Ge Xiaolun and the others gave a military salute and then quickly ran onto the plane.

The plane took off quickly and headed towards Tianhe City. The voice system in the plane was also describing the situation in Heshi City today.

"Citizens are being evacuated, and the [-]rd Army has entered the city for defense. Thanks to the information obtained in advance, the evacuation mission of the citizens has been completed very well. The Xiongbing Company has left the South China Sea Fleet. Let us bless them... The Air Force Brigade has been ordered to Rush to Tianhe City... The Xiongbing Company is a super wing formed by using national resources and can resist external threats, because the engineering of the Xiongbing Company exceeds the current scientific and technological capabilities of the earth.

There are currently six members of the first batch of super fighters, including: "Light of the Sun" Lena, "Power of the Galaxy" Ge Xiaolun, "Heart of the Earth" Cheng Yaowen, "The Gun of Nuo Xing" Xin Zhao, "Wuji Jiansheng" Yi , "Future Warrior" Jace..."

In the broadcast, the usual Chinese characteristics are actually some official tones that report good news but not bad news. For example, the number of casualties in the sea market today is no less than tens of thousands, but this is not mentioned at all. It is just a description of how powerful the Xiongbing Company is.

The Xiong Bing listening to the broadcast was relatively silent. They knew how to do it best. Ge Xiaolun and the others had no consciousness of being a super soldier at all.

The transport plane arrived at the military area outside Tianhe City. In order not to be bombarded by gluttonous warships, they each took a combat helicopter and set off towards the center of Tianhe City.


Elf world.

In the dense jungle, the air is fresh, the birds and flowers are fragrant, and it is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The Amazon jungle is occupied by Lin Feng. As a stronghold in this world, Qiangwei has been brought here for a long time. Watching the establishment of the world of elves, she has gradually adapted to it from the beginning of rejection.

There is a huge protective shield in the sky above the world of elves, which isolates the world of elves for hundreds of miles from the world. At this time, there is an image composed of a "time mirror" above the world of elves. The content of the picture is the current situation in Tianhe City.

 Lin Feng sat on the canopy and watched the scene of the exchange of fire between the two sides. Although the gluttonous advance team was only the advance team, the advanced technology still had an overwhelming advantage, and the earth's planes, artillery, and tanks seemed vulnerable in front of them. , not so much a war as a one-sided massacre.

The men of the Xiongbing Company have already been dispatched, but without Qiangwei, Qilin, Liu Chuang, Rui Mengmeng and Sun Wukong, they seem to be very embarrassed, and Lei Na's output is more powerful. As for Ge Xiaolun, he has a lot of backs I have a pair of cute little wings, just because I haven't understood love yet, I can't fly, my performance is not satisfactory, and I even cry and want to run away.

Xin Zhao, Cheng Yaowen and the others can deal with one or two ordinary gluttonous warriors one-on-one, but the number of gluttonous warriors is n times that of a company of soldiers. Now that the first battle is defeated, unless Lei Na launches a large-scale bombing, it will be difficult. There is a chance!

Qiangwei also saw this situation, but he was imprisoned by Lin Feng's spatial ability, so he could only be anxious, and finally ran to Lin Feng and said, "God Yang let me go, I'm going to fight."

Lin Feng looked at the roses under the tree and said disdainfully, "It's up to you to fight, what can you change if you go?"

"That's better than doing nothing here." Qiangwei looked at Lin Feng stubbornly. Everyone's thoughts were different. Some people faced difficulties and thought of escaping, while others chose to move forward bravely. Qiangwei obviously belongs to the latter. Even if she died in Tianhe City, she would have no complaints.

Lin Feng jumped from the tree and came to Qiangwei: "Is it necessary to go?"

"I have to go!" Qiangwei seemed very determined. Although she also had half of the Nuoxing bloodline, she grew up on the earth and has deep feelings for this world and this country.

"Then how are you going to fight after you go to Tianhe City? What are your plans? Or do you just want to die to make up for the guilt in your heart?" Lin Feng asked.

"I..." In the face of Lin Feng's questioning, Qiangwei was speechless, she didn't think so much at all, she just wanted to give her strength, no matter how small!

At this time, Liu Chuang, Qilin, and Rui Mengmeng came over when they saw the picture in the sky. Although they lived well here and made great progress, Yu Linfeng created an elves who love nature and got along very well. But after all, they are Chinese people, and when they see the country in distress, they all want to help.

When Lin Feng saw them coming, he also knew the thoughts of these people. If he didn't let them go, I'm afraid they would be grumpy in the future, and Lin Feng had such a plan, otherwise he wouldn't project the picture of Tianhe City to the elves. the sky above the world.

