The Emperor Tathagata is attached to the ghost Tathagata, and arises accordingly. The ghost Tathagata wants to get rid of the appearance of the Emperor Tathagata. It is even more attached, and the mind is extreme. The two creations repel each other. Performing all the work, the ghost Tathagata is unwilling to give in. For the present plan, only by abandoning the Buddha and joining the devil can we have a chance of winning!

In order to get rid of evil and evil, the Emperor Tathagata voluntarily fell into the sinking, his mind was fixed, and he no longer fought.

I saw the Buddha's appearance scattered with golden light, the original appearance of the Emperor Tathagata shattered like glass, and returned to the former tyrannical form.

"."The disaster of blood loss of thousands of monks and ten thousand Buddhas, the punishment for purging sins and punishments should be opened to the world.

Demons, monsters, monsters, monks, and monks, whispering and saying ghosts. "

The Buddha's light dissipated, the ghost's qi was clear, the Emperor Tathagata used the Buddha to enter the devil, the ghost Tathagata appeared in the world, the qi sank, the pearls surrounded him, and sang the devil's evil chanting, the Buddha's guilt praised the killing, as if going through a devil's calamity, raising his hands in a stern manner It was like a wild beast that broke free from its shackles, playing the lamentation of ten thousand ghosts, and inadvertently, Yueyue has been caught in the net of hell!

"Well, Emperor Tathagata, or should I call you a ghost Tathagata, you are persistent! If you choose the wrong path, you will fall into the abyss of eternal redemption!" , stature wandering, occupying the edge.

"For the sake of protecting the common people, I am willing to be persistent, and let the Ghost Tathagata knock on the door of hell for you, and the Brahma Fire will strike!" The ghost Tathagata snorted coldly, swayed his clothes, and his ultimate move came out. Frightened.

"Ignorance, the three gangs of murderous lines!" A lifetime of perseverance, only in exchange for a sentence of ignorance, Yueyue grasps the situation, condenses the air, forms a blood-colored triangular air shield in front of him, and blocks the ghost Tathagata's ultimate move.

"The Li family is really the enemy of Buddhism, and the calendar of the mountains can push the Emperor Tathagata to such a degree!" Seeing (good luck) the Emperor Tathagata transformed into a ghost Tathagata, Quzhou couldn't help but admire the mountain. Li's strength is also the top-level innate combat power. It is reasonable to say that even if the Emperor Tathagata is injured, it can be settled. However, the Li family's skills are special and have restraint on the people of Buddhism, so they will fight when they are at war. Get the upper hand.

Among them, the timing is also very ingenious. It is typical to take advantage of people's illness and kill people. Unfortunately, it is okay to do small tricks behind the scenes.

"Damn, you dare to be distracted when you are fighting, and you really don't take me seriously!" Rong, the calamity-loving girl who was fighting with Quezhou Yifandu, suddenly burst into flames, and was ready to take the opportunity to inflict heavy damage on Quzhou Yifandu, but she wished It was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. With all his strength, he was still blocked by Quzhou Yifandu's calm expression.

The characteristics of the two bodies of Buddhism, unless they are killed at the same time, they can both be reborn through each other's rebirth, plus the evil energy provided by the "Yao World Buddha", it is indeed difficult to deal with, but it is not without a boat and a sail. The way to eliminate them, just didn't want to expose the cards too early, so I didn't hit the killer. .

Chapter [-] Destroy Tianchi Jiye 【For Collection】


The sky is falling apart, the gods and ghosts wailing, the fierce battle has not yet subsided on the broken earth, the yellow sand covers the sky, the sun and the moon are dull, the sky is full of thunder, and countless huge tornadoes stir the wind, clouds and rocks, the earth shakes endlessly, and the mountains move away. , In the blink of an eye, the Canghai became a mulberry field, and the entire extinction was like the end!

At this point in the battle, both the Buddha and the evil have suffered heavy casualties. The only evil spirits in the era of extinction are the Buddha's double body, the three sects of extinction, and the ghosts and ghosts of Yindu who cling to the "Demon World Buddha". The rest of the evil spirits were not destroyed by Buddhist disciples. The killing was swept to the tail of the typhoon, and the entire army was wiped out. It was not easy for the Buddhist side. Except for the one page book, the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms, and the lack of a boat and a sail, only Saint Amitabha, and six others remained in Yungu Leifeng. Two of the Chen Arhats, the monks of Luyuan Yicheng, all died in battle and martyred!

As for the Ghost Tathagata, now he is no longer the right way. If he kills Yuyue, he will probably part ways with One Page Book, Nine Realms Buddha Emperor, and even a big fight is unknown!

