Xiao Rigao tilted his head and said, "Feng, it's so boring here!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Rigao's expression changed, and he nodded indifferently.

"Why don't we play games!"

"don't want!"

"Forget it, I play with the wind..."

 807 Xiao Richao's triple personality speaks to himself, and the drunk Huanglong, who is drunk with hazy eyes, sighs. He also wanted to treat this little brother's illness, but he couldn't do it!

Later, Drunky Huanglong went to Tiandu to find his second younger brother, Chi Yan Chilin, but was detained by Yuanxie Emperor and blocked his skills. His sword was blunt, Mo Dao Juechen, and Xiao Richao were deeply in love. In order to save Drunky Huanglong , come to the sky to want people.

Luo Hu is not a good talker, with a dull laughing sword, Mo Dao Juechen and others obviously have no eloquence. The result is obvious, they were all cut down by Luo Hu Dasao, and their brothers, the Four Dragons, were reunited!

Xiaojian is blunt, Mo Dao Juechen and others have also thought about escaping prison, but their skills are all blocked, and the prison is made of special materials and suppressed by formation. After a few trials, they gave up. Be safe!


The door of the cell was opened, and Emperor Yuanxie and Luo Hu personally pressed the Heaven, Earth, and Asura into the cell next to Drunk Huanglong.

"Second brother, you finally want the dragon to look at me. Big brother is so moved, hahaha..."

When Drunk Huanglong saw the arrival of Yuan Xiehuang, his eyes suddenly lit up and he laughed out loud.

The laughing sword is blunt, the deserted sword is absolutely dusty, and Xiao Rigo has a black line on his face when he hears the sound. My big brother is good everywhere, but he just laughs every now and then, which makes people a little unbearable!

Emperor Yuanxie was too lazy to explain, this Hahalong seems to have already decided that he is the blazing Chilin. If it weren't for his strength than the drunk Huanglong, it is estimated that this Hahalong might have beaten himself down and dragged him to the ancient Panlong vein. !

Maybe it's time to find a chance to capture the Emperor of Swordsman (Kao Wuji) and let them recognize each other. Anyway, to lift the curse of Rahu and Jun Mansui, we also need to use the "Daolong Tabard" on Dao Wuji's body!

As for the grievances and grievances between the Yutian and the five dragons, Emperor Yuanxie doesn't bother to care about it. People who love each other and kill each other are also very loving, aren't they?


Emperor Yuanxie locked the door, and then cast a seal on the door. At this time, the powers of heaven, earth, and Asura were also sealed. After the treatment of Emperor Yuanxie, [-]% of the injuries had recovered.

For conquering Heaven, Earth, Asura, Emperor Yuanxie is still very sure, everyone has something to care about, whether it is Heaven or Asura, they have a lot of feelings for the dead country, this is the breakthrough.

It's just now that the fight has just ended, and it's not the time to talk about it. After detaining Tianzhe and others, Yuanxiehuang and Luo Hu turned around and left. As for the drunk Huanglong, who was eager to see through, they were directly ignored by them!

Xiao Rigao's personality has turned into a timid Feng, Xiao Rigao looked curiously at Tiandi and Asura who were imprisoned in the next cell, and said timidly: "This is the new cellmate, he looks very powerful. !"

At this time, Haha Long, who was laughing, saw that Emperor Yuanxie was ignoring him, and walked away, feeling a little embarrassed, then he waved his sleeves, turned to look at the sky, and said loudly: "Drinking the cold wind with a single sword ; There is a drunken Huanglong at the moment. Hahaha... I am drunk and drinking Huanglong, and the three of them are extraordinary, why is my second brother imprisoned here?"

"Your second brother? Emperor Yuanxie?" The celestial being can't see things in his eyes, but his perception is extraordinary. He can still distinguish a drunken yellow dragon, a blunt sword with a smile on his face, a blunt sword with a smile on his face, a blunt sword with a smile, and a Xiao Rigou who is not true. Mortals have a unique dragon energy on their bodies, which is somewhat similar to Yuan Xiehuang.

"Since Emperor Yuanxie is your second brother, why are you imprisoned here?"

"Well! It's a long story, it's like this..."

Perhaps it was because he felt that Tian Zhe had an extraordinary bearing, or it might be because he was bored, and when he was drunk, Huanglong began to start a routine. Tian Zhe also wanted to know more information about Yuanxie Huang, so he was naturally willing to be a listener, but he didn't know that he was wrong at all. Mazui was led astray by Hahalong.

