Ruoning used to be an angel, although he betrayed the city of angels, but when Keisha fell, he also sensed it and sneered: "Hmph, Carl, you want a new order, I can't give it to you, you destroyed us Keisha, I already give you a lot of face if I don't settle accounts with you..."

"I think you misunderstood, Kaisha was destroyed by Morgana and other gods on earth, it has nothing to do with me, and Angel Yan became the new king of angels, you are willing to admit that a 7000-year-old girl is the king Is it?" Karthus wiped himself clean.

Ruoning has always been dissatisfied with Angel Yan, and immediately said: "Except for Queen Kaisha, neither Liang Bing nor Yan can become the King of Angels. Liang Bing killed many of my old subordinates, Yan is still a young man. I can't bow down to her."

"But Yan is the heir designated by Kaisha." Karthus's ability to sow discord has been perfected, but just a few random words aroused Ruoning's anger.

Although Ruoning didn't want Yan to come to power, she also knew that Karthus didn't have a good intention and said coldly, "I can kill Yan when Yan comes to power. The question is, if you want to use me as a spearman, what will I gain?"

Karthus said: "I can support you to become the king of angels."

"No, except Queen Keisha, no one is qualified to be the King of Angels." Ruoning was not very interested in becoming the King of Angels. Although she betrayed Keisha, she still respected Keisha in her heart.

"Actually, I think cold ice is not bad..."

Before Karthus finished speaking, Ruoning interrupted: "No, Liang Bing can't do it! Absolutely not! As for Yan, either get off the throne or die!"

"Angels need a king after all." Karthus doesn't really care who is the king of angels. What he has to do now is to try to buy time. He has a hunch that the so-called Yang God will soon come to trouble him, so he Find something to do first.

Ruoning looked at Hua Ye on the ground and suggested to Karthus, "Karl, do you accept Hua Ye?"

"Hua Ye, Lord of the Heavenly Palace." Karthus did not expect Ruoning to be with Hua Ye.

Ruoning said: "Yes, if he is the king, the angel will return to the era of male gods, only in this way can the angel and the god of death be equal."

"Of course, I'm looking forward to it." Karthus hoped that the earth would be as chaotic as possible, and naturally he would not object. He quickly reached a consensus with Ruoning, Ruoning turned off the communicator, turned around and said to Hua Ye, "Dear, Kai Sarah is dead!"

Hua Ye got up and said, "It's a pity, I can no longer smell that charming fragrance!"

Ruoning asked: "Are you here to preside over the overall situation, or let Yan, or... Lian Bing?"

"Who is Yan? I don't even know, Lian Bing, I always liked her back then!" Hua Ye took a deep breath and said helplessly: "I've been away for too long, if we return to the city of angels, they will They don't even know me, those little girls, they haven't seen a real man!"

Hua Ye remembered the humiliation of being expelled from the City of Angels and punched a tree, which was the humiliation of his life.

Ruoning comforted: "I think there are only two orders in the angel world, one is Keisha's justice order, and the other is your... Heavenly Palace order!"

"Order of the Heavenly Palace!" Hua Ye scratched his head, turned to look at Ruoning and said, "Do you still remember? Well... Now there is only the Heavenly Palace left, so let's go to the Heavenly Palace!".

Chapter [-] Liangbing 【Subscribe】

In the Fallen Queen.

Morgana was carefully dressed in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling window. She was wearing a black dress with a golden crown on her head. Compared with her usual leather dress, she now looked more elegant and luxurious.

Looking in the mirror, Morgana nodded with satisfaction and said in her heart, "With this old lady's figure and appearance, I won't be able to win a little guy if I don't believe it."

"Queen Morgana, God Yang has arrived!" The voice of the demon guard came from Morgana's communication device.

"Understood, please come up!" Morgana stroked her hair, then walked to the long table, picked up a bottle of red wine and poured it into two tall wine glasses.


