattainable stalwart feeling.

"Cough cough~ What a powerful evildoer, the old grandson can't remember the last time he bleeds!" Sun Wukong's divine body couldn't hold Lin Feng's palm, and he coughed up blood, turning the monkey hair on his mouth red. However, his fighting spirit is getting higher and higher, because he is fighting to defeat the Buddha.

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