Angels are arrogant. As the king of angels, Kaisha is even more arrogant. Although Lin Feng's strength is extremely powerful, she cannot tolerate such humiliating actions by the other party.


Four pairs of "Silver Wings" surround her body. Keisha's "Silver Wings" are extremely sharp and can easily cut through four generations of gods, making it one of her strongest weapons.

"Your actions are provoking the authority of the angels. No matter how strong you are, you will bear the wrath of the angel family." Lin Feng's actions angered Kaisha. As the king of angels, her authority cannot bear 350 blasphemy, even at the cost of her life. , she also has to fight for her own honor.

At the same time, Angel Yan and Angel Leng also held the "Sword of Flame" tightly. They were never afraid of fighting or death. Holy Kaisha was their belief and the queen they swore to protect.

"Is the angel amazing?" Lin Feng said indifferently. Although the angel was beautiful and possessed a good fighting power, Kaisha's attitude still made him very unhappy. In contrast, Lin Feng preferred the more down-to-earth Morgana.


Responding to Lin Feng were two huge silver wings, smashing the cage one after the other and drawing towards Lin Feng.

"Reverse the source of magic!"

Lin Feng did not move, but when the "Silver Wings" attacked Dao's body, he couldn't break through Lin Feng's protective shield, and immediately bounced back, cutting Kaisha into four sections.

"Queen Keisha!!"

Angel Yan and Angel Leng couldn't help but exclaimed, but Kaisha's four generations of gods did have something unique. The body that was cut open was reorganized and healed instantly, except for a little energy consumption, there was nothing serious.

"Don't attack rashly, the other party has the ability to rebound attacks." Kaisha reminded, although she didn't die on the spot, but her face was ugly. She has four generations of gods, such damage does not matter, but Yan and Lengke No, if you come here, you will definitely die. Kaisha's expression is unprecedentedly solemn. Looking at Lin Feng who has stepped into the void, she doesn't know how to start. .

Chapter [-] The Fall of Keisha 【Subscription】


Chapter [-] Ruoning and Hua Ye

The fall of the holy Kaisha is nothing but an unprecedented shock to the angel family, and the angels are not harmonious. Angel. Leng is very dissatisfied with the new king of the angel Yan, but he respects the last order of the holy Kaisha, but there are also Angels who don't care about Yan at all, such as Ruoning.

Ruoning was the first group of angels to follow Keisha, the angels for tens of thousands of years. They respected Keisha very much, but they were conceited. Hua Ye, who was expelled by Keisha.

Hua Ye is an extreme egoist who has created an extremist heavenly order.

And the core of the order of the heavenly palace, that is, the angel Hua Ye thinks that he is above everything, and makes my life, like the emperor in myths and legends, sit high in the Genting Heavenly Palace, and rule everything with his supreme power and wisdom. , planning the fate of all things.

Later, the holy Kaisha was dissatisfied with the rule of Huaye, and led the female angels to fight against it, expel all the male angels from the city of angels, and established a justice order, and Morgana also chose to leave the Angels because of dissatisfaction with Kaisha's rule. Cheng, and Hua Ye each received the support of some male angels.

Hua Ye went far away and continued to be unrestrained, while Morgana kept fighting against Keisha.

After Lin Feng left, Morgana sat on the throne, holding the Easter egg in her hand and said with emotion: "Our era is over, sister, we have gone to extremes in each other's fights! It is the extreme that has made us what we are now, but It also ruined our future, Carl has left us far behind. You are the real god, no matter what time you don't shake your beliefs, and I can only go with the flow, this is the limit of our generation of gods !"

Morgana looked at the easter egg in her hand, as if she saw the arrogant figure of 307 that she loved and hated again, and muttered to herself: "This is fine, maybe only in this way, we can coexist peacefully, since knowing that we exist It's an unreal world, I've always been terrified, even crazy, but now I finally see hope!"