The door opened, Lin Feng wore a gorgeous white robe, stepped into the room, saw Morgana sitting lazily on the sofa, smiled, Lin Feng also sat on the sofa adjacent to Morgana, picked up the table The wine glass, shaking it gently: "It seems that you have also begun to corrupt, and you have not learned anything else in the world, but you are more and more good at enjoying!"

"You didn't come here to make fun of me!" Morgana rolled her eyes charmingly and took a sip of red wine: "When are you going to do it, now the gluttonous army has all entered the galaxy, although they The combat capability of a single soldier cannot be compared with that of my demon army, but it also has star-killing weapons. If it can’t be won in one wave, it will likely cause a retaliatory blow to the earth, and I like it here.”

"I also like the earth. This place reminds me of some past memories, although it is not very good." Mo Yuhao also drank a sip of red wine, and the taste was not bad. After drinking it, it seems that many people began to believe in Morgana during this time, and Lin Feng didn't care much about it!

Morgana glanced at Lin Feng, put down the wine glass, crossed Erlang's legs and said, "Can you tell me about your past?"

"My past? I used to have many identities, and I don't know where to start!" Lin Feng sighed. In the reincarnation space, facing the pressure of death and the threat of competitors, Lin Feng gradually put on a mask, and his identity became more and more Many, playing different roles, increasing the probability of survival, and even gradually becoming a habit, and looking back, I can't help but feel emotional.

"Speak slowly, I have time anyway." Morgana leaned on the sofa, she was still very interested in Lin Feng's past.

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "Let's put this matter down for now, let's talk about Karthus! How much do you know about him?"

"The dead pervert of Karthus is the leader of the shadow world. He used to be the instructor of the super seminary with me, focusing on the study of opening the door of ultimate fear and death from the super god era, dealing with the gods, I heard that it has been I have researched the Void System, which is mysterious all day long, although I don't know what conspiracy he has, but it should be inseparable from the ultimate fear..." Morgana told Lin Feng all the information she knew.

Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy is a hundred battles. Although Lin Feng is sure to deal with Karthus, the more you know, the less accidents will happen. If an old fox like Karthus can't kill him with one blow, it will be difficult to find it after running away. !

After chatting for a while, Lin Feng learned a lot about Karthus from Morgana, but Morgana didn't know much either.

Morgana didn't want to talk about Karthus. After talking for a while, she suddenly said, "It's boring to stay here, why don't we go shopping in Juxia City."

"Shopping, you still have this hobby." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Morgana's tone was twisted, and she said with some coquettish: "The goddess is also a woman, it's normal to like to go shopping!"

Lin Feng nodded: "Then let's go, I haven't been shopping for a long time!"

"Okay." Morgana smiled, and the clothes on her body instantly turned into casual clothes. Lin Feng also changed into casual clothes, a white trench coat, silver hair on his shoulders, looking like an ancient noble boy.

Lin Feng waved his hand to open a door of space, and the two of them changed their appearance slightly and appeared on a building in Juxia City.

Lin Feng said to Morgana next to him: "Where to go?"

"How about going shopping first, then watching a movie, and then finding a coffee shop for coffee?" Liang Bing smiled and said, "By the way, my real name is Liang Bing, and I keep calling you Yangshen, this should not be you your real name?"

"Lin Feng, my real name." Lin Feng looked at the bustling scene downstairs, which was still crowded with people.

Although there are aliens invading now, as long as there is no confrontation in front of them, what should these people do, at least on the surface to maintain the illusion of peace.

 Liang Bing's interest is obviously good, just like a little girl, wandering freely in the streets and alleys, laughing and laughing all the way, Liang Bing is also a big spender, the earth's banknotes are a pile of waste paper to her, just wave her hand A lot of things, and soon I bought a lot of things, and the big and small ones are still happy.

Lin Feng can also be regarded as a holiday for himself, he doesn't have to calculate anything, his mood is very calm, he leisurely looks at the crowds coming and going around, but he doesn't fit in, and some things can't go back after all!

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