
The "golden hoop stick" in Sun Wukong's hand grew instantly, and stabbed at Lin Feng at a very fast speed!

Lin Feng looked at the long stick that suddenly flew from Yuan Yanchen, without dodging or dodging, he raised one hand and directly resisted the flying stick.


The barrel of "Golden Hoop" was in front of Lin Feng's palm, as if it had hit a steel wall, making a muffled sound.

Sun Wukong, who was still in the pile of stones, suddenly felt a counter-shock force in his hand, but before he could react, the whole person was shocked out of the hill by this force and knocked a small hill out. Bumped a pair.

Lin Feng teleported to the back of Sun Wukong and punched the back of Sun Wukong with a fist.

Although this Monkey King is just a copycat, he is also a super soldier. He has been in this world for thousands of years.

I saw Sun Wukong flying upside down, the "golden hoop stick" in his hand quickly shortened, and then his divine power increased, and he turned around and pulled a thousand troops to Lin Feng's waist.

"Reverse the source of magic!"

The body shield was opened, and Sun Wukong's attack was immediately bounced back, and the entire monkey, including the "golden hoop rod", was bounced out.

"what's the situation?"

Looking at the images sent back through the satellite, Dukao was surprised.

Lianfeng quickly analyzed: "There seems to be an unknown energy shield outside Yangshen's body, which rebounds Sun Wukong's attack."

"Rebound attack!" Dukao frowned: "It seems that this Yang Shen is in more trouble than expected, can you detect his energy online?"

Lianfeng replied: "With our current technology, we can't detect it, but a preliminary estimate is that the energy in his body is at least three times that of Lena."

"What kind of monster is this!" Dukao heard the words, feeling that Jue's whole body was bad!

Lena is the "light of the sun", which can drive the energy of the sun and has the power to destroy the Milky Way. It is the most destructive weapon they have created for tens of thousands of years, but the Yang God who appeared out of nowhere is more powerful than Lena. It is several times stronger, and the opponent is obviously not a rookie like Leina who does not know how to control power, this battle is impossible to fight!

Just when Dukao was thinking, Sun Wukong, who was fighting against Lin Feng, saw that he could not break through the opponent's defense, and immediately released thousands of clones, and the dense monkeys occupied the whole sky!

Afterwards, Sun Wukong, who was all over the mountains and plains, rushed towards Lin Feng from all directions with a stick. .

Chapter [-] Wanshen Tribulation 【For Collection】


A large group of monkeys attacked Lin Feng overwhelmingly, grinning and making sharp calls.

This avatar technique is quite good, it can be used to attract attention, but unfortunately for Lin Feng, who has the "eye of the holy devil", he can easily see the true body of Sun Wukong.

And the more clones, the more dispersed the power, unless it is used to combine the formation, otherwise the real powerhouse will only be defeated by each.

In the face of dense monkeys, Lin Feng does not need to be wary at all, because Sun Wukong's power is scattered, it is completely impossible to break the defense of "Rebel Devil", maybe Leina's "Supernova" or Keisha's "Ultimate Judgment" can be broken, but this The fake Monkey King is completely useless.

"One move, let you down."

Lin Feng opened his hands wide and closed his eyes slightly. He was calm and calm, and the world was silent for a moment.


I saw Ge Xiaolun, Lei Na, and the swords in Yi shou seemed to be pulled in some way, making a sound of jingling. Soaring up into the sky, standing in the sky, the sword pointed in the air.

"Sixty Seven Zeros" "All things in heaven and earth are swords, gods, ghosts, demons and evils are swords, tribulations are boundless, and the universe is full of swords. This is for the tribulation of all gods!"

Under the light of the sun, the sky-covering sword wings composed of sword qi appeared behind Lin Feng, and they were splendid.

I saw the sword wings swung forward, and countless small sword qi shot down, condensing endless sword qi, and spontaneously attacked the surrounding indiscriminately. Surrounded by a world of swords!

This trick "The Tribulation of Gods" was learned by Lin Feng in the Thunder World using "Time Mirroring" from Liusheng Jianying, because Lin Feng is not a dedicated swordsman, so the sword intent is not as pure as Liusheng Jianying, but Under the blessing of a strong foundation, the power is even greater.

At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was plunged into a space of flying swords, and all living beings were wiped out. The monkeys jumping all over the sky were swept away by the boundless sword energy.


The sound of sharp blades entering the body and the screams of monkeys were incessant. After a while, the dust settled, and a bunch of monkeys pierced by long swords on the ground were slowly dissipating!

"Cough cough... poof~"

Sun Wukong's real body was taken care of, with more than [-] swords sticking in his body, lying in the big pit. Among them, Ge Xiaolun's "Power of the Galaxy" and Lei Na's "Sword of the Sun" caused him the most serious damage. Blood continued to pour out of his body, and he looked like he was going to die soon.

"Nima, this is unscientific...it's terrifying!"

When did Xin Zhao and others ever see such a scene, the sky and the earth are swords, and the enemy is annihilated by flying ashes at the click of a finger, and it explodes!

Ge Xiaolun was a little disheartened: "It seems that saving the world is not what we people should do. I should go back and be my diaosi! This world is too dangerous!"

"Spectacular!" The taciturn Cheng Yaowen exclaimed.

Wuji Swordsman's blindfold was about to fall off: "There is such a swordsmanship in the world, no, I must worship him as a teacher and follow him to learn swordsmanship."

Lei Na's eyes were staring at Venus: "This kind of power can even destroy Sun Wukong's indestructible body in an instant. This is the rhythm of heaven!"

"What happened just now, what happened to those swords?" The Giant Gorge Command, Dukao and Wandering Ryze were also speechless for a while. The appearance of the mythical Sun Wukong made them feel incredible, but also Dongdong Lashiche justified it, but the scene just now could not be explained with their current technology. After all, this is a kind of artistic conception, and there is no equivalent realm, so it is impossible to understand.

With blood dripping from the corners of his mouth like a candle in the wind, Sun Wukong saw Lin Feng come to the edge of the pit, and said with difficulty: "What's the name of the trick just now... It's very powerful... It took me a second... a second..."

Lin Feng looked at Sun Wukong, whose body gradually turned into a spot of light: "This recruitment is called "The Tribulation of Gods". It was created by a master of swordsmanship.

""The Tribulation of Gods"! I didn't expect my old grandson to die here just now...cough...still a little unwilling...unwilling..." Sun Wukong said intermittently, although he was unwilling in his heart, but he raised his eyebrows. But it gradually dissipated, and finally not a single monkey hair remained!

After solving Sun Wukong, Lin Feng glanced at Lei Na and others, and then teleported back to the world of elves.

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