The Tianchi female Rong shared a palm, the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms, the Emperor Tathagata and the Twin Buddhas joined forces to fight against each other.



The destruction of the earth is constantly exploding, the yin and yang are reversed, the heaven and the earth are chaotic, and the extreme collision, the Buddha and the evil are each injured and fly back.

The Buddha's double body is blessed with the "power of the mysterious female", which is immortal and immortal, and the injury has recovered in a blink of an eye. Power, you have no chance of winning."

"Three forms of the first meditation. Between Bodhi, drink!"

The Emperor Tathagata's heart is like a rock, his faith is unmoved, and the Buddha's essence is holy, and he is consecrated on all sides.

"Eight-leaf seal · Tathagata destroys the calamity!"

The Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms was also determined to exorcise evil and put life and death aside. A holy image of the Tathagata flashed behind him, and he slammed it out with a palm. The huge golden swastika swastika rushed towards the Buddha's double body with an invincible force.

"Heavenly evil explosion, ah!"

"Three thousand love fires fill Luoman!"

The two bodies also turned into two palms, and they confronted them brazenly. The four people have no foundation in the world, but they are still four shocking colors in the dark. They stand together and shine. , I feel that the elves cry with ghosts, suffocate people's breath, and make people crazy!

The battle of four people is earth-shattering and appalling. Those who have a shallow foundation are only killed by the aftermath of the shock. The intertwined fire of war has stirred up the situation. Bo's attack has only the enemy in front of him in his eyes.

the other side.

Misfortune fell from the sky, thunder and lightning flashed, forming a huge thunderball to attack Quzhou Yifandu, which was transformed by the "Holy Soul". It spreads, and the surrounding walls are destroyed and cracked, leaving no grass.

"The vertical and horizontal are boundless, and Wentian can dare to be the enemy."

Chapter [-] The Three Sects of Destruction 【Subscription】

The strange and evil atmosphere of the demon world Buddha towers terrifyingly on the top of the wheel of death.

Today, the battle of Buddha and evil begins a new chapter.

In the dim and extinct earth, the Sanskrit chanting and the maddening of evil words caused the demon tower to vibrate more and more.

After the Buddha's double body and the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms and the Emperor Tathagata fought, the sky fell, thunder and lightning flashed, forming a huge thunderball, breaking the mountain and opening the way, bursting with amazing power, and the remaining energy spread, and the surrounding walls were destroyed and the rocks were cracked. No grass left.

"The vertical and horizontal are boundless, and Wentian can dare to be the enemy."

The thunderbolt exploded, and the arrogant and invincible evil rider asked the natural enemy to fight and cross the boat!

Unbounded Lord asked the natural enemy, the old enemy of Brahma's one-page book in the past, once commanded Shiyin Wujie to control half of the world, and was killed by one-page book on the ceiling of Penglai, and fell into the sea of ​​​​samsara, but with a resentment to keep the soul alive Later, with the help of the Buddha's double body, he re-condensed the evil essence and resurrected, so he joined the demon world Buddha camp, and was honored as the evil vehicle, and its status was second only to the "zero sixty" body of the Buddha's double body.

"Confucianism, propriety and benevolence bring disaster to the world, I learn to set the sky."

"Buddha, the Holy Truth is lost to the world, and I have no law."

"Tao, do nothing to confuse the world, I often defy the sky."

With the appearance of the natural enemy, countless evil lights burst out from the demon world Buddha, and the evil spirits such as the three extinction sects and the eleven-day ban appeared one after another.

Luyuan took a broken box to seek Zen, Yuanpin’s ignorance and Yungu and Leifeng had no doubts to transcend the fans, and monks such as Guangshi Daju, Saint Amitabha, Liuchen Arhat and others came up to meet them.

"Unbounded Lord asks the natural enemy, today, destroy the monk and slaughter the Buddha." Wen natural enemy shouted loudly, and then slammed it out with a slap, the sound shook the world and set off a war.

"Manjushri. Start the sword!"

Quezhou Yifandu said indifferently, and the "Manjusri Sword" recast behind him rose in response. The holy light was brilliant, and a burst of righteousness permeated the surroundings.

"The Five Delights of Maha. The people of heaven respect living beings!"

With a single sword, unrivaled power, earth-shattering power, and invincible sword qi, now ask the natural enemy's move.

"Very good, Buddha, you are... worthy of killing." Asking the natural enemy was arrogant and unparalleled, the thunder in his eyes flashed, and the killing intent was monstrous.

Quezhou stood with his sword in hand, calmly: "Come on, let me see your confident capital."

"Yewu strike!"

"The Great Thousand Lights!"

Strong moves against each other, the unparalleled energy flows around, constantly shaking around the demon world Buddha!


On the other hand, one of the three sects of extinction is a heretic and perverted language, and has no doubts about Shangyungu Leifeng.

Wuhudu Fan is the head of the three gatherings of monks and elders at Yungu Leifeng Shuyin Pagoda. His air is majestic and arrogant. The standards for those who violate the precepts are very strict. To be punished with sincerity, one will live up to the morality recognized by Buddhism, with a firm and unswerving bearing, showing the solemnity and righteousness of Buddhist monks.

The heretical Analects of Confucius is a Confucian evil spirit with a pale face, holding an "Evil Book" and the famous Confucian sect "Yi Yi Yi Zhi". In the scabbard of the word yong, it symbolizes the philosophy of life of the Confucian school of the mean of the mean.

The Xie Xue Analects has a deep scheming, cold and cunning, and is good at observing and calculating. He can distort Confucianism and integrate into the thoughts of evil spirits. This battle is related to the future of evil spirits. Instruct!"

"Jiuzhongtian, Prajna has learned the world's way; the Eightfold Way, the Falun is always turning in immeasurable heavens." Wuhu Du Mi clasped his hands together, golden Sanskrit words appeared, and the resolute suddenly did not anger himself, and said righteously: "The evil spirits are rampant, Buddhas and demons are not in harmony, this battle is only survival and death, so how can you learn from it?”

"well said!"

The evil talk of the Analects fell, the evil essence was destroyed, and the dark green evil energy surged. With a wave of both palms, the air flow exploded, and the body was like a ghost, and instantly attacked Wuhuo.

"Confused World Sentence!"

Wu Huo Du Mi stood like a motionless diamond, braked with stillness, and brazenly took over.


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