The dead country is poor in materials, and the gods choose the law of sacrifice under the helpless situation. Later, in order to improve the imperfect life form of the dead country and win the resources of the earth, it is not wrong to stand in the position of the dead country. It is impossible for a human being to have a leisurely life but speak great truths. The situation of the dead country is very bad, and the gods have no choice for the dead country. However, these two methods are not recognized by Asura.

Regardless of the persuasion of the gods, Asura is always "don't listen, don't listen, the bastard recites the scriptures"!

In the end, for the so-called peace, Asura broke with the gods and helped the miserable country fight against the dead country, but did not think about it at all. If the three clans of the dead country all landed on the island of sin and did not snatch the resources of the misery, then the fate of waiting for the dead country is only One, that is to sit on the mountain and go to perdition!

As the god of war of the dead country, Asura doesn't help the dead country, even if he is broken by the big flicker Su Huanzhen and Mr. Ji Dao, he fights against the heavens everywhere, and finally kills the father and mother (heaven and earth). , Perhaps from the standpoint of suffering, he avoided the invasion of a dead country. Asura is a hero, but Asura is a scorpion of a dead country!

As a result, in the end, Asura became the pillar of the right path in the misery, and was pulled by the strong to participate in the "Great Desolation". He died tragically in the hands of the ghost Tathagata, so that the dead country's high-end combat power was exhausted, and he even let the "Tianyan Mocheng" "Ignorance and Dharma Karma" bullied, and the dead country that was rampant for a while has fallen to this point, it is really sad and lamentable!

Asura didn't know what Emperor Yuanxie was thinking, and now his helmet had shattered and fell off, revealing a handsome face, but the bruises on his face made him look more embarrassed, but Asura didn't care, and put the front The "Myth of Doomsday" not far away was pulled up and thrown at Emperor Yuanxie, and said coldly and arrogantly: "The burning war will cease until death!"

"It's a pity to admire the powerhouse!" Yuanxie Huang reached out to catch the "Myth of Doomsday", and then threw the "War Fire" inserted into the rock at Asura.

Knowing that there was an unprecedentedly powerful enemy in front of him, Asura's efforts were extreme, and he instantly transformed into a wild and primitive demon god. This demon god was ten feet tall, with no skin on his body, only hideous and thick animal bones and strong bones and muscles. Against the huge bone wing, the "war" on the left hand turned into a huge bone knife, exuding the might of gods and demons.

"God's Kill!"

Asura's strongest move was shot outright, the fire of war killed God, the huge bone knife traversed the void, accompanied by fiery fireworks, sending out a fatal blow.

 "Death God Against Heaven!"

Emperor Yuanxie mentioned the "Doomsday Myth" and used "Demon Yuan", the power of darkness enveloped the world, a tall statue of the god of death condensed into rows, and the huge sickle was swung along with the "Doomsday Myth", killing the gods together!


After the extreme collision, the mountains crumbled, rocks pierced through the sky, and fireworks filled the sky.

After the strong move, in the midst of the wolf smoke, the competition has been judged!

Emperor Yuanxie's "Doomsday Myth" ran through Asura's body, and black blood spurted out, but Asura's "Warfire Spear" failed to break the defense of Emperor Yuanxie, and it fell short!

Emperor Yuanxie looked at Asura and said, "For you, what is war?"

"War is the process I hate the most, and peace is the only result I hope for!" Asura's breath gradually weakened, with regret and satisfaction!

Emperor Yuanxie looked at Asura, who was wishful thinking, and sighed: "Your naivete makes this emperor unbearable to bully you. Now surrender, I can give the dead country a way to live."

On the other hand, Luo Hu also defeated the heaven and earth with a strong force. Looking at the blood and black and white wings flying in the sky, the people of the dead country were all ashen, the supreme heaven and earth, and the invincible Asura were defeated one after another. The blow received can be imagined, like the collapse of faith.

Seeing the failure of Tianzhe and others, Ye Shen immediately used the strongest move of "Bingjia Wujing. Ning Zhi Scroll".

"The sky is peaceful!"

In an instant, snow fell from the sky, forming a gray space in a blink of an eye, and time and space were fixed for it. His purpose was not to defeat Luohu and Yuanxie Huang, he also knew that this was impossible, so what he thought was to use the characteristics of "Ning Zhi Scroll" to transform Asuras, Heaven, and Earth will be in a dead country. In any case, they are the hope of a dead country.