The earth man was silent, sitting cross-legged, and wanted to run the inner essence, but found that the prohibition on his body blocked the connection of the inner essence. If there was no (bfai) external force to break it, it would be difficult to break the seal.

Asura rubbed his bruised handsome face and felt very aggrieved. After all, his buddy was also a god of war in a dead country. After the resurrection, he fell into the sand and became a prisoner in the first battle. This is very similar to his image of a god of war, and Yuan Xie That bastard Huang pointed at him in the face and hit him, this is naked jealousy, it must be!



Emperor Yuanxie and Luo Hu walked out of the cell, walking on the quaint and magnificent stone path, and suddenly sneezed.

Luo Hu looked at Emperor Yuanxie with a strange expression: "With your physique, can you catch a cold too?"

"What's the cold, someone is talking bad about this emperor behind his back!" Yuanxie Huang rubbed his nose and said to Luo Hu, "This emperor thinks it is necessary to expand the prison in Tiandu, what do you think!"

Luo Hu asked back, "How many people are you planning to arrest?"

"The strong are all rebellious. It is not easy to make them surrender in a short period of time. It is a pity to kill some people in the world, but you can't let them have troubles. Locking them up is not a way!" Yuan When the evil emperor said, he saw Huang Quan coming with a gun, and then said to Luo Hu: "The aftermath of the dead country will be handed over to you, and the emperor will leave first if he has other important matters."

After speaking, Emperor Yuanxie walked to the backyard of Tiandu alone, leaving a space for Luo Hu and Huang Quan to be alone.

"Brothers can only help you get here!" Emperor Yuanxie smiled slightly and passed by Huang Quan, Huang Quan looked at Emperor Yuanxie's meaningful smile, and thought, "Could it be... that Emperor Yuanxie has already Have you discovered your true identity?"

It wasn't until Emperor Yuanxie walked away that Huang Quan said to Luo Hu: "Mr. Wu, the dead country sent a messenger to ask for an interview."

"It came quite fast!" Luo Hu stood with his hands behind his back, turned his head to look at a few figures by the lake outside Tiandu City, and then patted Huang Quan on the shoulder and said, "You have worked hard in the battle of the dead country, so just go down and rest first. I'll take care of the rest!"

Hearing Luo Hu's caring words, Huang Quan's heart warmed. He had never been sincerely cared for by anyone. After getting along with him during this period of time, Huang Quan found that Luo Hu was very different from the image of tyrants in history, and gradually raised his admiration for Luo Hu. Love, I only feel that by following behind Luo Hu, my life has meaning!

Just when Wu Jun and Huang Quan were warming up, Emperor Yuanxie came to the backyard of Tiandu.

At this time, it is the deep winter season, the weather is cold and the ground is freezing, but Yuanxie Huang has a strong skill, is not afraid of water and fire, and naturally does not care about climate change.

As soon as I walked into a different courtyard, I saw a red and bright figure flying over quickly, plunged into the arms of Yuanxie Emperor, and shouted in a clear and tender voice: "Father! Father! "

Emperor Yuanxie looked at the little guy in his arms, with fiery red curly hair, two short red horns on his head touching the mouth of Emperor Yuanxie, arching hard, his pink-carved jade face full of joy, this little guy It is the daughter of Death - Dawn!

Because of the baptism of Emperor Yuanxie's demonic energy, under the transformation of the subconscious, the appearance is somewhat similar to Emperor Yuanxie. Ever since he was able to speak, he called Emperor Yuanxie "father".

For this little guy, Emperor Yuanxie still liked it, he held Chen Xi in his arms and teased him, and Chen Xi let out a cheerful laugh of "giggling".

Chen Xi is an odd number in heaven and earth, her physique is different from that of ordinary people, and she grows fast. In just half a month, she has grown to the appearance of an ordinary child five or six years old, and the power contained in her body is comparable to that of an extremely powerful person!

This power is a real divine power. In terms of quality, it is even higher than Jiyuan, but this little guy doesn't know how to use it, so he can't exert its full power!

Compared with the tragic Taixuezhu, Chenxi has a greater potential. Yuanxie Huang will naturally cultivate with his heart, and at the same time, he also thinks about the next plan. Because of his butterfly effect, the situation of the difficult situation has changed a lot, and this kind of Changes will spread more and more over time, and it seems that the pace needs to be accelerated...

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