Accompanied by the high poetry number, I suddenly see auspicious clouds surging in the distant sky, and the Buddha's light suddenly appears, just like the brilliant sunshine penetrating the haze, forcing back the gloom and darkness between the heaven and the earth.

A roar from Jiuzhou came across the two realms, with a majestic palm, Sheng Guanghao slammed the top of the demon world Buddha, separated the land of the two realms again, and shocked everyone present!

Immediately, there was a turbulent flow in all directions, the yellow sand covered the eyes, and the sky above the narrow road, I saw a Jinpeng descending from above the nine heavens. Above the Jinpeng stood a Buddha, holding a whisk, and holding a golden sari, a symbol of the highest practitioner; The complexion is stern, the cinnabar between the eyebrows is a little red; the phoenix eyes are half-closed, the confident eyes look down on the world, and the temples have white hair, which is a one-page book of Bai Shi Jing Lun!

One-page book of Bai Shi Jing Lun, also known as Evil Heart Demon Buddha, as a Buddhist monk, his compassion is like a book from the sky, but his deeds are resolute and lively, jealous as hatred, and he will never be soft-handed in eradicating evil and evil. One of the spiritual indicators and leaders of the "Three Threes", with a unique economy of the century, half-closed eyes see all the worldly mediocrity, and slightly raise the corner of his mouth to laugh all the heroes of the world.

Familiar poem numbers, familiar figures, accompanied by the wings of the sky, three thousand came.

After the self-defeating battle to abandon the Heavenly Emperor, Yi Ye Shu was injured due to his power and body, and he used the "Eight Parts of Dragon God Fire" to deplete his foundation for a hundred years, so that his strength was greatly damaged, so he had to concentrate on cultivation. Come by.

As soon as the poem number fell, the one-page book of Bai Shijing Lun came to the world again, and the double body of Buddhism suddenly felt a strong pressure coming to face!


The enemy is very jealous when they meet, Tian Chi is extremely karmic, and the love and misfortune girl Rong sees a page of books that ruins the good thing of their two worlds being one, and they are even more angry in their hearts.

However, compared to Tianchi Jiye's irritability, the love-calamity girl Rong began to think about how to preserve her strength. At present, although the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms and Emperor Tathagata are injured, they still have the strength to fight. The power of the Buddha has already made them exhausted, and now that Brahma has joined the battlefield, their chances of winning are slim. Even if they have immortality because of the "power of the mysterious female", it is impossible to stop the siege of the four top Buddhas!

"The Great Thousand Lights!"

Quezhou swept away the evil with one sword and one sword, and then looked at the glittering page of the book with a smile on the corner of his mouth. With the help of the demolition team in this difficult situation, it seems that the Demon World Buddha is doomed today!

The injured Buddha Emperor and Emperor Tathagata of the Nine Realms saw the arrival of strong aid, and they all showed a look of peace and joy on their faces. With the power of Brahma, even if the Buddha's karma could not be destroyed today, the evil spirits would be severely damaged, and it would be hard to do evil!

Just as soon as the book landed, he picked Tianchi Jiye and invited the battle: "Tianchi Jiye, let's make a move!"

"Brahma, you are the opponent I'm most looking forward to! It's called Heavenly Evil Explosion, drink it!" Although Tianchi Jiye experienced a lot of consumption in the previous battle, because of the "power of Xuanhen", his body recovered very quickly. Hearing that a page of the book was invited to fight, he immediately shouted loudly, and flew at the former enemy with one palm.

"Tiangang Buddha Seal!"

A long-lost figure, a long-lost opponent, a page of a book swept away, and a palm greeted Chi Jiye.


As soon as the palms were connected, the surrounding earth shook, and a thousand-zhang peak mountain rose up from the ground, up to the clouds.



The Buddha and evil fought again, and the strong force slammed the mountain peaks and dumped the jade pillars. The mountain peaks that had just risen were suddenly overwhelmed and broken, and they were divided into two peaks.

"Great Brahma Sacred Palm!"

