"This is... the power of time and space!"

Karthus's attack on the god of death, the darkness of death, shrouded endlessly, not only the body, but even the mind slowed down at this moment!

The sickle of death whizzed past, bringing with it a dazzling light of the sword.


With different time flow rates, Karthus couldn't react at all to being cut into eight pieces. The pain from his soul made the old monster who had been around for tens of thousands of years couldn't help screaming. His body was already a fifth-generation divine body. , and has a real Void Engine, if only the body is cut off, he doesn't care at all, but the thorough attack of the soul makes Karthus miserable...  

Watching Karthus's body slowly reunite, Lin Feng is not surprised. He has seen a lot of immortal bodies. Although Karthus's resilience is very strong, the damage caused by the "Scar of the Sky" is not so easy. Healing, especially soul damage!

However, the tenacity of Karthus' soul completely surprised him. Compared with Hua Ye, Ruoning and his like, Karthus is obviously stronger than one!

"A hymn of death!"

Karthus is not a good man and a woman. After suffering a big loss, he immediately counterattacked, activating the Void Engine, and waves of strange and mysterious songs floated, praising death, making people involuntarily addicted to it, and the soul came out of the body.

After going through countless life-and-death dangers, Lin Feng's will is so firm. Although he is disturbed by sound waves, he is not lost.

"Dragon Roar!"

Lin Feng inhaled the vitality of heaven and earth into his body, and after being activated by the "power of the holy devil", he roared wildly.


With a high-pitched dragon roar, suddenly, a ferocious dragon jumped up from Lin Feng's body. Seeing the rising body in the wind, it reached several hundred meters in an instant and rushed down Karthus.

"Dragon Roar" This move is modified from "Dragon Roar" in the one-page book. The attack is mainly based on airflow and supplemented by sonic vibration. , causing a lot of damage.

The dragon roared into the sky, and Karthus's "Anthem of Death" instantly lost its voice. The ancient castle under Karthus shattered under the impact of the sound waves, and the crust of the surrounding mountains cracked inch by inch.

Karthus climbed out of the gravel, bleeding from both ears, making a "humming" sound, with a confused expression on his face!

Lin Feng flew up to attack, and the death scythe in his hand flew up and down. Karthus suffered a loss, and he dared to attack head-on. He is a mage, and he plays close combat with soldiers. Isn't that looking for abuse 2.9!

"Death Grip!"

A space transfer appeared several miles away, and a magic circle appeared on both hands instantly, and the dark power of death gathered to form a huge palm to grab Lin Feng.

"hand of God!"

Lin Feng did not move like a mountain, and attacked with one hand. In an instant, Haoguang rushed into the sky, and a giant golden hand slammed out, colliding with Karthus's death grip.


As if the sky was turned upside down, at the moment when the palms clashed, the entire Pluto began to tremble, the crust rolled over, the mountains collapsed, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the air waves were overwhelming, hitting thousands of miles, like opening up the world!

Fortunately, this is the extinct Pluto. If it is replaced by the earth, I am afraid that three-quarters of human beings will die in an instant!

"It's kind of interesting, how about picking me up for another move, the God of Death!"

Lin Feng said coldly, the two scythes of the god of death crossed in his hands, and the huge dark energy rose into the sky, the sky and the earth changed color, and the black lightning bolted.

Karthus's expression changed, and he felt an overwhelming sense of oppression.

Chapter [-] Time Reverse Current 【Subscription】

In the endless emptiness, a black inverse cross slash shot out, the god of death crossed the border, and everything was destroyed.

In the face of Lin Feng's death god, Karthus also used his trump card, waves of waves rippled in the void, and a huge black face flashed in front of Karthus, colliding with the god of death.


Silently, after a burst of expansion and distortion, the huge black face condensed again, but it looked smaller.

That giant face is one of Karthus' top successes, the Void Body!

Possessing a complete void engine that can overturn the laws of the universe, Karthus flew up and entered the body of the void.


Lin Feng and the transformed Karthus looked at each other, an invisible aura emanated from the two of them, and they collided in the air. The energy caused the entire Pluto to vibrate, the crust cracked into bottomless abyss, and countless boulders flew up and were crushed into powder by invisible forces.

"Undead Overture!"

Karthus shouted loudly, and 13 wraiths of howling undead burst out from the sleeves of the black robe. Some of these undead were like humans, and some were grotesque, with a scale of no less than [-] million. He rushed towards Lin Feng.

"The mere evil spirits can't stop the destruction. The flame of God!"

Facing the overwhelming undead, Lin Feng's face was slightly cold, and the flames on his hands flickered. The energy in the endless void was absorbed and transformed by Lin Feng, and then turned into a field of flames. The purple flames burned the world and swept all directions.

The flame of God spread rapidly, covering thousands of miles in a short time. Karthus felt the threat in the flame and entered the void to hide, but those undead were not so lucky, and were burned by the flames in the wailing. .

Lin Feng stood in the sea of ​​​​fire, sensing the position of Karthus in the void, and slammed out with a palm, only to see the void collapsed, like a mirror shattering, Karthus flew out, and some couldn't believe it: "I've exhausted the number of points. It took ten thousand years to upgrade to the body of the void and control the power of the void, how could you find me?"

"Void body, is it amazing?" Lin Feng said indifferently.

"Damn, time and space imprisoned!"

Karthus shouted angrily and sacrificed the "big clock", a powerful force of time and space shrouded Lin Feng, the artifact "big clock" has the ability of time and space, and it is the strongest artifact of Shenhe civilization. The power seems to imprison Lin Feng in an infinite loop of time and space!

It's not that Lin Feng can't do anything, and it's not that he can't use the power of time and space. After absorbing the "Infinity Gems", he has the power to control time. He waved his hand, and a green magic circle appeared in his hand.

"Time is running backwards!"

Time is a vast river in the universe. Even the gods can only follow the current. There has never been anyone who can go upstream, not even the god of time, Kiran, but Karthus is now fortunate to experience time once. Backflow feeling.

The two forces of time and space collided, destroying the weak and staying strong. Compared with the "Big Clock", the level of the "Infinity Stones" was significantly higher. Time began to flow backwards. Lin Feng and Karthus flew back like a rewind. Pluto The flame of God above, Karthus' undead recovered, and the shattered earth began to slowly recover as before, just like when Lin Feng first came to Pluto.

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