Morgana lightly stroked the easter egg in her hand: "I know you, no one knows you better than me, you are so arrogant, I have always been afraid that when the ultimate fear comes, you will die for your so-called justice. Die, yes, you will die, because we are all too fragile before the ultimate fear, when this is over, I will take you to other universes, a whole new world, maybe not as I imagined It's good, but it can't be worse than it is now!"

The war between angels and demons came to an end. Morgana did not kill Angel Yan and other angels. She put away the sadness and emotion in her heart. Morgana once again became the king of demons who was stunned by the situation. She used interstellar communication to contact Sword Demon. Tuo: "Ato, how are you over there!"

The sword demon Ato stood in the sea of ​​blood, surrounded by hellfire, and some new demons were eating flesh and blood, like a purgatory.

Hearing Morgana's words, Ato said at a loss: "Queen, I killed a lot of people, a lot, I don't know if I did the right thing, but I think I have become someone useful to you!"

Ato is a pure warrior. In his heart, the queen is everything to him. As long as he can share the queen's worries, even if the world is slaughtered, he will not hesitate.

Morgana leaned on the throne: "Right or not, it is something the angels consider, we just do it, Keisha has already called the curtain, I read your data, and (bgcj) has been successfully upgraded to a god body, come back now, give Take your own vacation."


The news of the fall of Kaisha, the king of angels, spread throughout the universe through various channels.

Dead Song Academy.

Karthus, who has been paying attention to the earth, also quickly received the news. Although the stumbling block of Keisha has been solved and he has a lot of troubles, it is completely different from the plan he prepared earlier.

Yorick said gloomily: "My god Karl, Morgana is now completely out of our control and is united with the god Yang, which is very detrimental to our plan!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect Keisha to be solved so quickly, and even the "big clock" couldn't be passed back to the screen. It seems that the Yang God is more difficult to deal with than I thought!" Karthus still wrote forever The unfinished plan, try to keep myself calm, but said in my heart: "If Morgana and the others start the Super Seminary now, then his plan with Principal Kieran will completely collapse, and they will all face the ultimate fear. Will be swallowed by it, just like the Kamigawa civilization once, this is absolutely impossible!"

"The latest sub-void engine has been developed, do you need to strengthen the gluttonous army?" Yorick asked Karthus respectfully.

Karthus nodded: "Yes, the current gluttonous army is not Morgana's opponent, and they can't use star-killing weapons, it is really difficult to do, let the gluttonous king assemble the secondary void engine first, and, forget it. , you go down and get ready!"

After letting Yorick back off, Karthus used the interstellar call to contact the Fallen Angel Ronin.

Morgana's departure from control, though expected, came much earlier than he expected, and now he needs new allies.

On a planet tens of thousands of light-years away, a group of groundhog-like creatures are fighting with helmets and simple firearms. Two people in silver armor, a man and a woman, are leisurely watching this boring place. game.

These two are Hua Ye and Ruoning.

Ruoning suddenly received a communication from Karthus and frowned. She didn't like this guy who claimed to be the god of death, but she also knew that Karthus went to the Three Treasures Hall without incident, and immediately opened the connection.

"Kalthus, how can you find me when you are free?"

 Ruoning negotiated with the communicator, Hua Ye lay lazily on the grass, glanced at Ruoning, and then lay down idle.

"Ruoning, long time no see, are you okay?" Karthus's tone was like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

But Ruoning seemed more distant and laughed at himself: "I'm living a good life now. In a distant civilization, I'm the master here."

Karthus said with some bewitching: "Are you satisfied with this? Have you forgotten the glory of the past?"

Ruoning got up and said: "Yes, I have won a lot of titles in the past, the big ones have left wing guards, the general ones have angel wing kings, the Holy Temple of Light Gabriel, and some who are spoiled by angels call me Storm God of War!"

After a few chats, Karthus began to enter the topic: "Kaisha has fallen, are you interested in establishing a new order together?"

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