"I was followed, open the A wormhole, and cut left and right!"

"The six teams failed to rob and kill, and the eight teams relayed..."


Demon warriors fought fiercely with angels and gluttons, and demons died from time to time.

Seeing this, Lian Bing, who was fighting with Hua Ye and Ruoning, was furious. The "Devil's Claw" flew out of the wormhole behind Hua Ye, grabbed Hua Ye, and Lian Bing held it tightly, trying to put it away. Hua Ye crushed it, but Hua Ye's body was extremely hard. Just when Liang Bing was about to increase his strength, Ruoning flew over and stabbed Liang Bing's heart with the "Sword of Flame" in his hand.


In the void, upon hearing the dragon's roar, a wave of supreme majesty shook the three sides.

"Heaven and earth are silent, calamity incarnates;

Killing the pure world, my life goes against the gods. ".

Chapter [-] Time and Space Cage 【Subscription】


Chapter [-] Lin Feng vs Karthus 【Subscription】


Seeing that Ruoning couldn't even delay for a moment, Hua Ye flew away quickly. He was never lenient in killing people, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid of death. Even though he had lived for tens of thousands of years, he still felt that he had not lived enough!

After smashing the "space-time cage", Lin Feng instantly moved to Ruoning's body, and cut out the "Scar of the Sky" mercilessly, cutting it in two. It is extremely destructive.

Ruoning's body was cut off from it, and his soul was instantly annihilated, and then it turned into a little spot of light and was transformed into an exchange point by the system.

The gluttonous warriors and angels who died around were also transformed. Mo Yuhao looked at the gluttonous king Jihao and Hua Ye who flew away. He did not intend to let them go.

"Karl, this unfortunate child, dares to cheat on me. When I go back, see if I won't kill him." Hua Ye fled in a hurry. At the same time, he was very dissatisfied with Carl's practice of concealing information, although he knew that the person who could kill Keisha would not be a simple role. , but he didn't expect that Lin Feng would be so fierce, a big move was abolished by his family, this is still such a fight!

"Hua Ye, this waste material, deceives the world and steals his name. What is the god of destroying the world, and the god of eating shit is almost the same." After receiving strong aid, he turned out to be handsome for only three seconds, and then he was cut into a dog, which was simply a joke sent by a monkey.

"No, if it goes on like this, I will definitely be caught up!" Yanhao is not afraid of war, he was born for war, but now he is very clear about the gap between himself and Lin Feng, that is not a battle, but a death!

"The flagship will aim all the muzzles at Yangshen, full firepower!"

In order to gain time to escape, the gluttons gave orders to the gluttonous warriors in the only remaining flagship.

"But our weapons don't have much advantage over the gods, and even with full firepower, they won't be able to destroy Yangshen."

Destroyer shouted at the communicator: "I told you to turn on all your firepower, didn't you hear me?"


The gluttonous warriors were absolutely obedient in the face of the savage, and since the king had an order, they could only do it.

"Start the ultimate frenzy, lower the energy shield, turn on the maximum power of all muzzles, target Yangshen, countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 shots!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The muzzles on the flagship were all aimed at Lin Feng, the firepower was turned to the maximum, and countless violent beams and missiles swarmed towards Lin Feng.

"Reverse the source of magic!"

Lin Feng instantly formed two huge air hoods, which bounced back all the energy from the attack. Only some missiles exploded around, but it did not affect Lin Feng.

Looking at the energy cannon that bounced back, the gluttonous warriors above the gluttonous flagship showed despair in their eyes, and they all wanted to escape from the flagship, but before they flew out, the flagship exploded and turned into a universe. in the dust.

Fang Hao looked back at the flagship that turned into a fireball, his heart was dripping blood, but he didn't dare to stop, and continued to fly frantically. He and Hua Ye tacitly separated and escaped, because they knew that they were not Lin Feng's opponents, they could only bet one Betting on luck, as long as you escape this area of ​​blocked space, you will have a chance to use the space wormhole.

Lin Feng looked at Fang Yao and Hua Ye who escaped separately, and immediately separated the "Holy Body Holy Soul" to chase him, while the deity chased after Hua Ye. The speed of Fang Yao and Hua Ye was not much better than that of ordinary spaceships, but In front of Lin Feng, he still couldn't make a move. Soon Lin Feng caught up with Hua Ye, and without a word, he cut the former King of the Heavenly Palace into eight sections and turned them into exchange points.

However, there was a situation on the side of the "Holy Body". It was bound by a force of time and space. Because only one-tenth of the power was divided, the "Holy Body" couldn't break free from him for a while.

At the same time, a dark energy continued to erode the "Holy Body" and seemed to want to analyze the data of the "Holy Body".

"The big clock! Has Karthus come too?"

Lin Feng's face turned cold, and then he introduced the "Power of the Holy Demon" into the "Holy Body" from the air. The continuous force hit the void, and the surrounding space collapsed, shattering like glass, forming a chaotic space storm. , "Holy Body" entered Void Mode, unaffected, and the imprisonment of the "Big Clock" was broken, and even the gluttonous gluttonous king Fanghao, who had not run far, was swallowed by the space storm, and he died without a whole corpse.

Lin Feng quickly merged with the "Holy Body", the vast spiritual power covered the Milky Way, and finally locked on Pluto, then teleported and appeared in the sky like a medieval castle.

"Yangshen? Gods from other universes? I have no ill intentions."

Karthus in a black robe stood on top of the castle, with short blond hair, a handsome face, and the temperament of a scholar, he looked like a harmless young man.

However, Lin Feng knows that Karthus is an existence older than Liang Bing and the others. He has always been committed to dealing with the ultimate fear and studying death. He has his own philosophy and persistence. Compared with Liang Bing, Kaisha is stronger.

When Lin Feng heard Karthus, he naturally wouldn't believe it. The "Scar of the Sky" in his hand changed its shape and turned into a double sickle of the god of death. He said coldly, "Karthus, do you think the god of death will die?"

"Everyone will die, only death is eternal, and death is another beginning. If you want, I can lead you to the kingdom of death and pursue the truth of the universe together." Karthus obviously highly respects death, as if death is A happy thing in general.

But in Lin Feng's view, Karthus's so-called death is actually just a transformation from a life mode to an energy mode, and surviving in the form of consciousness is not very clever in itself.

There is a saying that there is not much speculation, and with a person like Karthus, Lin Feng doesn't think there is anything to talk about. The death scythe in his hand is slowly raised, and he said indifferently: "Have you seen the tears of death?"

"What do you mean, can't you have a good conversation?" Karthus also felt Lin Feng's killing intent and secretly guarded.

"Death cry!"

Lin Feng used "Mystery of Death", the boundless power of darkness erupted, and the entire Pluto was instantly shrouded in darkness.

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