Karthus stood on top of the intact castle and looked at Lin Feng in the void: "God Yang? God from other universes? I am not evil... Wait, how do I feel that I have said this? "

Affected by the power of time and space, Karthus's memory was confused. It should have been impossible to remember anything, but Karthus's strength was good, and he was able to save a piece of memory.

As the initiator, Lin Feng has no influence. The reverse flow of time can be described as a magical skill, but its use will also bring some harm. Just like people who go upstream, the resistance they encounter is relatively large, and it will also make waves on the calm river. A series of unknown variables came, so Lin Feng rarely used it.

It seems that the effect is not bad at present, but the time has been reversed by half an hour, and the impact is still within the controllable range.

Hearing Karthus' doubts, Lin Feng had no interest in his explanation. He still understood the reason that the villain died of too much talk. His mental power locked Karthus, and the "Scar of the Sky" in Lin Feng's hand was transformed into a "Doomsday Myth". The appearance of a dark force more powerful than Karthus converged on Lin Feng.

"Death God Against Heaven!"

The power of darkness transformed the phantom of the god of death hundreds of feet high, and the sky without clouds roared with thunder.

Karthus looked at the huge phantom of death, and was shocked. He wanted to use the "big clock" to resist, but found that the "big clock" was full of cracks and was hit by a huge sickle when it didn't work. slashed, and then passed through Karthus's body unabated.

"How could this be... clap~"

Karthus' body and soul were instantly shattered, and his eyes slowly dimmed, dissipating with the wind, leaving no dust behind.

After Lin Feng confirmed that Karthus was gone, he turned back to the demon's wings. At this time, Liang Bing was ordering a group of demons to clean up the battlefield. When he saw Lin Feng's return, he immediately gave a warm hug.

Lin Feng patted Lian Bing's back, and then said: "Kalthus, Hua Ye has already been solved by me, I am going to another universe, are you willing to come with me?"

"Of course, don't try to get rid of the old lady!" Liang Bing has been living in the shadow of ultimate fear, and he doesn't have much nostalgia for this world, so he thought about it and said, "Can you bring the angels from the City of Angels with you?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Aren't you two dead enemies?"

"It's just that the concept is different. Now these are not important anymore!" Liang Bing is still more nostalgic. She was also an angel, but it conflicted with Keisha's concept, and she was afraid of the ultimate fear, so she went to 650. extreme.

Lin Feng nodded: "Okay, give me Kaisha, I will give her some energy, let her transform as soon as possible, let her come forward, things will be much simpler."

When Liang Bing heard the words, he took the egg out of the void and handed it to Lin Feng. Lin Feng poured a vigorous vitality into it. He saw the basketball-sized egg flashed with a halo, followed by a burst of strong light, and the eggshell It shattered, and a little blond loli with small wings flew into Lin Feng's arms.

This little angel looks about eight or nine years old, with handsome features and no flaws. He looks like a doll. He looks around curiously with big innocent eyes, looking cute and cute, not like that high angel queen.

Seeing this, Lian Bing took out his mobile phone and started recording video with a bad taste. This is Keisha's dark history, and it will become a strong evidence for her to threaten Keisha in the future!

Kaisha was sealed because of her memory, she didn't even know that Liang Bing was her bitter and grieving sister, but she instinctively felt that Liang Bing had a blood connection with her, and innocently said: "Are you my mother? ?"

"Mom?" Lian Bing was stunned for a moment, then smiled wickedly: "No, you are my sister, come and listen."

"Sister." Keisha called out obediently.

"Oh hahaha..." Lian Bing laughed exaggeratedly with his hips on his back, feeling very relieved, and said in his heart: "Kaisha, Kaisha, I didn't expect you to have today, I have to take pictures of all of these, then your expression will definitely be there. Very wonderful!".

Chapter [-] Return

Among the demon wings.

Hearing Kaisha's obediently calling her sister, Liang Bing was elated and laughed aloud: "I'm so good, let's go, my sister will take you to go shopping and sell candy, oh ha ha ha..."

It was like a peasant turned over to sing, Lian Bing was in a good mood, picked up little Kaisha and said hello to Lin Feng, then opened the space wormhole to go to the city that the earth has not yet destroyed.

Lin Feng shook his head secretly. He could foresee Kaisha's rage after recovering her memory in the future. It is estimated that this pair of sisters will continue to move forward on the road of falling in love and killing each other!

Half a month later, Lin Feng settled the disputes on the earth, and with Liang Bing, Kaisha went to the City of Angels.

At this time, Kaisha has recovered her original appearance and strength, but her memory has not fully recovered, and she is very dependent on Lin Feng and Liang Bing.

When she revisited the old place, Lian Bing was very emotional. When she left, she vowed to return to the city of angels and rescue her fellow angels from Keisha's dictatorship, but she didn't expect to hold hands with Keisha now. Talking and laughing back to the City of Angels, the world is really unpredictable!

The three of Lin Feng did not hide. Their arrival was soon discovered by the people in the City of Angels. The angels in the brigade surrounded them, but when they looked at Kaisha, they were all stunned!

"It's Queen Keisha!"

"Queen Keisha is back!"

"It's really Queen Keisha!"


All the angels exclaimed in amazement. For the City of Angels, Keisha is absolute faith. Almost all female angels are worshipers of Keisha.

"Queen Keisha, it's really you..." Angel Yan had already put on the crown and became the new king of angels, but she still respected Keisha, but looking at Keisha who was intimate with Liang Bing, Yan was still It's unbelievable, how could their queen be so approachable, and this object is their nemesis Morgana, is the queen controlled by the other party?

"Yan, long time no see." Kaisha said to Yan with a smile.

Yan felt Kaisha's breath, and also knew that Kaisha in front of him was a fake, and said a little excitedly: "Queen Kaisha, it's really good to see you again!"

Keisha agreed, no nonsense, and used the angel communication to connect all the angels: "I am the holy Keisha, now that I have returned, all the angels have returned to the gathering of angels, and I will announce an important thing!"

The surrounding angels were obedient to Keisha, and seeing Keisha's return, Yan also handed over the authority of the King of Angels unconditionally.

three days later.

In the city of angels, Lin Feng sat on the throne, Kaisha and Liang Bing stood on both sides, and the guard angels below were very dissatisfied when they saw this, but seeing that Kaisha didn't say anything, they could only swallow their anger.

Keisha looked around for a week and said solemnly: "All the angels obey orders. From now on, the war between angels and demons will end, and tomorrow I will lead you to move to a new world!"

The angels heard the words and glanced at each other, but they didn't understand why the queen gave such an order. They have been fighting demons all the time. Now Kaisha suddenly said no to fight, they are really not used to it, and they want to move to the so-called new world?However, although the angels had doubts, they still agreed in unison: "I will swear to follow Queen Keisha~!"

Keisha's prestige is at the height of the sky among the angels. For these angels, what the queen says is what the queen says, and they just execute it!

Day two.

An angel battleship and a demon battleship open to a huge space door. This is the channel opened by Lin Feng using the "space gem", which leads to the "chaos bead".

"Chaos Pearl" is an innate treasure exchanged by Lin Feng. It contains heaven and earth, like a small universe. It can not only carry living creatures, but also can be used to attack and suppress luck. Even in the prehistoric world, it is a rare treasure!

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