"Don't worry Queen, I will protect you." Ato said solemnly.

"Protect me, have you forgotten the bear that was beaten by the crocodile last time? How can you protect me like this?" Morgana admires Ato, a veteran, but Ato is only a second-generation super soldier. It is more powerful and will not be of much help to her. After thinking about it, Morgana gave Atto the "Sword of Command" and said to Atto: "When you can call the wind and rain like me, we will fight together again. ."

"I will definitely live up to the Queen's expectations." Atto said decisively.

Morgana nodded and said to the demon guard on the side: "Open the wormhole, connect to the Fredjord galaxy, and send Ato there."

"Yes, Queen."

Hearing the words, the demon guard immediately started to open the wormhole, opening a miniature wormhole channel in the spaceship.

Ato walked into it and quickly disappeared from Morgana's field of vision. After a while, Morgana used the demon's communication device to contact Ato and said, "What's the matter with you? Atox."

The sword demon Ato, who was passing through the space wormhole, replied: "Your Majesty, I am about to reach the Fredjord galaxy. If I enter this galaxy, the space-time god Kiran will definitely know."

"Earth now has a global defense system. If you want to make trouble on earth, you have to plan carefully, and Yangshen doesn't seem to like people's destruction, so it's not easy to act rashly. You can go to the Freljord to hone it, It's still in the age of cold weapons. If you want to fight side by side with me, you have to show some skills."

While speaking, the sword demon Ato has come to the space outside the Felrejord star. The sword demon Ato has the ability to survive in space. The demon body can not be afraid of the radiation in the sky, and does not need air or food. Can survive for a long time.

Thinking of the scene where he was hanged by the crocodile god Thornton, Ato vowed to become stronger. Only if he was strong enough, he could protect his queen, and he was willing to pay any price for this.

Sword Demon Atuo fell like a meteor to the northern plains of Freljord, looked at the surrounding Tu people, and said indifferently: "I have no enmity with Gewei, but... I fight for love!"

The Sargosian warriors with horn helmets around saw the appearance of the sword demon Atophi and panicked: "What kind of monster are you? Why did you come to us?"

"Monster? How can a demon be called a monster!" Atto carried the "Sword of Command" that Morgana gave him, preparing to use the lives of these people as the cornerstone of his evolution.

These people were a little disturbed: "Did Queen Ani Cid send you here?"

"There is only one queen in my heart!" Ah said and waved the "Sword of Command", the sword energy formed by the fire of hell swept across, and hundreds of people died immediately.

In order to become stronger, Ato launched a massacre on everyone, and successively destroyed Sargos, Midwinter, the Southern Great Plain, Sunogang and the northern army of the Jackal King and even the overlord of the north - "Northern Overlord" Tai · Sniff's Overlord City, he is known as the Sword Demon and the Butcher.

After sending Ato away, Morgana began to prepare to target the Super Seminary, but before Morgana could do it, Keisha and a team of high-level angels came to Earth through the wormhole.

As sisters who have loved and killed each other for tens of thousands of years, Morgana discovered Keisha's trace almost as soon as Keisha came to earth. Now Morgana has no time to trouble the super seminary. She is very clear about being fierce, and she can definitely be hanged and beaten with a frontal bar.

"Kalthus, this son of a bitch, really fooled this Bichi!" Morgana looked at Keisha on the screen and cursed. Morgana's emotions were very complicated for Keisha, she was envious, jealous, and hateful. There was even a special kind of love that wanted to kill her. .

Chapter [-] The Grand Judgment 【Subscription】

outside the Earth's atmosphere.

A space wormhole opened, and then a group of beautiful blond female angels wearing silver-white armor and battle skirts with white wings on their backs suddenly appeared!

They are the angels representing justice and the king of the gods~.

Angel Fanxing said to Keisha: "Queen Keisha, we have entered the Earth's atmosphere."

Kaisha looked at the blue planet, contacted Yan who came to the earth before, obtained the information of the earth, and understood the current situation of the earth, and then said: "Locate the current location of the super seminary."

Angel Yan said: "Most of the members of the Super Seminary are currently on the Juxia in the South China Sea."

"Then let's go take a look!"

Keisha sat on the throne, a high queen attitude, as if nothing aroused her interest.

South China Sea, the Giant Gorge.

In the command room, a group of people are busy working on the computer.

Lianfeng said to Dukao: "Report to the head! Detected that a powerful energy is approaching over the Giant Gorge!"

"Can you detect the source of energy?" Dukao said solemnly.

Lianfeng nodded: "Yes, but it will take some time."

Dukao nodded and said: "First, let the combatants be alert, and also notify the Xiongbing Company to urgently gather! Everyone enters a fighting state!"


Following Dukao's order, the human warriors of the Giant Gorge quickly prepared, and all weapons and missiles were aimed at the sky.

At this moment, over the Giant Gorge, the sky, the earth, and the clouds suddenly changed, the clouds surged, and thunder and lightning flashed.

Most of the armed personnel on the Giant Gorge ran to the plywood. The human soldiers were waiting with firearms. The soldiers of the Xiongbing Company also gathered to the plywood. Ge Xiaolun seemed to have some kind of special feeling, and looked at the sky with a solemn expression. Surging dark clouds.


The thunder exploded, and I saw a stone sculpture suspended from the sky and slowly descended, bringing a strong sense of oppression. It was a bit like getting on a huge cross. Against the huge white wings, it looks powerful and shocking.

In the center of the stone pillar, there is an open space like a city gate, on which is placed a beautiful throne, Kaisha leaned lazily on the throne, with a look of contempt for all living beings on her face.

Several high-level angels were maintained by Kaisha's side, and several angels appeared around the Giant Gorge in an instant, forming a faint siege.

Keisha crossed Erlang's legs, propped her head in one hand, and looked down lazily at the Giant Gorge below. She read the data of these people almost at a glance. When she discovered the "Power of the Galaxy" Ge Xiaolun and the "Light of the Sun" Lena , Kaisha's face condensed, he could feel the huge energy hidden in the two of them, and if they fully grew up, they could even pose a threat to her.

"God... an angel?!"

On the Giant Gorge, when they saw Keisha's group of angels, both the heroic company and the ordinary human soldiers on the ship showed surprised expressions.

Aliens, demons, elves, and angels appeared one after another.

As a [-]-year-old monster, Dukao naturally knows things that many people don't know. When he saw the holy angel Keisha and a group of high-level angels in the sky, he frowned, raised his head and said loudly: "Caisha, what are you doing here on earth? !"

Keisha, who was aloof, heard someone call her name, looked down, and immediately found Dukao, a little surprised: "Isn't this Dukao? The former war madman destroyed the Deno galaxy, Ready to harm the earth again!"

Dukao's expression changed when he heard the words, but he did not show any timidity in the face of the holy Kaisha, and asked loudly: "Kaisha, what are you doing here?"

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