After the angels and demons entered the "Chaos Orb", Lin Feng went to Earth, and placed those who were willing to leave into the "Chaos Orb".

After solving the "Super God", Lin Feng looked at the setting sun and muttered to himself, "It's time to take them away!"

After the words fell, a white light flashed, Lin Feng traveled through the world of "Tianlong", took away Wang Yuyan, Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing and other women, and then went to the world of "Story of the Tang Dynasty" and took away the women such as Wei, Shi Feixuan, Song Yuzhi, etc. Then go to the world of "Journey to the West".

Because of the time difference, it's only half a month since the world of "Journey to the West" and Lin Feng left, and it was the night of the full moon.

Lin Feng took out his long-lost "Moonlight Treasure Box" and pointed it at the moonlight, and chanted the spell: "Prajna Paramita!"

The "Moonlight Treasure Box" has the ability to absorb the moonlight and travel through time and space. However, because the laws of each time are different, the "Moonlight Treasure Box" is not very useful in other worlds, but the world of "Westward Journey" is not unfavorable.

With the explosion of the thunder, a strong light flashed, Lin Feng entered the space-time channel, and returned to the time period when he entered the heaven before half a month ago.

Lin Feng was hidden in the void, watching his past self fighting with the gods and Buddhas in the sky.


"Tianguan Four Transformations Brahma Extinction!"

Lin Feng, who incarnated as a demon prince, first used the "Book of Ning" and "Time Gem" to freeze the time and space, and then condensed the power of the whole body, causing the heaven and earth to change, and the four qi of water, fire, wind and thunder gathered together to synthesize a god-killing Buddha. The shocking power of the world came out with the direct attack of the "Or Tianji".


In the face of Lin Feng's four-element combined attack, the Tathagata forcibly broke the blockade of time freeze at the cost of burning life element, and at the same time, at the critical moment, he sent out a powerful palm.

Although the "Book of Ning" and "Time Gem" can freeze time, the stronger the person, the more difficult it is to freeze. Tathagata is the peak of Jinxian. With the addition of burning life essence, the strength has skyrocketed to that of Taiyi Jinxian. The level, of course, is only short-lived. After the outbreak, the strength of the Tathagata will be greatly damaged, but this short moment is enough to turn the tide of the battle.

With a full-strength strike, there is no room for both sides. After this move, it is the decision of the outcome of the good and the evil.

The impact of the energy of the distance swept the entire world, like a scourge, wherever it went, disasters were everywhere.


Just listening to a violent roar and vibration, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the thunder went all directions, and the space with a radius of [-] miles cracked like a mirror like a mirror.

"The Tathagata is really extraordinary, I lost this battle, hahahahahaha..."

The indifferent chuckle was actually indifferent, the mighty demon slowly sank into the cracks in the space!

Seeing that the devil was driven into the void, some of the immortals and Buddhas rejoiced, while others frowned. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Tathagata did not kill the devil, and he was not lightly injured. The devil will kill him again in the future. Heaven, who can fight!

The Jade Emperor thought carefully and said to Fairy Qingxia, who was still fighting with the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals: "As long as she is taken down, maybe you can even coerce the Demon Prince to commit the crime!"

However, just when the Jade Emperor was about to suppress Fairy Qingxia, Lin Feng took on the appearance of a demon prince again, and instantly moved behind the Tathagata. The "Scar of the Sky" in his hand turned into a long sword and directly pierced the Tathagata's immortal golden body.

"The Tathagata, I'm back again, do you miss me?"

The light-hearted words sounded like the devil's murmur in the Tathagata's ears, the golden blood spurted out of the Tathagata's vest, and the Tathagata's heart was twisted like a knife... No, it was really being twisted by a knife.

".〃It's you, how can you...ah!"

Without waiting for the Tathagata to say more, Lin Feng pulled out the "Scar of the Sky" with two horizontal and vertical swords, killing the Tathagata's golden body and Yuanshen together.

"The Tathagata... is dead!"

"The monster is so powerful, how can this be good!"

"The doom, the doom!"

All the immortals were shocked when they saw the devil in their eyes go and return, and they easily killed the Tathagata.

Lin Feng came to Fairy Qingxia, waved his hands to take back the black and white Langjun who had materialized before, and then said to Fairy Qingxia, "How is it? Are you alright!"

"Didn't you get injured by the Tathagata just now? Why did you blink?" Fairy Qingxia looked at Lin Feng suspiciously, but she couldn't react.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Did you forget that I have the 'Moonlight Treasure Box'?"

Qingxia heard the words and immediately understood: "So you have traveled through time and space, this 'Moonlight Treasure Box' is really powerful, by the way, has your injury healed?"

"It's already healed, and now that my skills have improved greatly, I'm more than enough to deal with these guys." Lin Feng said confidently, although it was only a moment for Fairy Qingxia, she and Lin Feng let go, but for Lin Feng, it was already For more than ten years, he is now the cultivation base of Taiyi Jinxian, and he is absolutely invincible in this world.

After comforting Fairy Qingxia (Li Nuohao), Lin Feng looked at the Jade Emperor and other immortals: "You no longer need to exist, so let's die!"

"Wind and Thunder Double!"

Lin Feng held one of his hands, and the absolute power of God appeared again, but the power was far greater than before. I saw the wind and clouds move, the thunder and lightning flashed, and the power of wind and thunder between heaven and earth quickly gathered in Lin Feng's hands. Promise's ultimate destructive power slammed out.

Faced with such an attack, the immortals couldn't help but change their expressions, and they all used their housekeeping skills to resist.


The world was shocked and the world was shaking. Lin Feng formed two body shields to protect him and Fairy Qingxia, while the immortals such as the Jade Emperor on the opposite side were miserable. Flying ash, only a few powerful angels can be spared.

However, they were all seriously injured, and Lin Feng was not superfluous. He then made a "Wanshen Tribulation" to make up for the sword, killing all the immortals in the heaven, and then took Fairy Qingxia into the "Chaos Pearl".

When all the girls gathered, it was inevitable that the sour gas would come out, but fortunately, Lin Feng could still sleep in... uh, deal with it.

After the rear was settled, Lin Feng set off for "Thunderbolt". As for Honglian, Xiaomeng, and Lin Feng, who were still practicing in "Breaking the Sky" and "Qindi", they also took a look and found that they had made great progress. It is also very happy, so take the time to let it go. .

Chapter [-] Tiandu vs Dead Country 【For Flowers】

Thunderbolt World, Divine Land.

On this land, there are constant storms and disasters. After the Abandoned Heaven Emperor destroyed the world, it was the god of death that ravaged the world. Then Rahu was resurrected, the dead kingdom came to life, and the annihilation invaded. In the dark, there were also the Li clan provoking alienation, and the dark tide was surging.


The Buddhist double body recuperates and recuperates, using the demon world Buddha to absorb the annihilation atmosphere, giving birth to a large number of evil spirits, and reuniting the spiritual essence for many evil spirits, including the three sects of extinction: against me, no way, no law, and evil. As well as ghosts and ghosts at the yin side, asking natural enemies, banning for eleven days and so on.

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