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Chapter [-] The Buddha and Evil Fight Again 【Subscription】

Tiandu backyard.

Cold wind Xiaoxiao, Yuanxie Huang, who is dressed in military uniform, personally taught Xiao Chenxi, the daughter of the gods, the magic technique, and inherited the power of the god of death.

"Everything is spring!"

Dawn's little hand emits a green light towards a withered tree. After the withered tree is merged with the green light, it regenerates. The dead tree bark falls off, and tender buds grow, and then the green leaves slowly spread out. , with a touch of fragrance, let the cold winter more ~ ​​a vitality.

Chen Xi smiled and looked at Emperor Yuanxie: "Dad, you see, Xi'er has learned the magic of life - ah."

"Yes, you can skillfully use intermediate life magic in a short period of time. Chenxi is really amazing." Yuanxie Huang picked up Xiao Chenxi, then took out a top-quality immortal stone and handed it to Chenxi, so that she could absorb the spiritual energy in it.

Yu Qiufeng, Binghua accompanied Yixi Haitang to watch, because of the influence of the power of death, Xiao Chenxi has a natural magic power, which can make people involuntarily like her to protect her, Yu Qiufeng and Binghua completely fall, and regard Chenxi as For the pearl in the palm, care is added.

Of course, the magic power of Chen Xi is not invincible, and it has little effect on the powerhouse above Jiyuan.

At this time, the Heavenly Capital Warlord Kuangtu came, knelt in front of Emperor Yuanxie, and said respectfully, "Report to Emperor Xie, Lord Wu, please go to the hall to discuss matters."

"Understood, let's go!" Emperor Yuanxie waved Kuangtu away, then handed Chenxi to Yixi Haitang, gave her some magic weapons to play with, and then walked to Tiandu Hall.

When Emperor Yuanxie came to the main hall, there were already many generals standing around him. When Emperor Yuanxie arrived, they all knelt down and shouted loudly, "Welcome to the Emperor!"

"Congratulations to the evil emperor!"

"Congratulations to the evil emperor!!"

The group of heroes shouted loudly, and the momentum was shocking.

Emperor Yuanxie was majestic, strode up to the high seat, Luo Hu was sitting next to him, unmoved, Huang Quan standing beside him just clasped his fists and saluted, Emperor Yuanxie didn't care, some people were privileged, Luo Hu had The qualifications were on an equal footing with him, Huang Quan was favored by Luo Hu, and Emperor Yuanxie would not take this trivial matter to heart.

Emperor Yuanxie sat down, glanced at the menacing Tiandu generals, and then said to Luo Hu next to him, "You are ready to attack the world!"

"Not bad!" Luo Hu said bluntly, he didn't care about the curse on his body, but he couldn't bear the suffering of Jun Mansui, so he got the "Daolong Tabard" as soon as possible, but it was a worry.

Emperor Yuanxie said meaningfully: "With the personality of Dao Wuji, you should not fight against the heavens for the "Daolong Battle Robe", you don't have to spend a lot of time."

"Once the battlefield is lost, the hero loses its meaning. Peace is the graveyard of the hero. The same is true for Su, and the same is true for Dao Wuji. Because of the war, people look up and follow. They should thank me because I made them heroes." Luo Hu Said with confidence.

"Then let's go! This emperor stays in Tiandu." Emperor Yuanxie didn't say much. Since Luo Hu wanted to fight, let him fight. Now the heaven, the earth, Asura and others are locked in the Tiandu, in order to prevent the death of the country. When someone broke into the robbery prison, it was inconvenient for him to leave, lest the backyard catch fire.

The world seals the sword, and the Dao Wuji, who has opened the eyes of the sword dragon, can be regarded as an extremely powerful person. As for the others, even if they add the power that Dao Wuji has cultivated in the dark, it is not enough to be afraid of. Luo Hu alone is enough.

The only thing that makes Yuanxie Huang feel troublesome is that Su Huanzhen is a top-quality shit stirrer. Most of the bad things will happen to this big cake. After all, Dao Wuji is still a pillar of the righteous path on the bright side, and he has not shown ambition. As the leader of the righteous path, Su is really in love and reason and will not sit idly by.

Yuan Xie Huang was a little curious as to whether Luo Huan could withstand Su Huanzhen's rants.


Destroy the realm, the demon world Buddha.

The clouds are dense, the evil spirit is surging into the sky, and a battle between Buddha and evil is about to be staged.

Sanskrit sound bursts, golden lotus flutters, Luyuan Yicheng, Yungu and Leifeng two Buddhist sects, all the elites are coming out, wanting to destroy evil.

The battle between Buddha and evil, extreme confrontation, will end until death!

Evil spirits pervade, Buddha's light is magnificent, both sides are majestic, clear positions, no need to say, only one word, war!

"Buddha's own karma is a hindrance, and the sky is extremely turbulent.

Love this disaster, female Rong everywhere. "

The Buddha's double body took the lead in attacking, the first blow with a long sound, the situation was confused, and the space was shaken.

"The fruit of the three bodies comes from the mortal roots, and there is no trace of karma in the six realms.

 Good passing is never true, and withering prosperity is empty. "

"One nature comprehends all natures, one dharma covers all dharmas, all waters appear in one month, all waters and moons are all captured."

Emperor Tathagata, the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms stepped forward and struck out with one palm.


The sky trembled, the sun and the moon did not shine, the first palm of the world opened up, and the two sides were equally divided.

Tianchi was extremely karmic and arrogant, and when he saw that the people of Buddhism had actually invaded the realm of extinction, he went up to Meishan in anger, looked at the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms, and together with the Tathagata, shouted loudly, "You bunch of bald donkeys with hypocrisy and hypocrisy are actually killing the door. Come, let you come and go today."

"It is our duty to eliminate demons and guard the way. You and other evil spirits harm the common people. We can only carry out the wrath of King Kong!" The Emperor Tathagata is not as gentle as the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms.

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Rong, the woman who loved disaster, looked at the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms, and said in a sad voice, "Yu Zhixiang, you really don't care about your old feelings, you are so cruel!"

The wicked and enchanting voice fascinates the mind and makes people think about it!

"Fohai Holy Strike!"

The Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms no longer has the idea of ​​​​saving the Buddha's double body, and the unique Buddhist skills should be started.

"Chi Shi is extremely violent!"

Tianchi Jiye saw this, and at the same time, he got his hands on it, and the majestic evil essence rushed out, and the love and disaster girl Rong and the Emperor Tathagata also shot at the same time, each showing their abilities.

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