Lin Feng340 looked at Qilin and the others: "You guys also want to go to the battle?"


Qilin, Rui Mengmeng, and Liu Chuang all nodded in unison, they all wanted to contribute to this country.

"I don't like humans very much, but I only know that the gluttonous gluttony of killing makes me even more disgusted." Lin Feng turned to the big crocodile twisting the waist of the bucket and said, "Thornton, go and mobilize three thousand elves, and prepare to go to Tianhe City. ."

"Boss, we're going to fight, I'll prepare right now." Thornton patted his head and immediately went to mobilize the manpower.

Not long after, three thousand elf warriors armed with bows and arrows and wearing machetes gathered together. These were all elves who were embodied by Lin Feng using the "Infinity Stones". The average strength was about that of a generation of super warriors, and they possessed some martial arts archery skills. , the equipment is not much worse than that of the male soldiers, and they also have "elf wings" (two pairs of wings similar to dragonflies, which can fly), in general, they are stronger than ordinary gluttonous warriors.

After assembling the people, Lin Feng directly used the "Space Gem" to open a huge circular space crack in the sky above Tianhe City.

"Heaven and earth are silent, calamity incarnates;

Killing the pure world, my life goes against the gods. "

In the cold voice, three thousand elf warriors jumped from the underground space crack and appeared in the sky above Tianhe City in an instant. Then they scattered with their "elf wings" and began to snipe the gluttonous warriors around.

Qilin, Qiangwei, Liu Chuang, Rui Mengmeng and the others did not have the ability to fly. Lin Feng directly embodied a few griffins as mounts for them.

And the movement of the elf world is not small, and it was soon discovered by the gluttonous warships, and then there was a fierce air battle.

The dark energy weapons of the gluttonous warriors emit beams of light, and the elf warriors shoot bows and arrows, shooting arrows of great power. .

Chapter Nineteen Turning the Tide

The commanders of the gluttonous vanguard fleet are Fenglei and Stag. The two respect the death concept of Karthus, the god of death, so they are committed to killing, because the more you kill, the more blessings you will get from the god of death.

They have entered the atmosphere and reached the sky above Tianhe City. The plan so far has been smooth. The conventional attack of the earth cannot break the energy shield of the flagship, and their gluttonous warriors are extremely mobile and can easily destroy aircraft cannons. Unscrupulous slaughter.

As an advance team, what they have to do is to test the strength of the earth and prepare for the arrival of the large force.

Although the appearance of the Hero Company disrupted their formation, they were still within their controllable range. At present, the most troublesome "Light of the Sun" Lena had been hit by the "God Killing Weapon" and lost her fighting ability in a short period of time. The other super fighters are all new recruits, not even a single one who can fly, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Ge Xiaolun and the others are now mud Bodhisattvas crossing the river, and it is difficult for them to protect themselves. Facing the air strikes of gluttonous warriors, they lack firepower to suppress them. As long as they emerge, they are like living targets. Crispy was the first to die in battle, Xin Zhao and Cheng Yaowen were also wounded. At present, only Ge Xiaolun can resist with his "invincible body", but it is impossible to stop the gluttonous warriors from wreaking havoc.

Looking at the devastated land, the swirling flames of war, the dead citizens and comrades in arms, Ge Xiaolun was afraid and wanted to escape, and was so angry that he wanted to find a gluttonous warrior desperately. Unfortunately, although he has wings now, he still cannot fly and can only be passive. Being beaten, he felt like he was about to die!

At the time of despair, a huge space crack opened in the sky, and a group of well-equipped elf warriors joined the battlefield.

They flapped their wings, used ancient bows and arrows, and had a fierce confrontation with the gluttonous warriors. In terms of body size, the elf warriors were not as good as the gluttonous warriors, but their fighting power was even better. All of them were gods. Archer, almost every arrow was not missed, and the power of the arrows was also very strong. At that moment, the gluttonous warrior was killed, and three thousand elves spread out, and an area was quickly cleared.

"Come on 々~!"

Liu Chuang sat on top of the griffin, holding a "mountain axe" and chopped a gluttonous warrior in half with a single axe.

Qilin uses a sniper rifle to kill gluttonous warriors. As a Kamigawa sniper, Qilin's marksmanship is very good. She can snipe from a long distance and can kill enemies dozens of miles away. ', but there was no gluttonous warrior who could approach her in the time.

Rui Mengmeng's performance is a little unsatisfactory, not that her strength is not good, but her confused personality, hesitant to do things, so far basically playing soy sauce, riding a griffin on a rampage, and finally came across one The gluttonous warrior, before he started fighting, was robbed by the headshot of the elf beside him.

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