The melancholy and taciturn young swordsman on Tianjian Peak, who does not know his origin or where he belongs, has a strong style of conduct, a rigorous and upright personality, silently observes the development of the situation in the martial arts, constantly pursues his own truth, and asks different people what is the "path of justice". ”, exploring the true meaning of justice through the question and answer.

The two of them met by chance a few days ago. They had a fight because of some misunderstandings, and then staged a plot where they didn't know each other. The taciturn hero who lost his way became a warm and cheerful friend.

"When Xiao Lingzun saw Yuxiao in front of him, the silver lamp is too enchanting.

1.8 Who can hate the drunkenness in the song, the wine will not disappear after singing. "

Looking at Yan Wushuang on the stage, the love in Chizi's heart is undisguised. The reason why he often comes to Bo Qing Guan is mostly for Yan Wushuang.

In the sound of the pipa, a blue-feathered and yellow-headed parrot at the door suddenly called to the shopkeeper at the counter: "The guest is here! The guest is here!"

The shopkeeper of Boqingguan, Fu Changgui, has a square head, big ears and a blessed face. He upholds the management skills of making money with harmony and is well-informed. Facing all kinds of strange things in Boqingguan, he is always calm and very calm. The aunt (parrot) reminded me, and I quickly cheered up.

Although Aunt Du is a parrot, she is not an ordinary parrot, but a bird of the Boqingguan Town Hall.

Since Mrs. Oriole said she was a distinguished guest, she should not be neglected.

Fu Changgui looked at the door, and saw a man and a woman walking into the door, it was Lin Feng and the love and misfortune girl. .

Chapter [-] Murong Qing【For Collection】

Thin love house.

Lin Feng and Rong, the girl who loves misfortune, entered calmly. When they heard the words of Mrs. Oriole, the shopkeeper suddenly became careful. Mrs. Oriole has the ability to know people. Usually, if she called a guest once, it was a real guest, and if she called a guest twice, it meant the other party. Extremely difficult to mess with, but not malicious, and needs to be served with care.

"Two guest officers, please, do you want to stay in a restaurant or have dinner?" Fu Changgui asked with a pleasant face, but he was still bitter. Lin Feng and the girl who loves misfortune are both popular characters in today's martial arts. , He is responsible for inquiring about the information of the Jianghu for the boss behind the scenes. Naturally, he has some knowledge of the powerful people in the Jianghu. When Lin Feng and the love-calamity girl Rong walked into the door, he knew the identities of the two.

In this fashion, Fu Changgui did not know that the extinction realm had been broken by Yi Ying Shu and others, but he knew that characters like Rong and Lin Feng were troublemakers. People will fight against calculations, if one is bad, they will fight. If this is the case, I am afraid that Bo Qingguan will also be affected!

Although he very much hoped that Lin Feng and the love-calamity girl Rong would leave quickly, Fu Changgui did not dare to show any dissatisfaction. Instead, he was full of smiles and tried his best to serve him, because he knew that he could not afford to offend such a person. on.

Lin Feng walked into Boqing Pavilion, looked around in the hall for a week, and saw a few "acquaintances", such as Shao Duxing, they had also dealt with each other. , Lost Hero, Mercy and Yi Yu did not officially meet each other, but Lin Feng also knew their identities, but Lin Feng did not go to say hello, but said to the shopkeeper: "Open the two best private rooms first, bring Let's go!"

"Okay, guest, please come with me!" Fu Changgui humbly guided Lin Feng and the two of them.

The girl Rong who loves to harm the country is a disaster for the country and the people, and Lin Feng is also very tolerant. The two of them walked through the hall, which naturally attracted the attention of the people in the hall.

"It's Lin Feng, I didn't expect him to find it here. Is it a coincidence? Or is it intentional?!" He let go of his hands and followed the unclothed teacher Yin, and they knew a little about Lin Feng. A few days ago, they were ordered by the unclothed master Yin. Lin Feng was investigated, but little information was obtained.

Yi Yu gave life and said: "Isn't the woman next to Lin Feng the evil spirit woman? How could they be together? Could it be that Lin Feng reached some agreement with the evil spirit of the extinction realm?"

The two looked at each other. Although they didn't say it clearly, they had a tacit understanding and did not act on their own. After Lin Feng and the love-calamity girl Rong walked to the second floor, they got up and went to the Qing Dynasty, and reported the matter to the unclothed teacher Yin.

Shao Lonexing, Uncle Qiu, the lost hero, Chi Zixin also noticed Lin Feng and the girl who was in love, and they looked different.

Lin Feng walked up to the second floor with the girl of love and misfortune, looking at the names on the surrounding private rooms, the girl of love and misfortune asked: "Why are the names of these eleven rooms different from the others, between gods, between heaven, and earth Between, between extinction... Could it be derived from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching."

