After Yuan Xiehuang and Asura fought a reckless blow, the two flew into the air at the same time. Yuan Xiehuang punched Asura in the face, and then was kicked in the waist by Asura with a roundabout kick, and Yuan Xiehuang was kicked into the air. .

During the rotation, a gas shield condensed on the tip of Yuan Xiehuang's toes, stepping back into the void, the gas shield comparable to fine iron burst suddenly, and Yuan Xiehuang also flew down, his hands clasped together, hitting him like a heavy hammer. Shura's belly.


With a muffled sound, Asura was like a cannonball, bringing layers of air waves into the mountain, and the ground was sunken.


On the other hand, the battle between Rahu and the Earthmen also reached a critical juncture.

"Dead Heaven Slashing Star Art!"

Luo Hu jumped to explore Yun Zong, and his whole body skills were concentrated on the "Ji Du Dao", only to see a huge bright red energy appearing on the "Ji Du Dao", penetrating the sky, forming a spectacular scene in the line of heaven and earth, three thousand miles of giant blades, ghosts and gods Seeing it is maddening, Buddha and demons see it, and it is easy to change.

When the knife qi swept down and slashed at the ground, the huge scarlet knife gang drew a bloody trajectory in the air, and it seemed that the sky was also drawn with a long bloodstain by the "planning knife".

"The Scroll of Destruction. The universe is destroyed!"

The earth man was wounded, with black wings covering the sky behind him, condensing his whole body skills to use the top form of "Bingjia Wujing. Destroyed Scroll", thunder and lightning flashing, ten thousand galloping, fighting against the might of Wu Jun's destruction of the world.

Luo Hu, a strong man who had been trained in the extreme essence of the devil, after being reshaped by Lin Feng with the "Heavenly Devil Blood Pond", his strength has improved to a higher level. When the sky is broken, the people of the earth face death.

In times of crisis, the heavenly man stands up to block the move.

"Nine Imperial God Emperor Ten Feather Evil Heaven!"

A pair of holy wings are displayed behind the sky, without hesitation, no matter what, he immediately flew up and resisted the sword of cutting the sky.

The divine feather of the sky, detonating the power of the gods, the power of regretting the gods, the power of destroying the sky, and blessing the most extreme results.


It was like the beginning of chaos, the split between heaven and earth, and the extreme moves of the three collided. A terrifying energy storm erupted in the sky, the sky shattered, and the airflow exploded 247 times. Suffering, even if Su Huanzhen and others are hundreds of miles away, they have to use their merits to resist, so as not to be blown away!




Under the extreme collision, the sky, the earth, and Rahu were all wounded and vomited blood and fell from the sky.

"Humans can grow to such a degree, I am really surprised!" The heavenly man flew down the broken ground, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and his indifferent face also showed surprise. As the former archangel of the heavenly clan, although he lost his godhead , plus a lot of effort into creating a dead country, so that the strength of the heavenly man has declined, but his arrogance is still the same, and he has always been disdainful of human beings.

"Heaven and Earth, I allow you to bend your knees at my feet." Luo Hu stood proudly, with a long sword standing on the ground, Bai Hou's dark golden cloak squeaked in the strong wind, still domineering, confident and calm.

"Earth, please open the source of the land of the ten kingdoms. I will take out the "Magic Sword Yan Di" and fight to the death." The heaven knows that Luo Hu is a great enemy in his life, and only by letting go can he have a chance of winning.

"it is good!"

The earth man never doubted the words of the heavenly man. At the moment, the power of the earth to destroy the dead country, I saw a huge stone man rising from the ground. The light of the fire, the earth-shattering attack, crashed down like the sky and the earth, the whole world of the dead country began to split, and many people of the dead country were affected and fell into the endless abyss. .

Chapter [-] Heaven and Earth Broken Wings 【Subscription】

In order to defeat the Martial Lord, Luohu, the earth man made a single bet and smashed the land of the dead country.


Mighty and powerful, the ground splits thousands of feet, and the "Magic Sword Yan Di" hidden in the center of the earth is majestic in the world.

"Devil Sword Yan Di" is the source of the land of the dead. The purple-red sword body is straight and piercing, and the sword body is inlaid with countless gorgeous gems. , There are several tassels hanging on the wings, which is extraordinary.

When the artifact was obtained, the heavenly man was imposing, and the white wings behind him exploded, like a goddess coming into the world.

"Scarlet Blood God Seal. Twelve Days of Punishment!"

The heavenly man stood the "Devil Sword Yan Di" in front of him, and the vast divine power was injected into the sword body, and then he slashed up to the sky, creating the might of the heavens and the earth, and sighing and sighing, directly attacking the Wujun Luohu!

At this time, although the celestial beings have not absorbed the Son of God, their strength should not be underestimated. The "Devil Sword Yan Di" cooperates with the unique skills of "Twelve Heavenly Punishment", and the power is unmatched, and the earthly fighters also cooperate with them.

"Sin Wings of Darkness, Eight Feather Kills Together, Guilty Wings!"

In order to protect the death country comprehensively, the earth man made a great move, and four pairs of black wings flashed behind his back.

Heaven and Earth are powerful together, even if they are as strong as Wu Jun Luo Hu, they have to do their best.

"What I want is war. Even if the fire of war spreads all over China, I will turn into a god of war, and the war will be turned upside down!" Luo Hu shouted loudly, destroying the demon energy in his body, and the demonic energy lingering around his body, destroying the aura everywhere. Without leaving an inch of grass, he held the "Jidu Knife" in both hands, and then used the trick of destroying the sky.

"Dead Heaven Slashing Star Art!"

The same "Dead Heaven Slashing Stars", but different from before, the huge sword gang is no longer bright red, but a black magic flame that is as black as ink, filled with a sense of oppression of destruction and death, even if Thousands of miles apart, but also makes people shudder.

Su Huan, who was watching the battle on the high mountain in the distance, could not help but exclaim, "What a terrifying power!"

"The strength of Wujun Luohu has exceeded the limit of this world, and it is more terrifying than the rumors!" Qianye Legend was also very surprised, his brows were furrowed, and a sense of powerlessness rose in his heart for no reason. The boss was too strong and turned over. Hopeless! The baby is not happy, the baby is bitter!

Su Huanzhen glanced at the legend of Chiba with a deep meaning, and then turned to look at the battlefield between Emperor Yuanxie and Asura!

Ye Xiaochai, Wan Gu Changkong, Yan Tinghong and others watched the battle carefully. This kind of battle between extreme powerhouses is rare, from which I can gain a lot of insights and try to find the flaws of these people!


In the sky, thunder is like a wave, galloping and roaring, the earth and mountains are shaking, and the gods and ghosts avoid it!

"If you can hold on until now, Asura really amazes this emperor ¨.!" Emperor Yuanxie saw that the battle of Rahu was about to be decided, and when he looked at the tenacious Asura, there was a hint of admiration in his eyes, but also a hint of regret.

Asura loves peace, but in the original plot, his behavior is remarkable.

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