"Brahma... Yuzhi Xiang I am not reconciled... ah~"

Tianchi Jiye flew upside down, blood stained the sky, his words fell, and it exploded!

In the face of Yi Ying Shu and the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms teaming up, Tian Chi Ji Ye can't resist even if he is immortal. How many grand plans, how many lofty words and far-reaching visions, now it's just a light explosion, and the four realms are united in the passing wind. , Divine Tribulation of the Six Realms, the turbulent is worse than the flesh and blood in the sky, destroying the evil source of the realm, and it will be rested until death.

"Tian Chi!"

Seeing Tianchi Jiye exploded and died, the love-calamity girl Rong could not help crying out in grief. She and Tianchi Jiye were born with the same egg, and they have cultivated together for thousands of years. She has always regarded Tianchi Jiye as her younger brother. If Chi Jiye's body is destroyed today, the girl Rong who loves disaster will also be heartbroken, but it is not without a turnaround. As long as Tianchijiye Yuanzhu returns, she can use the "Xuanyezhi" force' to reshape the body.


The Yuanzhu of Tianchi Jiye flew up from the ground, and was about to return to the "Demon World Buddha", but unexpectedly something happened.

"Sacred Heart Four Tribulations. Extreme Divine Tribulation!"

Tianchi Jiye flew halfway, Quzhou Yifandu used Yuanshen as a blade, and used the strongest style in "The Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart", consuming part of the spirit energy, and completely shattering Tianchijiye Yuanzhu.

Yuanzhu is equivalent to the primordial spirit of cultivators. Once Yuanzhu is broken, the soul will be scattered, and there will be no chance of resurrection.

"Exorcise the evil, Nu Rong, you will also pay the calamity!" One page of the book never showed mercy to the evil demons.

"The situation in the world is beyond my generation, and as soon as I enter the rivers and lakes, the years will remind me.

Huangtu and hegemony are intoxicated in life. "

Lin Feng suddenly appeared and took the love and disaster girl Rong away. Yi Ying Shu and the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms wanted to pursue them, but they were a tad slower, and in a blink of an eye, Lin Feng disappeared with the love and disaster girl Rong using the space magic power.

On the other side, Yueyue saw that the situation was over, and it was not because of the ghost Tathagata's entanglement. He made a false move and immediately left.

Yu Yue said in his heart, "Although I didn't achieve my goal today, I also gained something. The Emperor Tathagata reincarnated the ghost Tathagata, and Yungu Leifeng and Luyuan Yicheng also suffered heavy losses... Well, the battle of the Holy Demon is approaching, and Zezhili should be accelerated. Action!".

Chapter [-] He Hua Interpretation 【Seeking Collection】


The Buddha's double body was defeated, and Tianchi Jiye died in the battle. If the "Monster World Buddha" had spirituality, it gradually retreated to the depths of the realm of extinction.

The Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms saw all the dead and wounded under his sect, with a sad expression on his face, and chanted the Buddhist scriptures in a low voice to save the deceased.

"Thousands of monks and ten thousand buddhas are killed by blood, and the punishment of sin and punishment shall be unleashed in the world.

Demons, monsters, monsters, monks, and monks, whispering and saying ghosts.Hahaha……"

The mountain calendar retreated, but the ghost Tathagata did not restore the true appearance of the emperor Tathagata. It was easy to kill and hard to stop. His indifferent eyes swept to a page of the book and the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms, and then walked away with great strides.

"Emperor Tathagata, don't commit murder again and fall into the devil's way!" The Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms saw that the Emperor Tathagata had entered the devil's way, and wanted to persuade him to turn back.

A page of the book is also a solemn expression, if the Emperor Tathagata cannot turn back, then the former friend will become the enemy of the future!

The Ghost Tathagata stopped when he heard the words, and said loudly: "The Tao is the root of all things, and all phenomena arise from each other. Killing can be endless, and it itself is a body of the Tao.

The Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms clasped his hands together and said: "The way of the Buddha's transcendence is the way of transcending human nature and transcending the human world. It can save oneself from annihilation, and cross oneself to the other side. The process of crossing and saving is practice. , the decision will rise, and the release will sink.”

