Xin Zhao looked at the surrounding situation with his spear, and said to Ge Xiaolun, who was beside him in confusion: "Xiao Lun, what do you think we are doing, I feel like we are the police in the movie, so every time is the last Come out and finish!"

"Master Xin, I feel the same way. It seems that we have nothing to do with us, and we can't help!" Ge Xiaolun looked at Lin Feng, who was aloof, with all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred in his heart. Many people have the dream of becoming a savior, and Ge Xiaolun also I thought about it, but now the script seems to be different, and he seems to have become a passerby playing soy sauce.

"This is the God of Yang, it seems that he is taking care of him!" Ah Li, who had just joined the Super Seminary, had a golden star in her eyes. Her wish was to find an unparalleled hero. Now it seems that she has found it, but it is so far away.

 Wei heard the words and said: "You can save it! Although you are charming, you are a god. I guess your tricks of confusion are ineffective."

"This is better..." Ali smiled.

"What are you doing, why don't you escort the citizens away?" Qiangwei said coldly, she has returned to the super seminary, but I don't know if Lin Feng was hit and became more ruthless, training hard all day, to others He also likes to ignore it, which seems a little impersonal.

As for things on the ground, Lin Feng didn't pay much attention to it. He flew out of the atmosphere and came to outer space. The main ship of the gluttonous army has not been destroyed, and it is fighting with the demon wings. That is the real threat.

On top of the Sirius flagship, the three huge cross flagships were still bombarding with the demon wings of Liang Bing, and countless shells and lasers were bombarding the opponent's defense cover, which looked very splendid.

The gluttonous king Shihao received the news that all the front lines were killed, and he was angry and shouted: "Give me the doomsday bombing, and I will raze the earth to the ground."

A gluttonous warrior said: "But my god Karl forbids us to use star-killing weapons..."


Before the gluttonous warrior could finish speaking, he smashed his head with a punch, and pressed his anger, and said to the other gluttonous warrior: "Contact my god Karl, we need his protection."

The interstellar communication was quickly connected, and the projection of Karthus appeared in the command room of the main ship. He bowed respectfully to Karthus, and then said: "My god Carl, the strength on earth far exceeds ours. Estimated, and Morgana has betrayed the alliance and is at war with our army, we are currently suffering heavy losses, ask my god for support!"

Karthus had a calm and indifferent expression, as if nothing could move him, and slowly said, "I have seen your situation through the 'big clock', and reinforcements will be here soon!"

Shi Hao wondered: "I don't know who is the reinforcement that my God has arranged for us?"

Judging from the current situation, Yangshen is not something they can resist at all, that is, 740 has a secondary Void Engine, but he is not sure that he can support a few moves in front of Lin Feng, and can be called a strong aid by Karthus. He couldn't remember who it was.

Karthus saw the battle scene on Earth through the "big clock", and found that the situation had completely deviated from his original design line, so Karthus also had a mentality of getting rid of it and then quickly to Lin Feng.

Hearing the questioning of Qihao, Karthus said two words indifferently: "Hua Ye."

Hao Yao was also an old man who followed Karthus. He had a certain understanding of the ancient past. Hearing this, he was surprised: "You are talking about the ancient god of destruction, the former king of the heavenly palace, Hua Ye?"

"Yes, it's him." Death God Karl nodded slightly: "I have already sent them to the space station of Pluto, I believe they will be there soon!"

After shutting down the interstellar communication, Karthus looked solemn and muttered to himself: "God, no matter where you come from or what purpose you have, I will not let you destroy my plan, and I will never allow... …”

"Well, just because the gluttonous army and Hua Ye are not the opponents of Yangshen, it seems that I have to go out in person!" Karthus looked at the artifact "Big Clock" in the distance, and a real Void Engine equipped with it. the body of the god...


Chapter [-] The New King of Angels 【Subscription】

"What should we do, help the earthlings, or... gluttonous?"

The angel sat coldly on a big tree. After reading the information from Juxia City, he used the angel communication to report to Yan, who had returned to the city of angels to inherit the throne, but his tone was not very respectful. The king was not satisfied.

