Keisha ignored Dukao and just looked at the men of the Xiongbing Company: "The spear of the star, the heart of the earth, the power of the galaxy... Even the main god of the sun is here! Concentrate all these dangerous things on the earth. , It seems that the Super Seminary has a big move!"

Hearing Keisha's mocking tone, Dukao was very upset, but as a ten thousand year old monster, since the destruction of Nuo Xing, his spleen has restrained a lot, and said solemnly: "There is no need for the super seminary. You worry, are you here for Morgana?"

"It seems that she is indeed on Earth!" Keisha heard the words, showing a color of thought, at this time, the left wing guard Angel Yan next to Keisha bowed to Keisha and said, "Report to the queen! The details of Morgana have been captured. Location! Is the full power trial executed?"

After listening to Yan's report, Kaisha thought about it, then waved to Yan and gave the order to execute.

Yan's orders to Keisha were always carried out unconditionally, and he immediately flew up with the "Flaming Sword".

The conversation between Kaisha and Yan did not hide. Dukao suddenly became anxious when he heard the words. Although he did not know what the full-power "Great Judgment" was, his intuition told him that he must not let the other party use it, otherwise he would definitely Something bad happened, so I immediately said: "No, I absolutely won't allow you to do this, the earth doesn't need your judgment."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"We represent justice. Your level is too low to speak to me." Keisha said solemnly, Dukao could not influence her decision.

"If you insist on launching a trial, you will be against us." Dukaao refused to give in.

Just when Dukao and Keisha were arguing, Angel Yan quickly flew out of the atmosphere, came to outer space, held up the "Sword of Flame", absorbed the energy of the sun, and locked onto Morgana's Fallen Queen.

At the same time, in the command room of the Fallen Queen, the demon guards in front of the supercomputer quickly discovered that a huge energy was gathering and locked them.

The demon guard immediately told Morgana: "No... it's not good Queen!!"


"What's wrong? Your queen is well!" Morgana was in a bad mood when she learned that Keisha had arrived. When she heard the demon guard's words, she complained first, and then asked, "What's the situation?"

"Report to the Queen, the left-wing guards of Holy Keisha have located our position! Now they are assembling the Great Judgment over the earth, preparing to deal a devastating blow to us!"

"Damn, this group of blue pools, they will make big moves as soon as they come!" Morgana scolded angrily, put her hands on her waist, and walked back and forth, thinking about how to deal with it.

The demon guard said nervously: "Queen, what should we do? The power of the Grand Judgment is very powerful. With the energy of the Fallen Queen, it may not be able to resist."

Knowing that the situation was urgent, with Morgana's understanding of Keisha, Keisha absolutely wouldn't mind blowing up her Fallen Queen, she immediately stopped and said to the demon guard beside her: "Hurry up and drive the Queen to Juxia. Above the city, close to the ground, Juxia City has millions of people, and the earth civilization will never sit idly by and ignore the lives of one million people!"

After finishing speaking, Morgana immediately contacted and asked Lin Feng: "God Yang, Kaisha's Bichi is here. According to the agreement, she will hand it over to you!"

Lin Feng, who was on vacation, received the news from Morgana, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. He was still somewhat interested in Keisha, the king of the gods.

In outer space, Angel Yan, who was accumulating strength, found that the Fallen Queen was transferred to the sky above Juxia City, and could not make a decision for a while, so he reported to Kaisha Hui: "Queen Kaisha, Morgana has been transferred to the sky above Juxia City. Launching a grand trial will affect millions of people, may I ask whether to continue the execution?".

Chapter [-] Confrontation 【Subscribe】


Chapter [-] I am also an angel 【Subscription】

"Yang God!"

In outer space, looking at Lin Feng who suddenly appeared in front of him, the angel Yan Yan, who was about to execute the grand trial, had an ominous omen.

Kaisha, who was in the sky above the Giant Gorge, also saw Lin Feng from Yan's perspective through the Angel Channel. She frowned. She was completely unable to read the other party's information.

"Let's do this today! Let's leave first!" After glancing at Ge Xiaolun and Lena on the Giant Gorge, Keisha decided to put the matter here first, and then led the high-level angel to lift off.

"It's so cowardly, aren't you very arrogant, you Bi..." Morgana, who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, watched Keisha prepare to leave, and wanted to provoke the Super Seminary and Keisha, but was caught by Keisha. Block directly.

"What happened to Keisha?"