There was a loud "bang", and the three sects of extinction were blown away by the "Buddha's holy wrath" by the Buddha of the Nine Realms. The seriously injured Niwu Fei Dao exploded and died on the spot. At the same time, he vomited blood and fell to the ground, no longer able to fight.

The Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms is not someone who likes to kill. If he is not forced to, he will not easily kill him. He did not kill all the heretical Analects and the lawless law that lost his combat power, but turned his head and gathered a page of books, together with him. To deal with the extreme industry of Tianchi.

Bullying with more 393 is very common in difficult situations. Yiyishu and the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms did not feel embarrassed. Just like the Buddha's double body besieged the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms, it can only be said that Feng Shui takes turns.

In the face of the two great monks who were violent output, Tianchi Jiye expressed great pressure. Seeing this, the girl Rong, who loves disaster, also changed his face. They, Yi Ye Shu, and the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms are both old rivals. If you choose, the winner will be half and half, two to one, that is the scene of blood abuse!

"Worry about yourself!" Quezhou said indifferently, and raised his hand slowly, only to see a big hand covering the sky and descending from the clouds, like a mountain topping down, and slammed down at the love and disaster girl Rong!

"Creation of the Gods: Forgiving Heaven and No Love!"

The love and disaster girl Rong felt the pressing pressure, and the ground beneath her feet could not help sinking. Immediately, her red sleeves fluttered, and the nine red ridges were like pillars up to the sky, rushing up and colliding with the golden mudra.

The big handprint in the sky is about a thousand feet in size, with bright golden light, and the Buddha seal with the swastika in the palm is even more dazzling. It was Lin Feng in "Westward Journey to the West", where he learned it from the Buddha Lord - "The Palm of the Tathagata" !

The Tathagata's palm suppresses the evil spirits, and its aura is terrifying, but the air pressure is enough to annihilate ordinary evil spirits.


The love and misfortune girl Rong snorted, and the surrounding area was cracked and sunk, and the love and misfortune girl Rong also continued to sink with the ground.


The big mudra slammed on the Hong Ling, and the majestic force suppressed it. Suddenly, the straight Hong Ling slowly bent in the tremor. It seemed like it would collapse at any time.

"Female Rong!"

Tianchi Jiye faced a one-page book and the Nine Realms Buddha Emperors and Double Buddhas. Even if he was immortal, his internal energy consumption could not keep up with the replenishment. The more he fought, the weaker he became. Without hesitation, he transferred [-]% of the evil essence to the love disaster girl Rong.

The imposing power of the Tathagata's palm is boundless, and the girl who loves and misfortunes is suppressed. Suddenly, the girl's body stabilizes. Behind her, there is a Tianchi extremely karmic and accumulating power. Between the hands, countless evil light bones rose into the air.


With a loud bang, countless bone hands collided with the giant palms, the Tathagata's palms were suppressed by the evil force, bursting in response, turning into endless golden lights, sweeping across the void, dissipating the world.


Although the love-calamity girl Rong smashed the Tathagata's palm, but under the collision of energy, she couldn't help but spew out a bloody arrow.

Her delicate body was filled with red evil light, full of bewitching charm. The injuries on the surface of her body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, after all, her injuries were too serious, even with the "power of the mysterious female", she still couldn't Complete recovery in a short period of time.

The love-calamity female Rong flew away and looked at Quzhou Yifandu coldly: "Qiaozhou, you will slaughter my evil spirit today and destroy my foundation. One day, the female Rong will definitely ask you to pay it back!"

After all, Rong, the girl who loves disaster, is ready to fly to support Tianchi Jiye. Today, they will definitely lose, and if they continue to entangle them, they will only be wiped out. The comeback (bdej) machine!

 And Yi Yishu and others are obviously not easy ones. The moment Tianchi Jiye passed his skills to the love and disaster girl Rong, his strength dropped greatly. How could Yi Yishu and the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms miss this great opportunity to slay the devil? , at the same time very tricky.

"The Twelve Gods!"

The Buddha Sovereign of the Nine Realms moved his palms and transformed, and a splendid holy merit emanated from his body. Immediately, the gods were powerful and erected a holy wall to isolate Tianchi Jiye.

"Great Brahma Sacred Palm!"

As soon as one page of the book was raised, the fame and glory came out again, and the majestic Buddha Yuan rushed to the sky and the extreme industry.

"Chi Shi is extremely violent!"

Tianchi Jiye knew that it was difficult to fight hard at this time, but he was trapped by the Twelve Gods and couldn't break free. He could only run the evil energy madly.


The sky-shaking explosion, the Buddha and the evil co-existed, and An Wanlai was silent in an instant!

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