"Wisdom is different!"

The body of the missing boat is like a phantom, the illusion is impermanent, the leaves in the thousands of flowers do not touch the body, avoid the flying red lings in the sky, the foot of the missing boat is certain, the Buddhist secrets have shot, one after another, the love and disaster girl Rong is overwhelmed, blocking The first two moves were used, but the third move could not be blocked.

"Female Rong! Damn!"

Seeing that the love disaster girl Rong was injured, Tianchiji's karma couldn't stop, and Xie Yuanji was lifted.

"The Four Realms Return to One, The Six Paths Are Unbounded, The Demon World Exterminates The Buddha, The Evil Establishes Extreme Obstacles!"

Tianchi Jiye opened and closed his hands, the evil power expanded, the earth surged into the sky and sent it into the air, the evil clouds covered the sky, the demon gods descended on the clouds, the final move of the god-creating evil style, the huge light wheel appeared, and the evil light inside flickered, The three-headed and eight-armed evil god's law is looming and terrifying. Tian Chi Jiye summons the power of the evil god, and the unprecedented evil power gathers to kill Brahma.

"Before Brahma, how could you allow demons to wreak havoc, the gods are extremely karmic, you should be defeated!" A page of a book brushes the dust on your shoulders, steps on the universe, moves wind and thunder in your hands, the holy light shines all around the world, a huge golden lotus is overflowing, and a page of books is in the Among them, it is like a heaven and a Buddha descending into the world, shocking and exterminating the realm of extinction!

"Lianhua Holy Road is open to the sky!"

The golden lotus bloomed, and a stream of the most pure and holy Buddhist power burst out from the lotus, colliding with the power of the evil god descending from the sky...

Chapter [-] Ghost Tathagata 【For Collection】

The situation of extinction is changing, and the war is raging.

Tianchi Jiye stood at the peak, and his palms were transformed. He saw a giant evil god who created chaos and came.

"Lianhua Holy Road is open!"

A page of the book stepped on the golden lotus, charged with a palm, struck the sky, and a beam of light swept up to the sky for [-], and the aura of arrogance rushed into the sky.

Tianchi Jiye also created the spirit and evil style with Yunyun, and attacked it brazenly, and the evil force of the holy light collided with the air, like a spark hitting the earth, and it suddenly shone the sky and the earth.


The sage and evil were deadlocked, and the sky and the earth were tumultuous, and the sky was overturned. "Creation of the Gods" brought an indescribable force of destruction. However, in the end, the evil was invincible.


With a miserable howl, blood splashed in the sky, Tianchi Jiye was defeated, and the mountain peaks under his feet collapsed, falling quickly from mid-air.

A page of the book was also impacted by the shock, and the ground sank a hundred feet.

"Brahma, you should be damned!" Tianchi Jiye shouted angrily as soon as he landed on the ground. With the blessing of "Xuanmu's Power", Tianchi Jiye was injured and did not die. The injured body quickly recovered and jumped off. The deep pit, kill a page of the book in the giant pit.

The evil spirits are hard to kill, but a page of the book is fearless, and it can't be wiped off the blood, and the dust is lightly fluttered, and it will be published again.

"Armour-piercing sharp-edged seven-spined fingers!"

A page of the book was condensed in the fingers, and it burst out with sharp energy.

"Why are you afraid of being with you?

Tianchi's extreme karma destroyed the evil essence, and in an instant, the undercurrent rioted, the evil clouds covered the sky, and the magic power of Pang Ran poured out.


The strong moves collided, and the "Seven Spiral Fingers" broke through a little, penetrated the "Heavenly Evil Blast" vigorously, shot a blood hole in Tianchi Jiye, and the remaining momentum was unabated, and shot the ground behind Tianchi Jiye. A bottomless hole.

And Yu San's "Number Tian Xie Bang" also hit a page of the book at the same time, knocking a page of the book into the wall of the pit.


A page of the book broke out, but it can be seen from the blood gushing out of his mouth that he was seriously injured!

"One move for another, Brahma, how long can you resist?" Tian Chi Jiye also flew up and stood opposite a page of books. However, without this ability, the wounds add to the wounds, and if you fight hard, you may not be able to remove this old enemy!

"The defeat of the evil spirits is just now, Tianchi Jiye, your grand plans and dominance will be foolish after all." One page of the book was calm and unaffected by Tianchi Jiye's words.

Tianchi Jiye was unhappy in his heart, but was secretly anxious. Brahma was the only one in today's battle. He raised his eyes and looked at the girl Rong who loved disaster and was suppressed by Quzhou Yifandu. Although he was immortal, his Yuan Gong was damaged. Imminent defeat.

Eleven days ban all killed in battle, only the three sects of destroying the realm can still fight, but they are blocked by the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms and cannot be supported.

Fortunately, there is a mysterious strong man wrapped around the Emperor Tathagata, otherwise they will face the siege, and they will definitely be more fortunate.

Seeing this situation, Tianchi Jiye was furious, and the four realms were unified. The six realms of unbounded creation of gods had not yet begun, and they ended up like this. How could Tianchi Jiye not hate, how could he not be angry.

"Brahma, either you die today, or I die, die!" Tianchi's extreme karma was even more murderous, and the unparalleled evil power gathered in his palm, his body flashed, and he rushed to the front of a page of books in an instant. Don't give in, raise your palms in response, Buddha and evil do not break out, the eternal struggle, understand today!


the other side.

However, the situation of the Emperor Tathagata took a sharp turn. He faced a strong enemy from the outside, and his heart was confronted with demons. For a while, he was full of demonic thoughts. His bloodthirsty killing intent continued to erode his reason. , The Emperor Tathagata is very tricky.

"My Buddha's Mercy Hang, Hundred Hearts as One, Vajrasattva's Lotus Repentance!"

I saw the Emperor Tathagata flying cross-legged in the air, his hands knotted in a wonderful way, the dazzling Buddha's light shining brightly, and the Dharma image of King Ming on his back, solemn and majestic.

"Shuangqing Sun and Moon, Four Yin Winds and Thunders, Six Demons, Pingtao, and Yellow Springs!"

The burial world, Diao Xiong stepped on his feet, the ground cracked and the evil light appeared, and he rose up.


The tyrannical style, the heaven and the earth are startled, the Buddhist calendar collides, the eight wastes are shattered, the world is turned upside down, the smoke and dust rolls up the sky, the violent wind swept away, and where the eye is caught, only the devastated wounds are left.

The Emperor Tathagata was first destroyed by the power of the two realms, and he was injured in successive battles. In addition, the "Buddha's guilt" has been interfering with the Buddha's power.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, the Emperor Tathagata stepped back, looked at Yu Yue and sighed: "It's time! It's fate! Demons and evils are rampant, mercy is useless, and the sins of the world are washed away. Even if I fall into the endless world, I have no regrets!"

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