The gluttonous party also reacted quickly, and the analyst hurriedly reported to the gluttonous king Jihao: ".〃King, we found that the demon army had invaded alone. Our army suffered heavy losses, and the battleship was damaged by [-]%..."

"These bastards, quickly start the internal chain defense, and order the void warriors to attack immediately!"

The deer quickly issued an order. They also have their own response plans for the invasion of demons. The gates are closed, their traps are opened, and Void Warriors are sent to block them. These Void Warriors are equipped with sub-Void Engines, which are equivalent to the second-generation super Warriors, but they are expensive and scarce in number, but they can make up for the lack of melee combat of gluttonous warriors.

But even so, the battle situation is still unfavorable to the gluttonous army (is it good) regiment. As time goes on, the damage to the warship becomes more and more serious. The protective cover of the No. [-] flagship has disappeared, and it is completely exposed to the artillery fire of the demon wings. They were bombed in a short time and turned into dust in the universe. Their damage to the main ship was as high as [-]%, and it was estimated that they would not last a few minutes!

"Immediately prepare for space jump, let's get out of here!" The roaring opponent ordered.

A gluttonous warrior who looked like a chimpanzee reported back: "No, the surrounding space has been imprisoned by the demon's wings, and it is impossible to perform large-scale space jumps..."

"Damn it, when will the reinforcements arrive?" Hao Hao is now ready to go into battle in person. If he can't clean up the demon warriors inside, it won't be long before he can only give up the battleship and flee.

"Data was invaded by unknown signal...".

Chapter [-] My Life Goes Against God [For Flowers]

Just when the gluttonous army was in full swing, a blond, blue-eyed male angel with wings on his back appeared on the big screen in the command room. This angel looked a bit wretched and lazy, with a Western face, a high nose, and a very gloomy look: "Looks like you're in big trouble."

The gluttonous Wang Jihao looked at the man on the screen and asked uncertainly, "Are you... Hua Ye?"

He doesn't know much about this ancient god, but the white angel wings behind the man can show the identity of the other person very well. Male angels have not appeared for tens of thousands of years, and even in the city of angels, many female angels No one knew there were male angels.

"You should call me the king of the universe, hahaha..." Hua Ye laughed wildly, looking like he was invincible.

The fallen angel Ruoning appeared on the screen, and said coldly and arrogantly to the bite: "We will take action against the devil's wings, and we will arrive in three minutes, you guys persevere!"

"Alright, alright..." Facing the domineering Ruoning, Shi Hao was not at all dissatisfied, and immediately ordered the fleet to speed up.

On a large spaceship, Hua Ye turned off the communication and said with a disdainful face: "Kalthus asked me to help these low-level species, it's really boring."

"Lian Bing has not been idle in these years. It can make Queen Keisha fall, so it should not be underestimated." Ruoning reminded, and at the same time quickly calculated, casually said to Hua Ye: "The position of the gluttonous army and the devil's wings has been located! "

"Hey hey hey..." Hua Ye had a lewd look on his face: "I've wanted to touch Liang Bing's big 937 chest for a long time. I must not miss it this time. How did Liang Bing kill Kaisha?"

"Please don't use the word 'dry' to Queen Keisha." Although he betrayed Keisha, Ruoning still respected Keisha, and then said: "According to Karthus, it was Liang Bing who united an unknown The gods of civilization, but the specifics are unclear."

"Is it not clear, or is it intentional to hide it? You think that dead nerd will use me as a gunman!" Although Hua Ye is perverse, he is not an idiot, otherwise he would not be alive until now.

Ruoning said coldly: "It's not that there is no such possibility, we and him are just using each other, but now we have the same goal with him."

"Well, when I'm done with the cold ice, I'll go back to the city of angels and establish a new order. Thinking about those beautiful little angels, I can't wait." Hua Ye rubbed his hands wretchedly, looking at Male angels around: "We haven't fought for a long time. It's time to let the world know of our existence, prepare a feast of killing, and announce our return to the universe!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A group of male angels were murderous and raised their swords high. These male angels were all blond and blue-eyed, with a pair of white wings on their backs, their appearances tended to be Westerners, and they wore silver armor. From the perspective of equipment, they were worse than female angels. There are quite a few, each of them looks rebellious, revealing a gloomy evil spirit.


