At the first meeting of Buddha and evil, the extraordinary foundation caused the two to burst into the ground under their feet, and their energy collided with each other, and the two flew to retreat at the same time.

"Benevolence and etiquette, eating people's bones and blood, staying loyal and righteous, and burying the bones for retribution!" When the heretic Analects flew away, the "consistent" behind the back came out, and the murderous intention was fierce.

Wuhudu Mi also sacrificed the Buddhist weapon "Blood Lingsuo", traversing the void, and fought fiercely in mid-air with "One Consistent" without giving way.

At the same time, Luyuan Yicheng broke the box and asked for Zen to confront Niwu, one of the three sects of extinction.

Ni Wu Fei Dao was originally a person in Jijing, named Xiaoxiaofengjun. He has made some achievements in Jijing and has a high status. He is a righteous and awe-inspiring cultivator in Jijing legend, and he is also the first life and death of Jianzi. pay.

Later, in order to obtain the necessary items for Jianzi's practice, he was willing to accept Huanji's gambling, and he accepted half of Huanji's body, and finally fell into the devil's way and was killed by Jianzi. , whose thoughts are extreme, and become a Taoist evil spirit who is obsessed with himself. He has his own set of ideas about the Tao. Anything that goes against it is a heresy in his eyes, hence the name [Reverse Wu is not the Tao].

I saw Ni Wu was immoral, arrogant, and heroic. It was difficult to distinguish right from evil just by looking at the exterior. He carried a knife bag, and inside he was an evil sword. , so in the name of "Dao", the whole mouth of the evil soldier exudes a dim green light, declaring that the former Xiaofengjun has already fallen into the devil's way.  …

Ni Wu is not a Taoist who uses the Tao to enter the devil. He has a strong foundation and has reached the top innate realm. Although he is not as good as the evil vehicle, it should not be underestimated.

Broken box and begging for Chan Feifei and Ni Wu Fei Dao butted each other. As soon as they fought each other, their energy was like a gust of wind and anger, and they were shocked.

After a short contact, the sword of "Kai" was unsheathed, and the sword was broken into the inner power of Buddhism, and the sword body instantly showed a little blue light and jasper, exuding a holy radiance.

Ni Wu turned his body to dodge the sword edge, and at the same time also mobilized the evil soldier "Dao".

"Clang! Boom~"

The swords collided, and there was a huge explosion around them, the rocks were flying, the smoke and dust filled the sky, the energy burst into ten directions, and the strong current shook the mountains.

A few miles away, Yungu and Leifeng were as great as the world, and they were incompetent against one of the three sects of extinction.

Guangshi Daru is the solemn master of Yungu Leifeng. He was originally from the fish clan, but he was a little bit of aura before the death of the god fish. Because of fate, it was collected by the Emperor Tathagata, and he entered the Yungu Leifeng and cultivated into a human form. .

She is the only female among the three sects of extinction. She has a fierce and tough personality, clear love and hate, does not believe in Dharma, does not believe in heaven, is confident in me, twists the lotus finger on the left, holds the evil halberd on the right, and looks solemn. , like a Bodhisattva who is angry and kills.

In order to help the creation of the gods of the Buddha's double body and four realms, she was killed today with a halberd. The halberd in her hand was called "Wutian Dharma Halberd". The tassel is matched with the bright red Bodhisattva bun and the gorgeous white crown of the 3.7 Lawless Heaven.

"Love is ruthless, and the Buddha destroys all beings!" The lawless law swayed the halberd coldly, and the evil fire burst into flames, burning all things.

The world of light is as big as hands clasped together, the Buddha's light shines, and the flames of the Buddha's Yuan Gong immediately strike, with a compassionate expression: "The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, look back to the shore."

"The other side is the sea of ​​bitterness, and the one who should turn back is you. Drink!" The demon halberd of the lawless lawless wave swung, the wind was blowing, and the sand was flying.

"Evil devil difficulty, helpless!" With a helpless voice, Guang Shi's brows twitched, and a chilling cold was self-inflicted for no reason.

And Eleven Days Ban also fought against Yungu Leifeng and Luyuan Yicheng monks to fight to the death. The belief that they ran counter to the belief that only death can be ended. Catastrophe! .