"We fight for justice. The gluttonous army is like the locust of the universe. It only knows killing and destruction, not the object of our angels' guardianship." At this time, Yan put on a gorgeous new dress and sat on the throne with his hair pulled back. She got up, put on the crown, and looked more mature. She didn't care about the cold tone. After all, she was still very young and didn't have the prestige of Keisha. Now there are many people who refuse to accept her as king. She understands this very well.

"You mean to help the people of the earth. Judging from the current situation, that bastard Yang Shen has the upper hand and is entering outer space to pursue the gluttonous army. His strength is too powerful, how can we avenge Queen Keisha alone? …”

Leng said a little excitedly, since Kaisha fell, Yan has returned to the city of angels to inherit the throne, and half of the high-level angels who originally followed Kaisha came back to the city of angels with Yan, and half stayed on Earth to continue collecting The information prepares for the future battle, Yangshen destroyed their Kaisha, and this revenge must be avenged!

"I understand what you mean, but angels must not be in the company of evil. I am already organizing the seven angelic legions and the forces of the affiliated countries. As long as the integration is completed, I can go to the Chiwu Galaxy to crusade the God of Yang and avenge Queen Kaisha." Yan Now that he has just inherited the throne, there are many dissatisfied voices even among the angels, and those vassals that once surrendered to Keisha's feet are just about to move.

No one likes others stepping on their head. Kaisha's death has made these people who are afraid of Kaisha's power start to get restless. Now Yan is under a lot of pressure and can't get out in a short time.

"I hope you can do it~〃." After Leng finished speaking, he closed the communication and looked at a few young angels around him: "Girls, our new king tells us not to act rashly, we don't need to intervene in the affairs of the earth now, and continue to collect the world of elves. And the data of the super seminary, ignore the rest, let them toss!"

Looking at the gunpowder smoke in Juxia City and the raging fire in the sky, the female angels felt very complicated. Queen Keisha's death hit them hard. Now they have left their hometown to avoid misery, but they can't be weak, because they are for the sake of it. Angels fighting for justice.

the other side.

In the endless starry sky, on the demon bi-wing battleship, energy cannons blasted out like a storm, and at the same time greeted the baptism of the opponent's artillery fire.


The shock of the explosion made the demon battleship sway. Lian Bing changed into a black leather dress, with the demon wings on his back, his hands on his hips, and stood in the shaking command room, scolding: "These beasts are still difficult to deal with, little boy. Guys, cheer up this queen, if you can't even win with a bunch of scumbags, then don't say that you messed with me, I can't afford to lose that person!"

"Report to the Queen, the energy of our protective shield has dropped by [-]%, and the other's three main ships have begun to move towards Pluto. It may be that they want to use the worm bridge to escape, whether to continue the pursuit."

Liang Bing waved his hand: "Then it goes without saying, bite the old lady and don't let it go, hit hard, and don't let go of one!"

"Understood, Queen!"

"Start energy conversion, use space confinement to prevent the other party from jumping in space!"

"Prepare to start the integration of small wormholes and implement the individual combat plan."


"The demon squad is ready to enter the gluttonous battleship to fight."

"The demon squad is ready."

"Complete the calculation, open the wormhole, attack!"

Following Lian Bing's order, all the demons acted immediately, and the prompt sound in the communication channel also sounded frequently.

The small wormholes are directly connected to the inside of the gluttonous battleship, and the demon warriors enter the gluttonous battleship from the wormholes like wolves.

In terms of individual combat capability, demon warriors are much stronger than gluttonous warriors, and only a few high-level gluttonous warriors with sub-void engines can take advantage.

The technology of the gluttonous army is hundreds of years more advanced than that of the earth, but it is not as good as the demon army. The battle between the two sides will soon start inside the battleship. This kind of battle is obviously extremely unfavorable to the gluttonous army. The weapon didn't dare to be used at all, but the demon warrior didn't take it into consideration. "Lightning Halberd", the dark energy weapon was attacking frantically. Even if it couldn't hit the gluttonous warrior, it could also destroy the interior of the battleship and cause many devices to malfunction.

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