For the entire Demon Race, this is unacceptable. For Hua Chanti, it adds more revenge to the murder of his father. In addition, the seal received by the Demon City has also been plotted by the people of the Holy Party. He was so deeply hated that he was so deeply hated by the Li Clan that he instigated and instigated, and he was also very hostile to the righteous path of suffering that was severely exploited.

However, at this time, his Hua Chanti's power has not been restored, and Tianyan Mocheng is also under seal, and more planning is needed to have a chance of winning.


Misery, above the wilderness.

The cold wind is blowing, the fallen leaves are falling, and it is a desolate scene!

Lin Feng came down with the seriously injured girl in love, Rong Huaguang. The girl in love, Rong, had fair skin, delicate facial features, graceful beauty, and was dressed in a red palace dress. There was a touch of indescribable extravagance in her evil charm, especially her eyes. Tong, like a Wang Qiushui, has a variety of styles, which can't help but be attracted.


"Why do you want to save me?" Rong, the girl who loves disaster, looked at Lin Feng suspiciously. Although she was rescued by him, she still remained vigilant.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I said earlier that the hardships are not as simple as you think. It seems that you didn't listen."

"When did you tell me... um!" Rong, the woman who loves disaster, suddenly paused and changed her words: "What is your relationship with Emperor Yuanxie?"

"As expected of the female seat of evil spirits, yes, Emperor Yuanxie is my avatar." Lin Feng did not hide it, then looked at the town not far ahead and said: "There is a Bo Qingguan not far ahead, it is the ancient times. Spiritual ground, it is good for your healing."

Rong, the girl who loves trouble, said unappreciatively, "You have already arrived, why didn't you save Tianchi?"

While speaking, a powerful aura emanated from Nu Rong's body, and the surrounding trees were uprooted in an instant, and the terrifying power made people shudder.

Lin Feng still looked calm, and was not shaken by the anger of the female Rong, and said indifferently: "Women, everyone is a smart person, this is the case, you don't need to bluff, not to mention that you are injured, even if you are a Buddhist. What can I do when my two bodies join forces.”

"It is true that I will not save Tianchi Jiye, but don't forget..." Lin Feng said with a slight pause, his eyes deepened, with unquestionable majesty: "I saved your life, This is a fact, no matter what my purpose is, you have to accept this love! Isn't it?"

Rong, the girl who loved disaster, was silent for a moment, and then snorted coldly, which was regarded as an approval of Lin Feng's words. .

Chapter [-] Bo Qing Pavilion 【For Collection】

Inside the thin love hall.

Business is booming, and customers are coming. On the stage directly in front of the hall, a woman in white clothes beats the snow flicking the pipa. The beautiful notes are ethereal and agile, as if people are in the mountains and rivers, their hearts are open, and their worries are relieved.

This woman's name is Yan Wushuang, she is the chief oiran of Bo Qing Guan, she is good at playing the pipa, she is gorgeous and has a good manner of speaking, and many of the young people in the audience are her admirers.

Boqing Pavilion is a famous place of Fengyue nearby. It was opened by Murongqing of Niyu tribe. In addition to the hall for people to drink and dance, there are eleven rooms named: God, Heaven, Earth, Spirit, Split, Rest, Ning, Between the clean, the birth, the extinction, and the waste.

Among them, there is a mysterious guest (the beginning of the sword) in the waste character room. The reason why it is so named is to help the beginning of the sword to investigate the "Bingjia Wujing". In addition, there is another hot spring bubble named "Xue Feiyan" in the museum. The bath room, coupled with the abundant spiritual energy here, whether it is a wealthy businessman Howard Johnson or a martial artist likes to stay here.

Such a good "three six seven" recipe naturally attracts people's covetousness, and some people fight and cause trouble, but Murong Qing is a congenital master, and the top congenital swordsman at the beginning of the sword is the backing, ordinary martial arts people can't ask for it It's cheap, after teaching some wicked guests a lesson, basically no one dares to make trouble in the Bo Qing Guan!

Qiu Bo and Shen Jian Ancient Court's Taiyuan Master Shao Duxing are also frequent visitors here, often drinking and chatting here, joking with each other.

Uncle Qiu is a good friend who walks alone, with a humorous and easy-going personality. He is a reclusive master with a chivalrous heart. He has a gentle and kind personality, likes broken thoughts, and occasionally speaks to the broom.