However, with the foundation of Ye Shen, Luo Hu and Emperor Yuanxie could not be imprisoned at all, and even had no effect on Emperor Yuanxie. Lin Feng practiced the complete set of "Bingjia Wujing", among which "Volume of Waste" and "Volume of Life" It has a restraint effect on other "Bingjia Wujing", so Ye Shen's use of "Ning Zhi Scroll" not only can't help, but restricts the actions of the injured Asura, the heavenly, the earth, and helps a fallen person. busy!

" so?"

Seeing that Emperor Yuanxie, who had nothing to do with it, packed up Asura, the Heavenly One, and the Earthly One, Ye Shen was stunned.

The four gods of the dead country, the evil god of ghosts and prisons, the greedy wolf of the silver moon, the Jiu Yaoyiji, and the dark Lengjue saw Asura, the heavenly and the earthly being detained and wanted to snatch them, but they were chopped down by Luohu with a few knives, and left behind. Under the suffocating tears.


Emperor Yuanxie gave a cold drink, and with Luo Hu, grabbed the Heavenly One, the Earthly One, and Asura returned to the Heavenly Capital.

As for the dead country, Emperor Yuanxie did not kill them all. Since the original god of death could make the dead country surrender, then he could do the same. Both Asura and the earthly people are better at dealing with it, but the proud heavenly ones are more troublesome. It is not easy to be convinced, but Emperor Yuanxie is not in a hurry, there is time, just take it slowly!

And seeing the Yuanxie Emperor, (here) Luo Hu took the heaven, the earth, and the Asura Huaguang to leave, Su Huanzhen on the mountain, Qianye Legend and others did not speak for a long time, Su Huanzhen even regretted it. Come to help.

What he hoped for was a balanced situation, but the strength that Tiandu showed right now made him feel very difficult. If Tiandu annexed the dead country, the strength would increase greatly, and if there was another war, who would be able to match it!

A dominant family is not a situation that Su really wants to see, but now he doesn't dare to turn against Tiandu, otherwise if Tiandu turns his head and joins the Buddha's double body, he can't find a place to cry.

After all, he was used to seeing strong winds and waves, and Su was really afraid to calm down. Looking at the legend of Chiba next to him, he said, "Mr. Chiba, what are you thinking?"

"I was thinking that it was a wise choice to take refuge in Tiandu!" Chiba Legend said with a serious face.

Su Huanzhen heard the words and ran: "This is not what the proud Son of the Sun should say."

Chiba Legend said casually: "It's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree."

"A big tree is easy to attract the wind!" Su Huanzhen said.

"I don't know what kind of demonic wind can blow to the big tree in the sky. If there is, please let Su Xian people notify in advance." Red and the others leave....

Chapter [-] Little Dawn【For Flowers】

The towering capital of heaven stands in the heart of the lake.

All the warlords of the heavens returned in triumph.

In the battle with the dead country, the capital of heaven was victorious, the dead country was defeated, the heroes looked sideways, and the momentum was in full swing

Killing [-] enemies loses [-]. This battle has also lost some of the soldiers, but it has also attracted many people with lofty ideals to take refuge in, and the power has not decreased but increased!

Many small forces are vying for support, and there is an endless stream of gift-giving people. Naturally, these matters do not need to be handled by Emperor Yuanxie. Luo Huo personally handles it. can be given attention.

All day in jail.

Drunk Huanglong in a golden costume leaned leisurely by the iron window, holding a pot of Baili smelling incense and pouring himself, without the slightest sense of being a prisoner.

Mo Dao Juechen and Tian Dao Xiaojian Duan were playing against each other on the chessboard, with melon and fruit desserts on the side, and they looked calm.

As for Xiao Rigo, his schizophrenia is not yet healed, and he is talking to himself, which fully shows the joyful characteristics of mentally handicapped children.

In this prison, Yutian Wulong, except for Dao Wuji, who was still wandering outside, were all arrested, but Yuanxiehuang and Luo Hu did not treat Zuiyin Huanglong and others badly, except for blocking their power, they could not move freely. In addition, other aspects are readily available.

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