The rich, long and noble sneered and said: "The guest officials are indeed erudite and talented. The name of these eleven guest rooms is taken from the thirty-ninth chapter of the "Tao Te Ching". In the past, the one who obtained one, the sky obtained one to clear, and the earth obtained one to calm. God obtains one for spirit, grain obtains one for enrichment, all things obtain one for life, princes and kings obtain one to think that the world is right, and it is the same, saying that if the sky is not clear, it will be broken, if the earth is not peaceful, it will be ruined. If the spirit is not enough, the valley will be exhausted. If there is no life, everything will be destroyed. The princes and kings are not afraid of being smashed. Our boss named them with eleven characters. The suite. Except for the waste room, other rooms are fine.”

Rong, the love-calamity girl, wondered, "Why can't you be a waste?"

"From a long time ago, there was a regular tenant in the waste. Except for the owner, no one knows his identity and origin, and no one knows how long he has lived there. Please be considerate of the two guests." Facing Fu Changgui Love disaster girl Rong feels a lot of pressure, but she still does things without losing her mind.

Lin Feng naturally knew that the waste room lived at the beginning of the sword, but he didn't mean to be embarrassed, and said indifferently: "Then we will choose between the gods and the spirits."

Fu Changgui breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words: "I'll go handle it right away."

Rong, the girl who loves disaster, looked at Lin Feng and smiled: "This thin love hall is really special. I can't help but be full of spiritual energy, and the people are very interesting. I don't know what kind of person the master who made the rules is."

At this time, the love-calamity girl Rong was still injured, her face was pale, a little less strong, and a little more weak.

Lin Feng thought of Murongqing, and thoughtfully said, "The owner of the museum is a very casual and rigorous person, and he sings well. If you have the opportunity, you can listen to him sing a paragraph."

Fu Changgui quickly came over to arrange the rooms of Lin Feng and the girl who loved the disaster, and then hurried to the backyard to report to the behind-the-scenes boss Murongqing.

The backyard of Bo Qing Pavilion.

 In the ancient catastrophe of the Niyu clan, in order to save Murongqing, the first master and his wife poured power into his body. The young Murongqing was overwhelmed and lost his memory.

Later, he was adopted by Su Xianqing, a legend of the last days, and cultivated into the killer "Gu Yu" of the legend of the last days.

After Murongqing grew up, the Niyu clan awakened to their peaceful nature, and with the help of her friend Chou Weiyang, she used Adoni's power to restrain Su Xianqing's secret technique and escape from the apocalypse.

In the process of being chased and killed by the legend of the last days, Murongqing was rescued by the beginning of the sword, and the two became friends. The reason why Murongqing founded the Boqing Pavilion was to collect the information of the "Bingjia Wujing" and help the friend at the beginning of the sword.

"Do not have a heart but also a heart, watch the truth at ease, be ruthless, and drink in peace."

Murong Qing held a bird stick in his hand and fiddled with the bird in the cage. He looked at ease and at ease. However, he was in a bad mood recently, because a guy named Wuyi Shiyin came to the door. Although Wuyi Shiyin looked like Courteous, calm, and flawless in manners and conversations, but Murongqing is still keenly aware that this unclothed teacher Yin Bao has evil intentions.

This is a feeling, it is not clear what the truth is, but it does not prevent Murongqing from being wary of the unclothed teacher Yin.

Because Wuyi Shi Yin is the uncle of the beginning of the sword, Murongqing is not good to speak ill of Wu Yi Shi Yin in front of Jian Chu, so he can only be guarded secretly, he has a feeling that Wu Yi Shi Yin will definitely bring him trouble , big trouble, and he hates trouble!

Hearing a rush of 540 footsteps, Murongqing immediately knew that it was the arrival of the rich, long and noble, and there was an urgent matter, so she immediately said, "What's the matter?"

At this time, Fu Changgui just came to Murongqing's room and gave a respectful salute: "Master, two special guests have come to Boqing today."

"Well, who is it?" Hearing Fu Changgui's hurried tone, Murongqing put down the birdie stick and became more serious.

Fu Changgui replied, "It's Lin Feng, who has been in the limelight recently, and Rong, the woman who loves to destroy the realm."

"Lin Feng! Love ruins the girl Rong!" Murongqing frowned when she heard the words. Lin Feng and Wuyi Shi Yin had a grudge. He had learned from Jian Zhichu's mouth that it was probably no coincidence that Lin Feng came here at this time. , And the woman who loves disaster is the evil spirit woman. In this turbulent period, the two came together, this is not good news!

Murongqing pondered for a moment, then asked, "Did they mention anything?"

Fu Changgui thought for a while: "There's nothing special about it, but the two seem to have an extraordinary relationship... By the way!"

Fu Changgui recalled some details: "There is blood on the body of the girl who loves disaster, and she seems to be injured."

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