Dukao was a little puzzled when he saw Kaisha's sudden retreat. He didn't think Kaisha was afraid of "Power of the Galaxy" and "Light of the Sun". Although the two of them had great potential, they were still rookies and wanted to deal with Kaisha. Sha Shang is not enough, the supernova of "Light of the Sun" may be able to, but once used, it will be more powerful than the Grand Judgment, and it will directly blow up the earth, which is not what Dukao wants to see.

16 Although I don't know why Keisha left, but from the current situation, it is a good thing to not fight, otherwise, it will be extremely unfavorable for the future plan of the super seminary.

And Kaisha led Angel Leng, Angel Lianxing and other high-level angels to the outer space quickly to join Angel Yan.

Kaisha sat on the throne and looked at Lin Feng with interest: "Gods from other universes, you should not interfere in the war between angels and demons."

"How is this seat, you don't need an angel to judge." Lin Feng said indifferently, you can't give her a good face for the cold Kaisha.

As the king of the gods, Keisha is extremely arrogant and arrogant. Seeing Lin Feng so disrespectful, she feels a little uncomfortable. Women are more stingy and hold grudges. This has nothing to do with status or strength, but Keisha has lived for tens of thousands of years. Chengfu still has some, and said coldly: "Angels represent justice. Although I can't read your information, I can feel that you also have some angel genes in your body."

"Angel Gene?" Lin Feng was stunned when he heard the words, and said in his mind, "Could it be because of the bloodline of the 'Holy Devil's Primordial Embryo'?"

This is really possible. After all, the prototype of the Emperor Abandoned Heaven is Lucifer. As the carrier created by the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, it makes sense to carry a little angel gene.

"If you're talking about wings, then I can be considered an angel." Lin Feng said, four pairs of wings flashed behind his back, the four wings on the right were white and flawless, while the four wings on the left were black as ink, a vast and majestic god. The air of the emperor is overwhelming the Quartet, and the atmosphere outside the earth is also surging, like a precursor to the end of the world, whether it is Kaisha, Angel Yan who is present, or Morgana in the sky above Juxia City, and the giant gorge ship. The super soldiers of the Xiongbing Company were crushed by the terrifying pressure and could not move!

Angel Leng, Angel Fanxing, all were horrified to find that their bodies could not move. The eight angels including Kaisha and Angel Yan were swept by a vast force in front of Lin Feng.

I saw a huge golden cage formed in the void, and eight angels were locked in it like caged birds.

Just as Keisha was about to launch a counterattack, a vast and unparalleled mental pressure suddenly came. The holy angel Keisha and the angel Yan and other angels suddenly felt depressed and uncomfortable like a mountain in their hearts, as if their spirits would collapse at any time. .

The heavy mental pressure is as heavy as Mount Tai. Even if he is as arrogant as Keisha, he can't help hugging his head and screaming. Leng can barely stay awake, and the other second-generation angels have passed out.

Just when Angel Yan and Angel Leng were about to collapse, the huge mental pressure receded like a tide!

The three of Kaisha were relieved and let out a sigh of relief. They felt that their bodies seemed to be able to move, but there was still an invisible binding force on their bodies, which seemed to control their life and death at any time.

 Keisha's heart turned huge waves. She had never felt such a terrifying coercion. In front of Lin Feng, it seemed that the other party could crush their angels with a single thought. What kind of king of gods, the fourth generation The divine body is vulnerable.

"Damn it, this god is too fierce, it almost scared me to pee!" In the Fallen Queen, Morgana looked at outer space with lingering fears. Although she knew that Lin Feng was very strong, she did not expect the strength shown by the other party earlier. It's just the tip of the iceberg, so it seems that it is not hopeless to deal with the ultimate fear.

Kaisha and Yan, Leng looked at each other and felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. They are all strong among angels, and Kaisha is the king of angels, and she is definitely the top figure in this universe. However, In front of this Yang God, he seemed so weak, he didn't even have the strength to resist!

"What a joke, how can there be such a powerful existence in this world!" Angel Leng can't seem to believe it. As high-level angels, they have always been invincible and look down on other civilizations, but now, the people in front of them can be defeated by their aura alone. She fell down, which was really hard for her to accept.

"He is not originally from this universe, he is probably from a universe of a higher plane. Although we are the highest civilization in this universe, we know nothing about the unknown universe!" Keisha said, looking at Huge cage, with a slightly cold face.

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