One page of the book does not stop, the palm moves with qi, and with one step, it smashes the mountains under the feet, and flies and spins, the golden swastika Buddha seal on the palm is shining, and it goes straight to the Tianchi Jiye standing on the peak.

"Heaven and Earth are guilty!"

Tianchi's extremely karmic evil dominates the world, and he defiantly responds.


Thunder and lightning flashed, and the two extreme forces of Buddha and Demon collided in the sky.

"Brahma, is this what you can do? Your progress is far inferior to mine!" After three tricks of testing, Tianchi Jiye found that the foundation of a page was not much improved compared to the year before, so he could not help but speak ironically.

Quezhou Yifandu heard the words and shook his head secretly. If there is no "Wanli Huangsha Shuangtian Meeting", the strength of a page will not fall to this point. Although after a period of training, Quzhou can still see a page of the book. The state is not good, otherwise it will not be tied with Tianchi Jiye!

If it were a one-page book in a complete state, it would definitely be able to abuse Tianchi Jiye. Unfortunately, the battlefield is like this. There is no fairness. The enemy will not show mercy because of your poor state, but will only take advantage of your illness Your life, a page of the book will not shy away from saying how many times you have been injured, because these are meaningless.

"Creation of the Gods, Desolate Spirits Die!"

Tianchi Jiye also knows that the current situation is not good for the evil spirits, and if he tries again, the dark evil power will permeate. Praise, the demon bows his head...  

"Dragon Roar!"

In the face of Tianchi's extreme karma, a page of the book took root with both feet and inhaled into the body, only to see the chest and abdomen bulging, the inner yuan was smashed, and the sound wave suddenly screamed, and the sound waves that broke the brain formed a golden dragon and burst out. .


The extreme strokes collided, shook thousands of miles, and turned the world upside down. Although Tianchi Jiye was attacked by the next page, his ears were still ringing.

Tianchi Jiye shook his head and shouted angrily, "Brahma, why don't you use the "Eight Parts of Dragon God Fire", or, you are already powerless?"


Yi Ying Shu heard the words and pondered, now he really can't use "Eight Dragon God Fire", this trick needs to consume a hundred years of Jiyuan powerhouse foundation, and now that his cultivation base has fallen, he can no longer use this trick, otherwise it would not be so troublesome, Long ago, in cooperation with the Nine Realms Buddha Emperor's "Twelve Gods Tianshou", he destroyed the double body of Buddhist karma.

The god of grains is immortal, which is called Xuanye.

The gate of Xuanhen is called the root of heaven and earth.

The Buddha's double body coincidentally absorbed the "power of the mysterious female" that created and destroyed the realm, and achieved the body of immortality and immortality. Only the magical power of "Eight Parts Dragon God Fire" and "Twelve Gods Tianshou" can destroy it!

And when another page of the book was at war with Tianchi Jiye, Quzhou Yifandu took action to meet the love and disaster girl Rong. The Emperor Tathagata was severely injured because of the backlash of "Opening the Ming Scroll", and he was also injured in the Nine Realms Buddha. The emperor intercepted the heretical Analects of Confucius who came to support him, and turned against me.

The opponent changed, and the second round of the battle of Buddha and evil in 1.3 started again.

The Buddha Sovereign of the Nine Realms spoke to Shang Xie and said the Analects of Confucius, and the Emperor Tathagata confronted Niwu.

There is a saying that a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Emperor Tathagata and the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms are injured, they are still able to deal with the twins of the Three Sects of Extinction.

I know that the Buddha in front of me can be extraordinary, and I am not attacking me with a cold sword, but I see the Emperor Tathagata using the wonderful method. Although he is on the defensive, he does not give in an inch. King Kong body.

Reverse Wu Fei Dao twisted his body and slashed, the Emperor Tathagata was poised, the golden light in his hand was dazzling, and the Buddha shone like a mighty king in an instant.

"It is rumored that there is a battle leader in the Four Realms of Buddhism, and it seems that I have met!" Niwu was not the leader of the Taoism, and felt a lot of pressure against the Emperor Tathagata.

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