"Even though I have fallen into incessant times, the road to the realization of the Dao is [-] dharmas, how can I know that the devil's way is not the Dao, and dyeing the blood of thousands of people is certainly an attachment, but the attachment to not killing, and the attachment to doing the Dao with goodness is not also a attachment. "The Ghost Tathagata looked calm and decided to kill to prove the Way.

As soon as the words were settled, the Ghost Tathagata had spent all his energy and left, and was ready to return to Yungu Leifeng to find the magic soldier "Purifying Rhino Horn".


And when the Emperor Tathagata incarnates the ghost Tathagata, the miserable land, a towering troll city sinking in the depths of the earth, suddenly trembled endlessly.

"Ghost Tathagata! Ghost Tathagata! Hate, hate~"

The unwilling roar emanated from a heavenly coffin, swaying the mountains and rivers, showing its solid foundation. This coffin was called "Devil's Heavenly Coffin", and the person in the coffin was the only bloodline of the sinful city in the past - Tianqiong.

Back then, the Ghost Tathagata performed a blood-slaughtering ceremony in the capital of sin. Within seven days, the blood flowed into a river, and only Tianqiong was spared.

After Hao Tianqiong practiced "Destroying Illusions", he pretended to be the god of the end of the world, "Tianjun Yigas", and even tried to kill the transformed Emperor Tathagata, and seized the most demonic weapon "Punishment Rhinoceros Horn". , dominate the world.

It's a pity that he was not successful, and he was always concerned about his Yu Shenfeng design, and was sealed in the "Devil Heaven Coffin". This level has been hundreds of years, and his enemy is free outside. How can he be reconciled? !

Hate fires his heart, and one day he will break the shackles and take back everything he has lost!

In the main hall of the magic city, a magician wrapped in bandages is sitting on the throne. He is holding the "Magic Seal Staff". There are several bandages on his face to cover his face, only his eyes are exposed, and he wears a pocket on his head. The hat, with long yellow hair showing under the brim, a loose robe on the back, covered with dust and dust, obviously has not moved for a long time, like a mummy, it looks gloomy, mysterious and decadent!

Suddenly, the closed eyes of the demon were suddenly opened, and a powerful demonic energy emanated from the demon, the smoke and dust on his body were instantly swept away, and the entire "Tianyan Demon City" was also shaken.

"The battle of the holy devil is about to start again, my time... is running out!" A low and hoarse voice came from the mouth of the devil on the throne, and in the deep eyes like abyss, a fire of anger was burning, as if it was going to set the world on fire. .

He is the lord of Tianyan Demon City - he Hua Chanti, and the current demon lord of the Demon Race.

However, the demons in Tianyan Mocheng have nothing to do with the demons in the alien demon world, they belong to a race in another dimension.

As one of the three tribes in the Mirage and the Underworld, its traditions are very different from those of the people in the misery. Although they did not have the ambition to monopolize the misery at first, their behavior style is unscrupulous. The insight and utilization of the dark side of the human heart has made people believe in it since ancient times. Moral and righteous people look sideways.

Because of the conflict of ideas and interests, the Demon Race and the Human Race also often clashed. Later, under the instigation of the Li Family, the Demon Race and the Righteous Path of Distress detonated the first Holy Demon War!

The demons regard war as sacred, and although they are good at calculating people's hearts, once the battle is officially fought, they only tend to win on the battlefield, rather than through means outside the battlefield.

The unyielding fighting spirit, the eternal demon power, is the spiritual pillar for the continuation of the demon race. They firmly believe that they will continue to win in the war and let blood stain the earth. Only then can their children and grandchildren become the masters of this earth and have the best hope and future. .

However, in the first holy demon, the holy party represented by the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism fought with the demons and lost both sides, and finally ended in a draw!

In this regard, the Demon Race regards it as a great shame, because for the Demon Race, a draw is a failure. Although there are severe provocations and manipulations, the Demon Race, who should be invincible, was defeated by the opponent, and finally had to agree to the peace of the Holy Spirit. To accept the bondage of the Holy Demon Oath, this is humiliation to the arrogant Demon Race.

However, what made him even more angry was that when the devil father and the devil were going to sign a peace treaty, he was attacked by the people of the holy party, and he was seriously injured and fell!

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