"Go to tm for a misunderstanding, the old lady is happily shopping in Juxia City, and you bombard me with your head and face without letting out a single fart, messing up the old lady's date, don't kill you, my face Where are you going to put it?"

"Uh... Queen Morgana, this is really a misunderstanding. We didn't know you were also in Juxia City at the time, and if you blocked our signal, we couldn't contact you either!" He said that he knew that a queen like Morgana was going back for a date, and it was so coincidental that it was in the city of Juxia they attacked. If they had known where Morgana was, they would definitely choose another place to attack.

They received the order of the god of death Karl to attack the earth, and it was not that they had not contacted Morgana before, but Morgana was on vacation, so they blocked all signals, and they were helpless!

"Idiot, are you blaming me? There's nothing to say, prepare to meet the wrath of the old lady!" Seeing that the charge was completed, Liang Bing was no longer talking nonsense, and issued an attack order.

"Wait, Queen Morgana, wait..."

The picture came to an abrupt end, and Shi Hao punched the conference table, smashing the alloy conference table into a big hole, and then angrily said: "The Second Fleet and the Third Fleet intercept the demon wings and give me an immediate counterattack."

As soon as the order of the glutton was issued, countless huge dark energy beams were emitted from the demon's wings, directly attacking the medium-sized battleship behind the gluttonous army.


Where the beam passed, the atmosphere was also instantly evaporated into huge round holes, and dozens of medium-sized gluttonous warships were taken away in one wave, and gorgeous fireworks erupted in the sky!

"That bitch!"

The gluttonous king devoured a lot of curses. He didn't expect Morgana to move so fast, and suddenly lost a lot of battleships...  

"Fight me back and blow up the devil's wings!"


Although the individual combat power of the gluttonous army is not comparable to that of the demon warriors, the number of space battleships is much higher than that of Morgana's demon army. Fortunately, the technology of the demon wings is far stronger than the gluttonous battleship, regardless of defense or attack. The force is crushing the gluttonous battleship.


The two sides engaged in a fierce exchange of fire in outer space, and the energy defense cover of the demon's wings was also hit by numerous electromagnetic cannons.


In the high sky of Juxia City, the sky was full of fire, and countless metal wreckage was scattered from the sky.

The electric lights were interlaced, like a giant net connecting dozens of small warships together, and then it exploded. In the scorching flames, Lin Feng flew out, and several energy cannons bombarded Lin Feng who had just stopped. He was counterattacked by "Reverse Devil Origin".

"Boom boom~"

Several battleships exploded again. Lin Feng looked at the densely packed gluttonous battleships, his hands suddenly opened, and the force of heaven and earth rushed towards Lin Feng from all directions.

"What does he want to do?" The data officer caught Lin Feng's movements and wondered.

On the main ship, the gluttonous king Jihao watched Lin Feng, who had been destroying the battleship quickly, suddenly stopped, and had a bad premonition: "I don't dare to do anything, I must stop him, and immediately lock and focus the bombing. ."

Originally, the citizens of Juxia City who were desperately fleeing all felt a little bit in their hearts, and suddenly there was a feeling that said no 3.7 Qing Dao was unclear. It seemed that the whole person calmed down in an instant, only to feel inexplicable heart palpitations, and they all looked up at the sky at the same time. They saw a scene they will never forget in their lifetime.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The energy cannons, missiles, and naval guns on countless gluttonous battleships aimed at Lin Feng who was staying high in the sky and launched a fierce attack, but Lin Feng, who was in the center of the artillery fire, didn't feel anything, his eyes were slightly closed, feeling In the power of heaven and earth, to be honest, the spiritual energy of this world is not enough, Lin Feng can't fully exert his strength, but it is enough to deal with these gluttonous battleships!

"Death of God!"

Lin Feng accumulated the power of heaven and earth, the light of one gold and one purple flashed in his eyes, and then the four pairs of wings behind his back burst out. The divine power smashed the surrounding battleships into pieces, without explosions or even sound, those gluttonous battleships were like rotten sand and stones dissipating with the wind...

For a moment, the world lost its voice, everything was silent, and the only destruction spread in silence...

Chapter [-] Prelude to the decisive battle 【Subscription】

With one blow, everything is destroyed.

Even the gluttonous army that worships death is horrified, such a stalwart divine power, even the god of death Karthus does not possess, and after being killed by Lin Feng, the soul of the gluttonous warrior cannot return to Karthus's dark world.

There is nothing in the sky, the densely packed gluttonous warships have disappeared, and all the gluttonous warships that entered the atmosphere have been destroyed. Only the three flagships and a few warships that stayed in outer space were spared. As for the small spaceships that fought close to the ground, They were lucky to escape, but without backup, they could not continue. Mo Yuhao opened the space channel and let the elf army encircle and suppress him.

"Is this a miracle?"

"It's amazing, it solved so many alien spaceships in one go!"

"so cool!"

"Finally saved!"


The citizens of Juxia City saw countless huge alien spaceships vanish into thin air.

At this time, the gluttonous army has been completely defeated, and almost all the warships in the atmosphere have been shot down. At present, there are only a few sporadic gluttonous soldiers driving small spaceships to resist, but when they meet the warriors of the elf world, gluttonous is a word for "death", because Lin Feng No need for live and captives.

15 Above a high-rise building, the crocodile god Thorton jumped high, and the "Half Moon Knife" in his hand spun and shot out, cutting a gluttonous warrior into two pieces.

Thornton caught the "Half Moon Knife" that was turning back and smiled: "Dare to challenge your grandfather Thornton."

Last time, he was too hungry to be strong, and was chased and beaten by several gluttonous warriors, but he did not forget it, and he would naturally not be polite.

"This big crocodile is not bad!" Liu Chuang held a "mountain axe" and split a small spaceship with the spaceship in half, wiped his forehead on the ground, and turned back to Ruimengmeng, who was holding a big knife with a cute face. Said: "Sister, we have to work harder, let the boss see our progress!"

"Well... I will work hard. One day, I will stand by his side and fight side by side with him."

Rui Mengmeng looked at Lin Feng in the sky with firm eyes, then shouted loudly, and charged towards several gluttonous warriors who fell to the ground with a two-meter-long sword.

Qilin stood on the top of the highest building in Juxia City, with the God-killing sniper gun in his hand sniping at the scattered gluttonous warriors, and the gun shot his head. When the people from the Super Seminary came, Qilin and others joined the driver. The elf warriors with griffins have almost wiped out the gluttonous warriors on the ground.

The surviving citizens left the sad place of Juxia City one after another under the escort of the human army. Although the war was short-lived, under the bombardment of the gluttonous warships, Juxia City still suffered heavy casualties, with hundreds of thousands of casualties and many more. People were buried under the rubble waiting to be rescued.

However, the most important thing at present is to send the living people away from this place. There are too many unstable factors here. In order not to increase casualties, this is also a helpless move.

The rescue work is also continuing, and Cheng Yaowen's ability is very useful here. With the activation of the ability of "Heart of the Earth", all the debris of the ruins floated up, and it became easier to save people.

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