Traveling around the mountains and rivers for pleasure, he and Shao Duxing appeared together in Dong’a Tianxuan, guarding a living five-front Qitian formation. Judging from his appearance, he was in his [-]s or [-]s, with gray hair, dressed in silver-white cloth, and kept a low profile. The purple piping and a red mark between the eyebrows tell of the glorious past achievements. He has a long beard and neatly groomed bun shape, which is decorated with simple hairpins and long purple fringes. He often holds an old broom. But show a high-level demeanor.

Qiu Bo drank a glass of wine and said to Shao Duxing: "Old He, the rivers and lakes have not been peaceful recently, and the Nanwu Forest is very lively. I heard that the world's sealing knives have been scattered by the heavenly capital Luohu, and even the world-defeating Cangyu knife Wuji You have all become prisoners, and you have also participated in the battle to attack the capital of heaven, be careful to be settled by the autumn queen!"

"Come if you want, but it's just a battle, am I still afraid that he won't succeed." Shao Duxing has a hot temper. Although he knows that he is not Rahu's opponent, he is not afraid. People who practice martial arts are proud of themselves and die in battle. It is the fate of a martial artist, so why should you be afraid.

"I'm so old, but my temper is still so aggressive!" Qiu Bo said earnestly. He knew Shao Duxing's temperament. He was really afraid that this old friend would go to fight with Luo Huan. I will accompany this old bone to the end!

Uncle Qiu looks fifty or sixty years old, but he is actually a martial artist who has lived for hundreds of years. However, Uncle Qiu is still younger than Shao Duxing. It's just that Shao Duxing has a childlike face and a baby face that makes it difficult. Associate him with the hundreds of years old guy.

If it is only about appearance, some people believe that they are grandfathers and grandsons.

Shao Duxing heard the words and snorted coldly: "Are you preaching to me?"

"Don't dare, remind, just remind." Uncle Qiu saw Shao Duxing's displeased face, and he hurriedly asked a topic, "By the way, Old He, how is your family's Xiaoshou (big turtle) recently? Haven't seen it in a while!"

This trick has been tried and tested.

Sure enough, when Uncle Qiu mentioned Xiaoshou, Shao Duxing's expression instantly softened, and he said in a unique accent: "Xiaoshou is very good, he can eat and sleep, but he doesn't like to exercise, and he has gained weight recently!"

"That's He Lao, you dote on him too much!" Seeing that the atmosphere had calmed down, Qiu Bo started chattering and chatting again.

Not far from Shao Lonexing, there were two young men in the shape of Indian Asam sitting at a table. The ones in light yellow clothes were compassionate, they looked like they were in their early twenties, and they wore a yellow cloth wrapped around their heads. Hat, with red, white, and green feathers on the brim, a knife and a dagger hanging from the waist, rubies inlaid on the white handle, golden flow patterns, S-shaped gold guards, streamline lines engraved on the blade, scabbard like White rhino horn with gold band and ruby ​​accents.

The dagger is also a white hilt. The gold guard is carefully carved and set with two rubies. The dagger has streamlined lines, like a work of art.

Opposite him is a young man with a bow and arrow, named: Yi Yu!

The clothes and attire are basically the same as those of Mercy, except that they are mainly white, and the bows and arrows on the back are also very special. The grips are wrapped in black cloth. Decorated with purple-gold armor and inlaid with amethyst, it looks gorgeous and extraordinary.

The two of them have followed the unclothed teacher Yin for some time since then, and they are talking about where to go in the future.

Since the Tower of Ciguang left, they have become rootless duckweeds, but they have no regrets following Yin, the unclothed teacher.

In addition to these two tables in the hall, the two young people at the table closest to the stage are also more conspicuous.

The two young men, one with short purple hair, dressed in purple shirts, and carrying gorgeous long swords, looked a bit bohemian, like wanderers...  

The other person has long black hair, and there is a sad look between his brows, black hair is cold and handsome, he is upright, dressed in a khaki robe, and also carries a strange broad sword behind his back.

The purple-haired young man is called a young man with a pure heart, but he is the young master of the "Hundred Taoist City" - Guiguyan!

He appears to be frivolous and impetuous on the outside, but he is naive and enthusiastic.Because he didn't want to be restrained, he lingered in the Fengyue place, and he was very playful. He was all brothers in the world, and even the Lord of Lue City didn't take him seriously.

In the treacherous and ever-changing rivers and lakes, it is indeed naive, even ridiculous, to have a pure heart, but is it not respectable to have a pure heart?What about cute?

Guiguyan is such a person, his state of mind is as clear as water, and he treats himself and others kindly.

And the black-haired young man sitting at the same table with innocent heart is called - Lost Hero!

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