Crocodile God Thorton is also efficient at beheading gluttonous warriors. Those gluttonous warriors driving small spaceships will be thrown by the "Half Moon Knife" within [-] meters of him, even with the spaceship.

The battle situation was reversed in an instant. Under the attack of the elf army, the gluttonous warriors were quickly defeated and began to return to the flagship, ready to regroup.

However, under the pursuit of the elf warriors, Qi Lin and others, there are not a hundred gluttonous warriors who can escape back to the flagship of the Cross.

Fenglei and Bucks, who have been watching the battle, will naturally not give up and are ready to use weapons of mass destruction to counterattack.

However, Qiangwei, who came to the battlefield, was very confused. She found that she seemed to be dispensable. Looking at Lin Feng, who turned the tide of the battle between backhands, her heart was mixed.

"What a big cross, this is that alien spaceship, how should I fight it?" Killed more than [-] gluttons comparable to a generation of super soldiers.

War can indeed make people grow up quickly, but in a short period of time, Liu Chuang's bearing and strength have changed significantly.

Ge Xiaolun also saw Liu Chuang's battle, basically a gluttonous warrior with an axe, very sharp!

 He once fought with Liu Chuang in the alley, but in a short period of time, Liu Chuang was able to kill the Quartet, and thinking about himself only passively beaten, the gap is too big!

I felt a little regretful in my heart, and I even wondered, if I followed that Yangshen back then, would I be as powerful as Liu Chuang?

At this time, the interstellar railgun on the flagship was fully charged and aimed at Lin Feng, who was driving the Pixiu in the sky. Fenglei and Bucks also clearly saw that Lin Feng was the key person.

"The interstellar railgun is fully charged, the target is God, and fire."

With the order of Fenglei, I saw a huge red energy beam from the muzzle at the center of the flagship of the cross, which shot directly at the Pixiu and Lin Feng on its head with the aura of destruction.

"Reverse the source of magic!"

Lin Feng opened his hands wide, and an invisible air cover enveloped him and the Pixiu. The huge energy beam hit the air cover in front of him, like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any waves.

"¨'What's the matter?"

Seeing that the interstellar railgun launched was useless, Buck immediately asked the analyst next to him.

"The data cannot be parsed, and our technology cannot perform data analysis on Yangshen, but from the current situation, Yangshen is absorbing the energy of the interstellar railgun!" The dataman said in surprise, knowing that the interstellar railgun can destroy the city Class weapons, bursts of energy can instantly destroy a city.

"Absorb energy? It's impossible for him not to go online and increase the energy output for me." Feng Lei ordered.

Feng Lei was right in guessing this. Lin Feng's ability to bear is not out of line, but at least he needs a Daluo Jinxian-level attack to cause him damage. Maybe Lei Na's "Supernova" can do it, but with a flagship, it is far away. Not enough.

Lin Feng calmly transformed the flagship's attack, and then directly tore a space crack on the flagship's protective cover, reflecting the (hoonuo's) transformed energy out.

The gluttonous warriors such as Stag and Fenglei quickly suffered their own consequences. The energy of the interstellar railgun exploded in the center of the flagship, and the huge flame devoured the flagship of the Cross. A violent explosion occurred. Citizens who didn't have time to escape.

The surrounding dead creatures, including humans and gluttonous warriors, were transformed into exchange points by Lin Feng's system, and the Death God Karl couldn't get a hair.

As the largest flagship was destroyed by Lin Feng, the remaining medium and small spaceships were also grasshoppers in the autumn, and they were soon wiped out by the elf warriors after a few jumps.

In this battle, [-] elf warriors were killed and wounded by about [-], the gluttonous advance team was wiped out, and Tianhe City was also severely damaged. Alive, they also saw the cruelty of war, and now they seem very silent. .

Chapter [-] Kaisha Arrives 【Ask a Monthly Pass】

At the end of the Battle of Tianhe, Lin Feng's elf army showed its formidable combat power for the first time. On the other hand, the heroic company, which had high hopes, was passively beaten, and two died, and their confidence suffered a blow.

After a battle, Lin Feng gained millions of exchange points, which was considered a small gain, but this could only be regarded as a warm-up match, and the real battle had not yet begun.

Bringing all the elves back to the world of elves, Lin Feng, who has nothing to do, began to give himself a holiday, occasionally strolling around the modern city, or looking for people with more potential.

Super Seminary, Wandering Ryze and Dukao instill chicken soup for the souls of the remaining soldiers of the Xiongbing Company, but the effect is not very good, Reina also feels that it is basically useless to fight aliens with these diaosi, even in the I want to leave the super seminary.

Now Lei Na's heart is sprouting, and she is not so concerned about the earth. She was originally the main god of Lieyang, and she helped the earth just out of kindness, but now she is thinking more about how to seduce her. The male god in the book was rescued by Lin Feng twice, and she felt that she was really moved!

As for Ge Xiaolun and others, they have also seen the cruelty of war, especially Xin Zhao and Cheng Yaowen. They almost died on the battlefield, and now they still have lingering fears. They used to be diaosi. Although they also fantasized about saving the world, they can really face it. Only then did they realize that saving the world is not done by humans, even if they are super soldiers, they will be injured and die the same!

However, after this battle, they have grown up a bit and have a stronger belief.

During this period, the Super Seminary also recruited a group of new super soldiers to train them. There is still a long way to go, and it cannot stop because of a temporary failure.


Morgana's Fallen Queen.

A gluttonous warrior who looks like a chimpanzee is pouring bitter water on Morgana: "At the Battle of Tianhe, our advance team was completely wiped out by Yangshen. The operation on the North American side also failed!"

"At that time our fleet was parked outside the solar system and was preparing to open a wormhole to do a devastating blow to their city. As a result, a super soldier wearing a red exoskeleton armor rushed over with a nuclear bomb and flew to our main ship. Muzzles...the main ship is over New York...and just destroyed!"

"We have misestimated the firepower of the earth, and the massive missile weapons are still pressing us very tightly, and my god Karl forbids us to use star-killing weapons!"

"Queen Morgana, you know that in the era of explosives, if we go further, antimatter firepower is involved. Antimatter firepower consumes more energy, and the gain is not worth the loss! And the driving force of dark energy, our gluttonous army does not have the ability. This kind of ability, that's why we want to ask you here to help deal with Yangshen's elf world, as well as that... that kind of armed organization of that alliance of haters in North America."

Morgana was dressed in a black robe and wore a golden crown on her head. After listening to the gluttonous warrior, he sneered twice.

She knows how powerful Yangshen is. If she doesn't come to beat her, it is already burning incense. Now this idiot wants to trouble Yangshen himself. If it is not the time to turn against Karthus, Morgana really wants to slap her. Shoot this idiot to death.

He said coldly, "Do you think we are mercenaries?"

The gluttonous warrior waved his hands again and again: "No, isn't it? Queen Morgana, we definitely don't mean that."

Morgana crossed Erlang's legs: "You know what I want?"

The gluttonous warrior nodded and said: "I know, kill the holy Kaisha, destroy the angel nebula..."

"Destroy the Angel Nebula for what? There are beautiful fellow Angels, I just need to kill the Holy Kesha!" Morgana interrupted.

The gluttonous warrior nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, we will do our best to help..."

"Hehe, to help, just rely on you, what can you do? Stop joking, let your Carl come out and talk about this in person!"

Waving the gluttonous warriors away, Morgana said helplessly: "These idiots made me find trouble with the gods, what a bunch of idiots, and Karthus, who wants to take advantage of me, it's not that easy, listen. It is said that Kaisha that Bichi is also coming, I am really a little scared!"

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