Chapter [-] Dream Bubble 【Subscription】

Fight! Fight! Fight!

The war of life and death between Buddhas and Evils in the Extermination Realm, thousands of Buddhas are killed, ten thousand evil spirits are mad, and the land of the Extermination Realm is filled with gunpowder smoke.

The flying yellow sand swept the sky and the earth, and Buddhism and sorcery emerged in an endless stream. Both sides tried their best to fight against each other until they died. At every moment, there were Buddhist martyrs, evil spirits scattered, and cruel killings. , blood stained dust and sand, Buddhist karma is the same crime!

"Three thousand fires of love fill Luoman!"

Dancing with long sleeves, the woman in love and evil is charming and enchanting, her plump figure is looming, her feet are scattered, she overcomes rigidity with softness, and the red ling roars.

"Buddha's holy wrath!"

The Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms uses the golden body of the Buddhist sect to resist the evil flame of the love-calamity female Rong swallowing the sky, the fiery evil flame burns the heart and devours the bones, but it is refined. Unexpectedly, the Buddha is immortal. The sleeves fly, blocking the holy light.

"Nine Layers of Evil Flames: Tian Chuang Sin Karma!"

Tianchi Jiye also made a strong move, and his anger was all round. It was like an evil god descended into the world, and the mighty evil could burst out, attacking the Buddha-headed Emperor Tathagata directly.

"First Chan Three Forms. The End of Reincarnation!"

The Emperor Tathagata performed the "Three Forms of the First Meditation" again, shaking the sky from the ground, taking the shape of a trailing cloud, and reappearing the mighty appearance of King Ming, and all directions responded in an instant.


The Buddha hit the second palm again, the Tathagata scattered the golden rain, the devil shattered the invisible, and the shocking power destroyed the darkness.



The two of them didn't give in, they fought hard to build their foundation, and they were so hard on themselves that they were hurt and vomited!

Tianchi was extremely karmic and arrogant, and said with disdain: "The leader of the Buddhist sect, but Er Er, in the immortal body of the Buddha's karma, it is useless."

"In the midst of delusion, there are always obstacles that cannot be penetrated." The provocative words failed to move the Buddha's head, and the words fell, the Emperor Tathagata added to the Buddha's Yuan, and all of a sudden the Brahma sound descended from the sky, a huge and thick white jade platform with no boundaries Spreading out from the feet of the Emperor Tathagata, behind the Buddha-light shining Emperor Tathagata, the holy place of Buddhism and Taoism reappears - "Opening the Ming Scroll"!

Tianchi's extreme industry, the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms and the Love and Misfortune Girl Rong were also included in it at the same time.

"It's this disgusting place again 〃〃!" Tianxu Jiye showed disgust on his face. For this kind of Buddhist field, the evil spirit's Buddhist double body resisted from the heart.

With the opening of "Opening the Ming Scroll", the Buddhist doubles who entered the holy place of Buddhist warfare also lost their home field advantage, and even the BGM "Demon World Destroying Buddha", which originally belonged to the Buddhist doubles, was also transformed into "Opening Ming Scroll". ", the twilight drum and the morning bell, righteousness.

The Buddha's head in the "Opening Ming Scroll" is even more solemn and upright, and the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms is also rich in Buddha's aura, and his combat power is partially increased.

"My Buddha illuminates the lamp seal!"

The Emperor Tathagata is as stable as a rock of Mount Tai, with a Buddha seal on his hand, and I can see the golden inscriptions surging in the "Opening the Ming Scroll", transforming into thousands of Buddha statues, transcending sin and killing!

"Damn it, God Creation Style, Desolate Spirit Died!"

This change and the other grows, Tianchi Ji karma burst into anger, and became more and more violent. He used the style of creating gods and destroying Buddhas. A huge evil god and golem appeared, with three heads and eight arms, and a ferocious posture, fighting endlessly with the phantoms of all Buddhas.

In the battle of the top four, the love-calamity girl Rong destroys the world and the devil is outrageously powerful, and the Nine Realms Buddha Emperor protects the world with murderous thoughts. There is only a splendid battle in the extreme confrontation!

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