"Artest, Atto, hurry up, prepare to be alert!"

Among the demon's wings, Lian Bing's eyes were white, staring at the void above the demon's wings, and said solemnly: "Damn, this disgusting aura is really annoying."

"What's the matter, Queen?" Ato asked in confusion as he looked at Leng Bing with a dignified expression.

Lian Bing took two steps back and forth, and then said: "I feel a huge evil dark energy is approaching us... It's coming!"

As Liang Bing's words fell, hundreds of male angels appeared intermittently in the void, Hua Ye and Ruoning stood in the void, standing above the demon's wings, Hua Ye said with a half-smile, "Lang Bing, long time no see, your taste is still the same. So charming, I heard that you killed Keisha, she is my favorite person, you have to accompany me."

"Hua Ye!"

Lian Bing looked at Hua Ye with a bad face. This guy was defeated and escaped by her and Keisha together tens of thousands of years ago. He didn't expect to appear here. It seems that the visitor is not good.

Liang Bing read the information and understood that Hua Ye and Karthus had reached an agreement. His face was even more ugly, and he scolded: "Karl, this pervert, actually united with this scum..."

For Hua Ye, Liang Bing naturally understands that Hua Ye used to be the king of angels, pampered and extravagant, lustful and murderous.

At that time, Hua Ye fell in love with Keisha and Liang Bing and wanted to keep them as prisoners, but how proud angels Keisha and Liang Bing were. Ye's coercion, they united with some angels who had long been dissatisfied with Hua Ye to launch a coup d'etat. After a brutal war, they defeated Hua Ye and drove them out of the city of angels. (bica)

It's a pity that Super Seminary came to the City of Angels. Because of the discord between the ideas, the Super Seminary was driven out by Kaisha. Because of the power of the ultimate fear, Liang Bing couldn't agree with Kaisha's justice order. Sarah's opposite side.

Now that Keisha has returned to her original state, and facing Hua Ye again, Liang Bing has no clue in her heart. Tens of thousands of years ago, fighting alone was not Hua Ye's opponent at all. Now, although she has been upgraded to a fourth-generation divine body, the opponent is also Impossible to stop.

On the other side, when the reinforcements arrived, the gluttonous king Shiyao showed joy, waved his hands to encourage the surrounding gluttonous soldiers: "Our reinforcements have arrived, and the generals will follow me to fight!"

"As ordered!"

A group of gluttonous warriors followed behind the deer, and charged towards the demon wings with murderous aura.

Seeing this, Liang Bing said angrily: "These bastards, I'm afraid you won't succeed. Atto, let the demon team return, start the lightning chain, and bake this scum for my mother."

"Follow the Queen!"

The three parties were not speculative, and they quickly exchanged fire. Facing the mecha warriors of the gluttonous army and Hua Ye's subordinates, the two-front battle of the demon army would naturally not be cheap.

Originally, these demon warriors were also male angels, but they were cut off by Keisha because of their defeat, and they were transformed by Liang Bing to become what they are today. , is still at a disadvantage.

The three parties are fighting, galloping across the vast void, each showing their magical powers, energy cannons, god-killing snipers, the use of micro-wormholes, and the transformation of dark energy.

Liang Bing and Ato fight with Hua Ye, Ruoning, and Maw. Ato fights Mae. The two sides are not equal in strength, while Liang Bing is more passive. Hua Ye and Ruoning are not fuel-efficient lamps. One-on-one she still has a chance of winning, but one-on-two is very difficult.

"Stay in formation..."

"The second team cut the gluttonous team, disrupted their formation, and defeated each one..."

"The five sniper angels..."

"Each team stepped up to calculate the angel's trajectory... Amo died in action, and the three teams asked for support..."

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