The righteous path of the Central Plains has been Luyuan Yicheng's Nine Realms Buddha Emperor and Yungu Leifeng's Emperor Tathagata, lacking a boat and a sail crossing (embodied) three Buddhas as the main, fighting the evil spirits of the eradication realm. Both sides suffered casualties and fell into stalemate.

And because of the god's daughter Chen Xi and the dead country, Luo Hu and Yuan Xie Huang (incarnate) also fought several times with the same heaven and earth, and each has a winner!

A cold light.

Pieces of maple leaves fell with the wind, with starting point ripples on the water.

The owner of Fengyou looked up at the red clouds on the horizon, and shook the feather fan lightly: "When Xu Zang hits the earth, the red wings glorify the sky, the eyes of light shine on the future, the dark steps, step on life. When the scales of fate flow, The sign of justice returns to nature, the holy way is opened, the gods and ghosts praise, the meteor falls, and the heaven and earth sing."

657 Fu Ying Zhai

"When the gates of yin and yang are intertwined, the evil hand of fate is about to move. The gods are gone, time and space are lost, Beichen is hidden, and the dark stars are shining." Lord Foying Zhai looked into the distance, and beneath his gentle and elegant appearance, an evil heart was ready to move .

Xiaolong Residence.

"When the truth emerges, the end of hope leads to destruction. The golden crow spreads its wings, the two suns are in the same sky, the way of heaven does not exist, and there is no sound. Mr. Jidao in white, Shang Fengyue, also looks the same as the master of Fengyou and the master of Buddha Yingzhai. direction, with a solemn expression on his face.

And the direction the three of them are looking at is the gate of the dead country where the wind and clouds are now gathering.

Ghostly, murderous.

Rahu, dressed in a black and gold battle robe and holding the "Jidu Knife", stood in front of the gate of the dead country. Huang Quan, Leng Chuixue and other Tiandu generals, as well as the Sun-blind Qianye Legend, Eternal Sky, Ying Wuyan, and others all stood behind Rahu. , Chilling Qi, let the air also condense.

Inside the gate of the dead country, thousands of demons and spirits gathered, bursts of ghosts and wolves howling, the heavens and the earth led the army of the dead country to stand by.

A great battle is imminent.

"My feet stepped out of the fire, my hands clenched and destroyed, my name - Luohu."

Without any extra words, Luo Hu slashed with a blade (bfbb) and opened the battle.

"Kill it!"

"Kill it!"

The boundless flames of war are spreading, the sound of killing is terrifying, the iron horses are golden and iron horses, and the swords and arrows are chaotic. The warriors in the sky are brave and fearless.

"Fire Dragon Celestial Drive!"

Huang Quan, the chief general of Tiandu, armed with a silver spear and armed with martial spirit, slaughtered dozens of evil spirits in a row, the silver spear swept across, and the fire dragon stuck his tongue out.

Immediately, he was like a wandering dragon, the silver spear in his hand was flying, and he broke into the front line and entered the central army.

"Mysterious Chaos!"

The Eternal Sky Sword was stationed there, and the "Frost Mourning" in his hand burst out with a powerful and cold energy. In an instant, the Liuling ice crystals drifted away, and the ground condensed with frost. Wherever it passed, the evil spirit shattered when it touched it.

The sword energy turned back, cold as frost, the sword moved like fire, anger was like a flame, swords and swords came out from the eternal sky, and countless evil spirits were defeated and died tragically.

Qianye Legend, Eagle Eyeless, Yan Tinghong, Leng Chuixue, Kuang Tu and others also used their own unique tricks, rushing into the gate of the dead country with imposing momentum.

Seeing the unfavorable situation on the front line, the Heavenly Man with his eyes closed coldly said: "Earth Man, you should also take action!"


The dead country Wu Kedi took the lead, and brought the five gods of the dead country, the evil god of ghosts and prisons, the silver moon greedy wolf, the Jiu Yaoyi Ji, the dark Lengjue, and the rare fighting genius of the scorpion tribe, the night god, to join the battlefield.

Seeing the ground, Rahu took action and sneered slightly. The original long-handled "Jidu Knife" suddenly changed into a short-handled broadsword.

"The earth's plan is broken by the sun!"

Luo Hu held the handle of the sword in both hands, turned around, and the fiery red sword energy spun and flew out, smashing the might of the sun, the scorching sun paled, the sky trembled, and a large area of ​​evil spirits shattered.

"Broken Thousand Shapes!"

The earth man showed a world-shattering style, and the earth behind the earth man was like life, and quickly gathered into a hundred-zhang tall rock giant, making a blockbuster.


As soon as Shuang Qiang fought, the waves were surging into the sky, and many soldiers on both sides were knocked into the air, and those with low skill exploded to death on the spot.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, and when Rahu and the people from the earth fought, the warlords of the Heavenly Capital and the Dead Kingdom also chose their targets and fought to one place.

The night god of the scorpion clan faced Huang Quan, the chief war general of Tiandu, the evil god of ghosts and hell faced the legend of Chiba, the son of the sun, the bloodthirsty Yinyue greedy wolf faced the sword legend Eternal Sky, Jiu Yaoyi Ji faced Shang Yan Crying Red, Darkness and Lengjue have no eyes on the eagle, and the remaining warriors in the dead country, Pujun Xing, Pipa Evil Bone, Sprite Lingxiu, Emperor Xietian, Gorefiend, Lone Soul, Linggui, etc. All cold blowing snow, slaughter and other warlords fought fiercely.

The battlefield is also divided into dozens of large and small, because the stronger the warrior, the more the battle spreads. If those soldiers get too close, it is easy to sweep into the tail of the typhoon!

As a high martial arts world, the battle of the top masters is the key to determining the outcome.

"Six Instant Slashes of the Realm!"

Ye Shen is holding the "Ye God Saber", and his body is flashing rapidly. Because it is a "wind" attribute, Ye Shen is better at speed.

"Bury Huangquan!"

Huang Quan is both martial arts and martial arts. In addition to martial arts, he is also proficient in illusion. He wields a spear like a wheel, and his spiral energy lingers around his body.

"Clang! Clang! Clang~"

Both of them are extremely talented warriors. They fight fast, spear to knife, blaze out brilliant sparks, fly snow from the sky, and fire snakes from the ground. The fight is inextricable and in full swing.

On the other hand, Legend of Chiba avoided the violent blow of the evil god of ghosts and prison, and boosted his vitality.

"Furious waves accept the palm of the gods!"

As the name suggests, the palm is like a turbulent sea, and the palm strikes, the stone is shocking.

"Little baby, you are still too tender, the death-refining divine strike!"

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