The Emperor Tathagata had a magnificent bearing and clasped his hands together: "After this war, the flames of the beacon and smoke are all quiet, and the fire of war is leveled.".

Chapter [-] Diao Xiong in the burial world 【Subscribe】

The Emperor Tathagata had a magnificent bearing and clasped his hands together: "After this battle, the flames of the beacon will be silent, and the flames of the war will be levelled."

"Hmph, why don't you show the demon-suppressing sword in the legend of the Buddhist world?" For the first time, Ni Wu was forced to fly out, landing on his feet, his expression solemn, and even more puzzled. use?

Niwu is not Dao but I don’t know, it’s because Emperor Tathagata didn’t want to use “Buddha Punishment Zenna”, but he couldn’t use it. This sword needs to be guarded with the “Purifying Rhinoceros Horn” to prevent ghost Tathagata from reappearing in the world. Before the critical moment, Emperor Tathagata would not be able to use it. Will easily use "Buddha Punishment Channa"!

Hearing the words that contradicted my non-dao, the Emperor Tathagata said calmly: "I don't intend to kill, put down the butcher's knife, and become a Buddha on the ground."

"I have always believed in what I hold in one hand, so I can't let it go." Ni Wu responded nonchalantly, while speaking, the "Dao" turned sharply, and quickly attacked the Emperor Tathagata.

"Buddhist cultivators benefit all living beings, and the Emperor Tathagata wishes to help Daoists remove the slaughtering knife." The Emperor Tathagata is calm and composed, his body shape is like an illusion, the knife does not deceive the body when he walks, and he walks calmly in the net of anti-wu non-dao knives.

"Now that the two seats can't get out, I have no chance of winning, so I can only try to delay!" Ni Wu knew that he was not the opponent of the Emperor Tathagata, so he made up his mind and adopted a fighting situation.

"Daoyuan Moliu, drink!"

Reverse Wu Dao crosses the sword in front, move the dual elements of the magic path, absorb the evil essence with the left hand, the breath is 16 shocks, the Dao Gong magic flow, even more powerful, after the performance is completed, Ni Wu Fei Dao grasps the handle of the "dao", one blow Cut out, Yin Lei Dao Gang whistled out.

However, when the battle came to an extreme, the Emperor Tathagata did not want to delay, his palms turned into clouds and surging waves, and the holy aura surged into the sky in an instant.

"The Three Forms of the First Meditation. Between Bodhi!"

Extremely tricky to start, double-strike collide, but see the countermeasures, in an instant, collapse!

"It's not good, evil thunder!"

Seeing the imposing Buddha qi attacking, I turned against my non-dao "dao" and stood at the front, turned around and performed the exercises, and instantly thundered and formed a purple arc shield to resist the attack of the Emperor Tathagata.


The shocking explosion didn't stop, and the Emperor Tathagata moved, and the force of his powerful palm broke through a little.


Niwu's defense against the Dao was broken, he vomited blood and flew back, the Emperor Tathagata knew that the task of eradicating evil had been exhausted, and he wanted to make up for it again...

At this moment, I saw an evil calendar coming from far away.


Not knowing why, it was impossible to retreat, the Emperor Tathagata had no choice but to take back the attack, raising his palms to meet the sudden attack.


The force of the palms smashed, the earth shook, and the ground below the Emperor Tathagata sank several meters in an instant, only to feel that the opponent was moving with evil energy, and the vicious history was abnormal. When he looked at it intently, he saw a mysterious man with a hidden head and a mask flying down.

As soon as the mysterious man landed, he was shocked, looking down at the Emperor Tathagata and said coldly: "The Emperor Tathagata, let's be buried here today, sway through the mountains!"

Shouyun opened a new game with one palm.

The contemptuous words, the Emperor Tathagata did not respond, his body was like a rock, his palms were immeasurable, and his style was without waves, intertwined with endless trapped nets, killing lives and sins, and making a pity with mysterious people.


Disasters are everywhere, the waves are surging into the sky, and both sides are shocked!

"I didn't expect you to have such a skill at the end of the battle, five punishments to swallow mountains, kill!"

In order to hide his identity, the mysterious man was determined to make a quick decision. With one step, the ground shattered and the fire surged. The surrounding area was crimson, and a glazed colored light reflected in the sky. Between the movement of his hands, a violent force emerged spontaneously.

 The Emperor Tathagata saw that his opponent was about to make a great move, and his mind was restrained. He knotted the Avalokitesvara seal in his hand, and the golden lotus swarmed in an instant.

"The beginning of Nirvana!"

In the midst of the roar of dust, the mysterious man's coat burst, and his real body suddenly appeared!

"The six evil spirits have no life, and they have exhausted Jiang Xing Yue Duan.

Shuangqing destroys, swallows and sells Lei Que. "

His long golden hair was scattered like a raging lion, with strange lines on both sides of his eyes, his fiery red suit and cape fluttered in the wind, and he was arrogant and domineering. Yue.

Muyue was originally the "mountain force" in the eight forces of the Yuan Dynasty. He once participated in the first-generation Holy Demon War, secretly assisted "Yansheng Mingluan" against "Tianyan Demon City", and used "Yunguo Dihun" to retire when he was injured. Pretending to be his identity, he came to "Yansheng Mingluan", and introduced "Ze Zhili"'s incarnation "Sea Chanzun" to become the painter of the holy party. In fact, he was in a mess, and he worked together to manipulate the world situation. On the one hand, he tried to reduce the suffering. The forces, on the one hand, secretly investigated the life and death of "Tian Zhili" and the seal was lifted.

Until recently, Luyuan Yicheng and Yungu Leifeng have been moving frequently, and Yueyue knew that Emperor Tathagata and others were going to destroy the Buddha's double body, in order to consume the strength of Buddhism, so he came to disrupt the situation!

The Emperor Tathagata fought two consecutive battles, and his strength dropped a lot, and Yueyue was waiting for work, so he naturally had the advantage.

The battle situation was unfavorable, the Emperor Tathagata was injured one after another, and the long-held demonic thoughts found an opportunity to disturb the Buddha's power, and a bloodthirsty thirst could not help but rise deep in the heart, and gradually could not be suppressed...

on the other hand.

Abnormal law broke through the ice, and joined forces with the heresy Analects to fight against the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms.

The Buddha and evil fought fiercely, the heavens and the earth were devastated, the dead and annihilated land was devastated, and the eyes were all broken, the monks were martyred, and the evil spirits wailed!

Quezhou looked around and understood, and the actions of the Li family were also expected, but for the Li family, Quezhou didn't care too much. This ethnic group is thin and afraid of thunder and lightning. The only thing that is more powerful is It's a pity that they are doing things behind their backs. Unfortunately, they are not clear about the details. Now they are using their strength to reduce the power of Buddhism, so as not to be restrained by Buddhism in the future, but it is difficult to control the degree of it!

His mind was turning, but Quezhou's hand movements were not slow, the long sword was astonishing, and the sword was soaring, colliding endlessly with Rong Hongling, the woman who loves disaster.

Love and disaster girl Rong's sleeves are rolled up, sometimes soft, like a cloud, sometimes sharp, like a knife like a sword, that is, the spirit of the city, but also the fatal gentleness, the 950 capital is graceful, the red sleeves are tricky and fly, and the ground pierces the clouds, Like waves and waves, endlessly!

"Protecting the Law!"

"Sara Dharma Seal!"

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